Now, they were shocked again.

With one punch, even the air was squeezed away, and the vacuum belt of the stroke was simply a legend in myth.

"It's okay, as long as you practice hard, you can do it in the future." Li Zhenwu shrugged and said casually.

"Li Zhenwu, you just said that this specter is just an evil spirit that the other side raised, so how can we find the caster?" Qin Yao frowned, a little puzzled.

You must know that the Specter just reared is already so powerful.

The strength of the caster may exceed the limit of everyone's response.

"Haha, I already knew he was there." Li Zhenwu smiled lightly, then turned and walked out of the villa.

The crowd followed, full of anticipation in their hearts.

You must know that although they are cultivators, it is the first time in their lives that they have seen Li Gui.

"That Specter, who specializes in devouring resentful souls to grow, the caster actually controlled Specter and imitated my methods. It seems that he understands me very well." After walking out of the villa, Li Zhenwu looked at the night sky and spoke lightly.

At this time, Qin Yao just came out, and when she heard this, she couldn't help but be stunned.

"That is the technique of raising ghosts in Southeast Asia. It is reported that raising ghosts is popular there, especially raising some little ghosts, which can make people's luck better. Some celebrities on Hong Kong Island are also involved." Qin Yao once heard it, and the senior family members mentioned this. Kind of evil.

"Yes, I've heard of it before." Ye Tian and the others nodded, saying they had heard of it.

But today, it was the first time I saw it.

"Hehe, raising ghosts is harmful to the heavens. At the same time as raising ghosts, ghosts will also absorb the caster's yang energy. If things go on like this, even their life expectancy will decrease.

Carrying his hands on his back, Li Zhenwu shook his head lightly.

In the previous life in the prehistoric world, it was difficult for the soul of the human race to evolve into a ghost.

Because the great powers of the Great Desolation are as numerous as the hair of a cow, the immortal energy and the yang energy can be called heaven defying.

But the earth is different. There is no spiritual energy here, and there are no powerful monks, so some unjust souls have the opportunity to evolve into ghosts.

"Let's go, I'll take you to Zhuxie."

Li Zhenwu waved his hand, took Qin Yao and others, and left the villa.

In the distance, Su Xiaoli had already dealt with the trouble, and suddenly came over, threatening to follow Li Zhenwu and bring the murderer to justice.

Chapter [-] Half-man, half-ghost!

Five high-profile luxury cars set off again.

Li Zhenwu was still sitting in a Lamborghini, which made Qin Yao's jealousy even more intense.

The Lamborghini gallops down the street, followed by four luxury cars. The scene is spectacular.

Fortunately, it was quiet at the moment and did not attract attention.

"Where are you going this time?" Sitting in the driver's seat, Su Xiaoli asked curiously.

At this moment, her sense of Li Zhenwu has completely changed, this young man is simply a strange person.

"Liang's big summer!"

Li Zhenwu's eyes were deep and he spoke lightly.

The invisible breath permeates the carriage, like a fairy, which makes people unable to see clearly.

Soon, the car came to Liang's Daxia, and the group got off the car.

Li Zhenwu raised his head, looked at the top floor of Daxia, and said lightly: "Some people died, but they were unwilling and wanted to do evil. It seems that I was too kind before."

While speaking, the pupils of his eyes glowed blue, and two beams flew out, submerging into the night sky.

"You killed Liang Jianhui and his son?" Su Xiaoli asked.

Although she knew that the murderer was the young man in front of her, for some reason, she trusted Li Zhenwu very much in her heart, and always felt that there was something hidden in it.

"Yes, those who commit my true martial arts will bear the consequences." Li Zhenwu did not hide it.

Immediately, he took the lead and walked towards Daxia.

This time, instead of flying, go through the security, open the glass door directly, and take the elevator up.

The atmosphere fell silent, and everyone felt depressed.

Invisibly, Da Xia was filled with a breath that made people feel uncomfortable.

"The caster is in Daxia. It seems that there are people in China who are colluding with evil forces outside the country." Qin Yao's face tightened and her tone was cold.

The Taoist Alliance in Huaxia has always been merciless to the evil forces outside the country.

Even Su Xiaoli has no opinion at this moment.

After all, she had seen with her own eyes that the so-called Specter would devour the souls of the injured after killing people.

This is very cruel, it makes people lose their souls, and there is no chance of reincarnation.

It is not difficult to imagine that if this evil monk grows up, it will definitely take countless lives to cultivate.


When the elevator reached the eighteenth floor, it suddenly stopped, and the elevator door opened strangely.

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