In the distance, under the attack of the tank army, the energy mask on Chi You's body shook violently, as if he could not bear it at any time.


At close range, the shells spewed out, the shock wave swept all around, and the rumbling sound hit Chi You's huge body.

Fire and gunpowder filled the air, and the air burst, overturning Chi You's entire body.

With a bang, Chi You stumbled, standing unsteadily, sitting on the ground and crushing a tank directly.

Chapter [-] Silver Knight!

The giant was knocked down?

This scene in Tokyo, passed to the eyes of the world, can't help but look shocked.

Being able to be overturned by tank shells proves that this monster is not invincible, but its power is so powerful that it cannot break through the defense temporarily.

The high-level officials of the island country were all very excited, and their eyes flashed with excitement.

"Kill, all fighter jets are dispatched, and the invaders must be left behind."

After leaving Tokyo, the prime minister of the island country waved his arms excitedly, shouted and shouted, his face full of excitement.

Even the other cabinet ministers showed smiles on their faces.

The fear that was suppressed in his heart was actually diluted a lot at this moment, making people see a glimmer of hope.

These existences are not invincible, and modern thermal weapons can still play some roles.


In Tokyo, Chi You was sitting on the ground, also stunned for a moment, and immediately became angry.

The dignified god, even several ghost repairers of the Yasukuni Shrine were swallowed by him at the beginning, but now he was so embarrassed by these ants, which made him extremely angry.


Immediately, Chi You bounced up and exploded with extreme speed, leaving an afterimage in the void, rushing towards the nearest tank, making everyone in the army unable to react.

too fast!

Exceeding the speed of sound, a tank was approached in an instant.


Chi You waved his big hand and slapped him in the past, red light appeared, coquettish and splendid, bursting out with vast power.

The next moment, the tank, weighing dozens of tons, was fanned out and exploded on the spot.

This space is filled with blood, and powerful energy fluctuations swept all around.

Chi You was angry, his eyes were cold, his black hair was flying, just standing there, he had the aura of looking down on the world.

Wu clan, under anger, the combat power will definitely soar.

I saw that Chi You kept walking, like a violent beast, under the collision of his body, he directly smashed the tank away.

This picture is astounding.

"Wizard's heart, the instinct of this race, the more angry, the more powerful the power displayed."

In the distance, Li Zhenwu stood up in the sky, watching indifferently.

He slowly vacated the sky, flew above the Tokyo Tower, stood proudly, and looked down at all beings in the world.

"Looks like the guests are here."

Speaking to himself, Li Zhenwu retracted his gaze and slowly looked at the end of the sky.

There, a white light galloped, and at a speed, it came in the blink of an eye.

"Devil's Punishment!"

A loud shout, containing the fluctuation of spiritual power, passed hundreds of miles, and exploded in everyone's soul.

Holy knights arrive.


The white light was blazing and turned into a dazzling spear, flying from a distance, aiming to stab the mad Chi You behind.

The spear glows like a dragon, and the divine light is thin and incomparably fiery, emitting a high-temperature distorted space.


Chi You turned around strongly, clenched his fists, roared, and blasted out.

When the two collided, the energy of this place boiled, and dozens of tanks around were instantly overturned. Within a kilometer, the tall buildings collapsed and turned into ruins.


The air vibrated, and the light in the sky converged, revealing the deity in the light.

It was a blond man in armor, riding a steed, sitting on a unicorn, wings on his back, and soaring in the sky.

The light radiated from the blond man, sacred and solemn, like a god descending, majestic.

On the ground below, a huge pit of [-] meters appeared.

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