It's a pity that this is growing fast, but it can't prove Hunyuan.

In other words, Daluo Jinxian's cultivation is already at the limit, and it is difficult to go further.

"Who are you? For hundreds of years, Dongfang has been under our surveillance. You are so powerful that you cannot appear overnight."

The holy knight's eyes were awe-inspiring, the dragon spear was raised, and he pointed at Li Zhenwu and shouted coldly.

"Who am I? You are not qualified to know. Even if God comes, you are not qualified to be arrogant in front of me." Li Zhenwu smiled lightly.


In religion, God is omnipotent, and no one can insult him.

Accompanied by the turbulent sound, the Holy Knight rode the unicorn, and rushed over with a rumbling sound, the momentum was fierce and forward.

Clearly, in the face of doctrine, these so-called guardians of the gods can lay down their lives and shed their blood.

"The heretics must die. This world is God's world."

With a cold drink, the holy knight had no fear in his eyes, the dragon spear was surrounded by flames, and the holy light filled the air, exuding a fiery temperature.


He raised his gun and stabbed, and with the help of the speed of the unicorn, he swept through the void as fast as lightning.

The surrounding air was pierced, forming a vacuum route, extending to Li Zhenwu's eyes and stabbing between his eyebrows.

I have to say that this Silver Knight is indeed powerful.

If faced with modern hot weapons, one person will definitely be able to one-on-one against a country, showing unrivaled power.

But unfortunately, he was facing Li Zhenwu.

"It's interesting. If the golden knight comes, I may have to spend some time, but you, it's really not enough to watch."

A faint voice sounded, and Li Zhenwu stood still, standing still, exuding a deep breath.

The next moment, his fist burst into a dazzling light, as if holding the sun, dazzling, and the surrounding light was as bright as day.

"Insulting God, even if the real immortals from the East come, they will be sent to hell."

The silver knight burst into a drink, and the spear tip exhaled divine light, which was extremely awe-inspiring and possessed unparalleled penetrating power.


At this moment, Li Zhenwu made his move, and his fist slammed out suddenly, wrapped in an invincible momentum, and moved forward.

His fists are unparalleled and possess the ultimate power, as if he can penetrate even the sky.

The fists collided, and the vast energy fluctuations swept all around.

At the center of the collision, an energy storm was formed, as if a nuclear bomb exploded, and a powerful shock wave ravaged the entire Tokyo city.


In the eyes of the whole world, it can be clearly seen.

A mushroom cloud rose up there, and the rays of light were splendid, reflecting the heavens, making people unable to open their eyes.

"Ah... God won't let you go, just wait. In the near future, the myth will be revived, and you Eastern cultivators will tremble again under the fear of the Eastern Expedition Army."

After an earth-shattering scream, followed by a voice of resentment, containing strong unwillingness.

"I am waiting!"

Li Zhenwu was still indifferent, his fist marks were unmatched, and the dragon spear of the holy knight was smashed to pieces. The power was undiminished, and even with the unicorn, under the vast power, it was torn apart.

The fist print dissipated, and the strong wind swept through, blowing the holy knight who turned into dust backwards.

Another punch?

In the live broadcast, you can't see the real scene inside.

However, in the military cameras of various countries, the pictures inside can still be vaguely captured.

One punch, or one punch, directly knocked the Holy Knight into the dust!

What a terrifying picture is this?

I have to say that the end of the Holy Knight made the whole world quiet.

"My God, can't even the divine guards of the Vatican be able to stop this devil's footsteps?"

"What? What will happen if he watches us?"

"My God, 0.0 please come down and protect your people!"

"Hua Xia, yes, Hua Xia, hurry up and contact Hua Xia, this demon is a cultivator of Hua Xia..."

Fear pervaded, NATO members panicked, and finally they thought of Huaxia's Alliance of Monks.

Immediately, the diplomats of the member states asked the senior officials of Huaxia to summon them, and their attitude was humble, like a grandson.

"Qin, do you know your country's history of the cultivator in Tokyo?"

After receiving these news, Qin Tiannan was also stunned.

However, when he wanted to contact Li Zhenwu, he found in horror that the communicator was destroyed.

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