At this moment, everyone at the foot of the mountain was completely stunned.

They don't know what's going on outside, but the sight in front of them is shocking enough.

As soon as the bell rang, the two Western creatures fell into a sluggishness in an instant, and their bodies were frozen in front of Li Zhenwu, completely losing their combat effectiveness.

"Is this what he was looking for?" Qin Yao couldn't help exclaiming, what kind of terrifying spiritual treasure was that?

Even Chi You's eyes became horrified.

That sound wave can be controlled, and if it attacks him, the condensed body of the Wu clan will probably shatter in an instant.

"Let's go!"

A faint voice came, and the invisible power was instantly restrained.

Athena and Gabriel moved and took a few steps back, their beautiful eyes widened and filled with disbelief.

Sitting cross-legged in the void, with just a single word, they could not resist, such power might be comparable to God.

However, after Li Zhenwu cast the spell, his face turned pale, and the power of Zhenwu in his body was almost dry.It's really Chaos Zhongwei's ability to defy the sky. He is the pinnacle of immortals. If he can display it, he is already very defiant.

You know, if it is replaced by any great supernatural power, or the arrival of the saints, it will be difficult to shake the original power of the Chaos Clock.

"You devil..." Gabriel's eyes were complicated, his teeth were clenched, and he couldn't say a word.

After all, just now, he was locked in the air and could not be free from life and death, but Li Zhenwu did not take action to kill him, which made Archangel Gabriel unable to react.

"The source of war..." Athena was equally complicated, and it was difficult to make a decision.

They were sent over by the God of Creation and the Son of God, and the purpose was to kill Li Zhenwu.

But, now it seems that this is simply impossible.

They already knew the power of the Chaos Clock very well. If Zhong Bo attacked just now, it would definitely turn into a pile of dust.

"What? Continue?" Li Zhenwu glanced at the two and said lightly.

In fact, his heart was bitter, and he underestimated the power of the Chaos Clock. No wonder all the saints were jealous of this treasure.

Now, the power of Zhenwu is almost dry, and it is not impossible to kill two people, but it will hurt the vitality.

In the face of the ancient world coming at any time, it is absolutely necessary to do it.

"I..." Athena blushed slightly, not knowing how to deal with it.

Li Zhenwu's eyes suddenly turned cold, he raised his hand and pointed forward, the Chaos Clock spun and slowly shrouded Athena and Gabriel.

"Don't resist if you don't want to die!"

Originally, Athena and Gabriel wanted to resist, but when they heard this, their delicate body trembled and became quiet.


The Chaos Bell fell, shrouded the two gods, and was absorbed into the star battle array in the Chaos Bell.

In an instant, the holy light disappeared and the flames went out.

All the visions in Wudang Mountain disappeared in an instant, returning to peace.

"Fortunately, this kind of mindless god is really easy to deal with."

Li Zhenwu breathed a sigh of relief and put a smile on his face again.

The Chaos Bell was recovered, and the goddess and angels were captured by the way. As long as he was trained well, it would be a great help in the future.

He has long seen clearly that to be dispatched to come, the aptitudes are all top-notch.

At this time, Li Zhenwu put away the Chaos Clock, stood up, and walked towards Qin Yao and others below.

"What baby is that?"

Qin Yao came up, her face flushed with excitement, and her eyes glowed even more.

"That's the Chaos Clock." Li Zhenwu didn't hide it, he said it directly.

Now, on this earth, he is really not afraid that someone will come to snatch it, and the chaos clock will be smashed into slag in minutes.


Suddenly, Qin Yao seemed to remember something, her pretty face tightened, and she said, "I don't know if it has something to do with the bell, but ordinary people around the world now have signs of evolution."

"Yes, Chaos Clock breaks the shackles of the earth. In this era, there will be a civilization of monasticism. You should inform your grandfather and let them better prepare!"

Li Zhenwu smiled lightly and said calmly.

Immediately, he turned around, took Chi You, and left.

Chapter [-] The Qin Family in Xi'an!

Under the fiery gazes of hundreds of cultivators including Lihuo Renren, the group set off again.

Before leaving, a group of white-haired old men, headed by Lihuo Renren, just wanted to kneel down and worship Li ~ Zhenwu as their teacher.

In the end, it was Qin Yao who came forward, and these old men were reluctant to give up.

These are small episodes.

In the middle of the night, the vehicle stopped in front of Qin's house.

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