Hearing this, Qin Yao's teeth were itching with hatred. Every time this guy speaks, it tickles people's appetites. It's really hateful.

Besides, why am I the only one in the world?

These words are not arrogant, they simply regard the world as nothing, but thinking about it carefully, it is really such a thing.

"Senior, what should we do then?" Qin Nantian handed over, and hope emerged in his heart.

As long as you open the mausoleum and find the hints inside, everything is easy to say.

"Hit in!"

Li Zhenwu smiled faintly, and his body was in the air again, and then he waved to the crowd: "Go away, so as not to be hurt."

Hearing this, everyone did not dare to stay, and suddenly there was wind under their feet, and they left the place quickly.

Not long after, when Qin Yao, Qin Nantian and others were standing on a distant mountain, Li Zhenwu 2.2 was also ready to start.

"The Mausoleum of the First Emperor, I don't know who left it, what hints are there?" His eyes flickered, and he was puzzled.

Immediately afterwards, Li Zhenwu's body radiated light again, and the blue light curled up and transpired from the body.


His arms shook violently, and the azure light condensed into a blue dragon, wrapping around his arms, exuding mysterious power.

The next moment, in the eyes of everyone in the distance.


Li Zhenwu swooped down, stretched his arms, clenched his five fingers into a fist, and hit the basin with a bang.

However, just when everyone opened their eyes wide and was extremely nervous.


Suddenly, ripples appeared in the void of the basin, and a black spot turned into a hole in the blink of an eye, directly engulfing Li Zhenwu.

Chapter [-] Another world!

When Li Zhenwu disappeared, the black hole healed quickly, and the void closed again, as if nothing had happened.

The mountain breeze is cool, the trees blowing rustling, and the world becomes lonely.


On the top of the mountain in the distance, Qin Yao, Qin Nantian and others were all dumbfounded.

"What's going on?" Qin Yao's tone trembled slightly, her eyes showing nervousness.

However, the incident happened so suddenly that no one could see it clearly. Li Zhenwu swooped down, and before his fists fell, the void opened the black hole and devoured it.

The situation is so strange, not to mention them, even Li Zhenwu may not know about it.


It was dark in front of him, followed by a bright light, Li Zhenwu's figure fell quickly, and he was about to fall to the ground, his figure twisted, and his feet slammed to the ground.

There was a loud bang, and a deep pit was smashed.

"What is this place?"

Li Zhenwu looked around and found that the surrounding white fog filled his eyes, blocking his eyesight within [-] feet.

Immediately, when I looked down, fine sand was flowing in the deep pit, and yellow dust fluttered in the wind.

Yellow sand?

Li Zhenwu's eyes narrowed slightly, and his expression showed a touch of solemnity, but his eyes were not flustered. 14

After retrieving the Chaos Bell from Wudang Mountain, he is very confident that even if Daluo Jinxian arrives, he will have the power to fight.

What's more, the mythical world has not been fully opened. According to what Athena said, they paid a great price for being able to come tough.

It is conceivable that unless the channel is completely formed, the higher the cultivation base, the more difficult it will be to descend.


The next moment, Li Zhenwu rose into the sky and jumped from the bottom of the pit to the ground.

No matter where he went, he had to figure out the situation first. At the edge of the pit, Li Zhenwu looked up, and it was really desolate.

The madness swept through, the wind and sand raged in the sky, and there was a thick white mist that filled the air, and it could suppress people's spiritual sense.

and many more……

Suddenly, Li Zhenwu was shocked, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he looked at the white mist around him in disbelief.

"This is spiritual energy, it's almost turning into a liquid?" Li Zhenwu stretched out his hand and stirred it, and the sea of ​​fog rolled violently, accompanied by the flying of yellow sand.

When the skin touches the mist, you can clearly feel that the spiritual energy penetrates into the body, travels along the blood, and nourishes the body.

This aura is too exaggerated.

Even in the prehistoric era, the spiritual energy is not necessarily so strong, unless there are some special places.

"Haha, just to help me break through the realm of immortals."

Li Zhenwu laughed, and regardless of the situation in this space, he walked straight into the void, preparing to practice.

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