Suddenly, a look of worry appeared in Qin Nantian's eyes, and he said solemnly: "The matter has not yet been determined, so we cannot draw a conclusion, but with the abilities of the predecessors, the dead door may not be able to do anything."

"And, let alone the magic bell that can ring around the world, it's obviously not something we need to worry about."

"Now that the gate of life has been opened, I am afraid it is the will of God in the shadows, but there is a line between life and death, this cyan channel, I don't know what happened, so you can think clearly about whether to enter or not."

As soon as the words fell, Qin Nantian jumped up and quickly headed towards the nine mountain peaks.

Regardless of whether the person behind him comes or not, as the head of the Qin family, he definitely needs to go in and figure out the family's mission.

For thousands of years, not to mention that the passage has been opened, and even the details of the Mausoleum of the First Emperor are not known. Now that the passage has been opened, there will be no more hesitation.

After landing on the top of the mountain, Qin Nantian looked down at the basin below with anticipation in his eyes.

Behind him, six figures chased after him and stood beside him, each with a firm gaze.

"Grandpa, it turns out to be a family mission. As a member of the Qin family, there is no reason to back down. You want to leave me alone." Qin Yao pouted and said nonchalantly.

"Yes, the old man underestimates us."

"As a member of the family, how can you back down?"

"Since I have a mission, I want to go in, and I will be fine. If I don't want us to go in, the First Emperor will not tell the ancestors before dying."

"In the past, there was no way to open the passage, but now that I can enter, I am afraid it is God's will."

Everyone opened their mouths, and their attitudes were very firm.

Of course, it would be a lie to say that you are not afraid.

But thinking of the records of the ancestors, since it was entrusted by the first emperor, he would definitely not let the Qin family go in and die.

"It makes sense. It seems that I was too cautious. Since that's the case, I'll go in and have a look." Qin Nantian also felt that it made sense, so he couldn't help but nod his head in agreement.

Immediately, the depressing atmosphere became much more relaxed.


Qin Nantian shouted loudly and ran down first, Qin Yao and others followed behind, whizzing through the mountains and forests.

Every one of them exudes a hazy energy, and the figure flashes. The surrounding leaves are flying all over the sky, and the dust is rising into the sky.

At this time, in the center of the basin, the cyan channel glowed with soft light.

When Qin Nantian and his party arrived, their eyes were firm and without any hesitation, they jumped in with a swoosh.


Towering ancient trees, picturesque and beautiful mountains and rivers, pleasant scenery, flowing streams, green jade and lush greenery, a primitive scene.

Under the canopy that covered the sky and the trunk surrounded by dozens of people, a few people stood together and looked very small.

Qin Yao widened her eyes and looked around, completely stunned.

"Is this an illusion or?" Qin Nantian's voice was hoarse, staring at the surroundings, his entire body stunned.

The other five Qin family youths were also shocked.

Entering the cyan channel, everyone only felt that the sight of a flower was gone, and people appeared here.

The surrounding scenery is simply the original nature, the fragrant fragrance fills the forest, making people feel relaxed and happy.

"It's not a hallucination!"

The exclamation sounded, and everyone turned to look, only to see Qin Yao squatting on the ground, picking off a gorgeous wild flower under the trunk, and sniffing it under the tip of her nose.

Floral, fragrant, and more natural than the best modern fragrances.

"It's not an illusion, and it shouldn't be a formation. Li Zhenwu said that this is the pattern of the nine palaces. It seems that we have really entered the mausoleum, and this world is the tomb of the first emperor."

Qin Yao stood up and pointed to the distance, with a very firm tone.

"A piece of the world as a mausoleum?" Qin Nantian was stunned.

However, when they thought that before the pre-Qin period, there were Qi practitioners and immortals who could open up a small world, what was the strength of the First Emperor?

Just when everyone was confused, there was a loud noise in the distance.

Immediately afterwards, the ground shook, the towering ancient trees shook, and the full-length world seemed to collapse at any time.


The next moment, a terrifying wave swept in and flew out all the trees.

Qin Yao's face was pale, Qin Nantian's eyes were gloomy, and the rest of them were full of despair.

Such terrifying energy fluctuations, their cultivation base is the highest innate peak, it is obviously impossible to dodge, there is only a dead end.


However, when the terrifying fluctuations approached, a cyan light suddenly bloomed on the bodies of several people, wrapping them like bubbles.

"This is?" The sudden change made people unable to react.

The cyan bubbles flew in the hurricane, just like the seeds of dandelion, they flew away with the wind and flew high into the sky.


Qin Nantian's eyes widened, looking at the ground below, he couldn't be confident.

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