It has to be said that as a branch of the ancestor Ming He's lineage, he does have some means.

Of course, this is relative to others.

For Li Zhenwu, it was still the same, his face was calm, as if he was not surprised at all.

"Sir, you have to think clearly. If I shoot, I will definitely return with blood." Tens of thousands of Moxes said in unison, with an incomparably awe-inspiring aura.

Countless blood-red clones have no body, each of which is his deity.

"There's a lot of nonsense. If you want to do it, you can do it." Li Zhenwu waved his hand with contempt.

In fact, the blood demon avatar is just a simplified version of the secret method of the blood god son of the ancestor of Ming He.

The power between the two is not at the same level at all, and Li Zhenwu's eyes can be entered there.

"If you are offended, I hope you don't take offense."

The voice fell, and thousands of blood-colored Mox, densely packed, rushed past.

This scene was captured by spy satellites in space and passed on to the high-level officials of various countries, shocking countless people.

Chapter [-] The Blood Demon Clone Dafa!

In the prehistoric era, Ancestor Ming He relied on the Blood God Child clone Dafa to traverse the sky and the ground. Among the powers of the same level, he was rarely an opponent.

As soon as the Blood God Child's clone came out, not only did the group attack terror, but even the means of life-saving were the best in the world.

With enough blood, the clones are endless.

Similarly, unless all the clones and the deity are imprisoned and burned with the fire of the avenue, as long as a drop of blood escapes, they can be resurrected again.

Called immortal.

Now, the principle of the blood demon identity Dafa performed by Mox is the same.

"Interesting, this is decent. I don't know how far your cultivation has reached. Although it is a simplified version, after you complete it, you will be invincible at the same level." Li Zhenwu nodded slightly.

Mox was stunned for a moment, and then sneered: "Master Zhenwu knows a lot about Ting, and he even knows the secrets of the blood clan. No wonder Master Cain worked so hard."

Although he was dissatisfied on the surface, his heart was already shocked beyond words.

How is this still playing?

He is the Duke of Blood Race, but he is not very clear about the Dafa of the Blood Demon Clone.

Otherwise, he would never have said such a middle-of-the-roader that he would never return without blood, it was just for bluffing.


Opening the bow without turning back the arrow, Mox roared and killed dozens of clones in front of him.


The power of the dozens of clones intertwined is comparable to the explosion of a small nuclear bomb, the air pressure is so terrifying, the sea surface in the area of ​​[-] meters is sunken, and huge waves of [-] meters are blasted.

The strange thing is that in the direction of Huaxia, the huge waves roll for a certain distance, and they will calm down quietly.

In the direction of Bangzi Country, the waves not only did not calm down, but gradually increased, one wave higher than the other, rushing towards the coastline overwhelmingly.

"Broken!" Li Zhenwu was not afraid, stepping on the void, not retreating but advancing.

He stretched out his arms, and the flames shot into the sky, wrapping his whole body, invincible.


Then there was a loud noise, and the fists covered with flames collided with countless blood demon clones. The power was surging and it was a mess.

Li Zhenwu is deep and the blood demon avatar is like a tiger entering a flock.


The fists opened and closed, with great momentum and incomparable fist marks. The rumbling sound shattered a blood-red clone and turned it into ashes.


The terrifying scream came to an abrupt end.

Immediately, endless screams sounded, floating above the ocean, which was horrifying.

"Kill!" Mox roared in the sky, his blond hair fluttering, awe-inspiring, and he attacked frantically.

So cruel!

Unexpectedly, Li Zhenwu was so powerful that he was not afraid of the evil spirit of his clone at all.

I have to say that Mox was terrified when this situation opened.

However, the avatar is still infinite, but it arouses pride, and self-esteem does not allow him to surrender and retreat.

"I'm from Mox's line under Cain's seat, how could I lose?" Mox shouted, his blond hair flying, imposing like a rainbow.

At the same time, the blood-colored clones in the sky were overwhelming, suppressing them.

At this moment, Li Zhenwu's figure appeared small and lonely in the monstrous blood.

The blood light bloomed, and it was dazzling. The entire sea area was reflected as magnificent as a ruby, crystal clear and translucent.

"It's your honor to lose in my hands"

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