The voice fell, and at the end of the sky, a black dot flickered a few times, and then disappeared completely.

At this time, those missiles came close.

"Hahaha, Lord Zhenwu said that he wants to make this small land disappear."

Facing the terrifying missile, Mox laughed wildly.

He opened his arms, and a splendid blood light appeared from his body, shining on the nine heavens and ten places, like a boundless sea of ​​blood, covering the area for ten miles.


The missile fell, hitting his body, and terrifying power erupted.

Immediately afterwards, dozens of missiles fell in a row, and the rumbling sound was endless.

The powerful shock wave blasted a deep pit hundreds of meters in the ground, and the nearest buildings and gardens were instantly razed to the ground, and the ground was in a mess.


In the temporary command room, Major General Peter exclaimed and his eyes widened.

Even the others blocked their breathing, they couldn't believe it, and a touch of joy gradually appeared on their faces.

"Ninety-eight missiles, all hit, even if they are gods, I am afraid they will disappear." Major General Peter sneered.

In the picture, it turned into a sea of ​​fire, raging, and dust rose to the sky, covering the sky.

It has to be said that the power of the missile is indeed powerful.

"That's right, even Huaxia's cultivators didn't dare to resist the missile explosion. If you want to come to the blood clan, they have been evaporated by the high temperature of the explosion." Officer Bangzi said flatteringly.

However, as soon as the words fell, the command room fell into a strange silence.

In the picture, in the raging fire, a faint red glow appeared, and immediately, blood burst into the sea, breaking through the sea of ​​​​fire, revealing the back of Mox's elegant demeanor.


Seeing this scene, everyone present was petrified.

Immediately, they trembled all over, and when they saw the blond young man in the picture, they slowly turned around and smiled at the picture.

That smile is very warm, gorgeous and warm.

But in their eyes, it makes people feel cold.

"He... is he staring at us?" The stick officer pointed at the display screen and screamed...

Hearing this, everyone present felt horrified.

"My God, what the hell is this?" Major General Peter screamed and waved his hand violently: "Send out, the air force cooperates, the ground force goes out, kill this demon, hurry up..."

Major General Peter roared loudly and gave the order to attack.

Others did not dare to delay, and quickly sent the order, but the fear in their hearts could not go away.


In front of the Blue House, hundreds of tanks opened fire, and under the cover of dense artillery shells, thousands of soldiers held firearms and bowed forward.

Most of these troops are from the country.

Only a small number of high-level executives, who are white Westerners, also have a sense of supervision.

"Are you here? I haven't seen so much blood in a long time."

Mox watched the approaching soldiers, facing the attack of bullets and cannonballs, his body gradually tore and shattered.

These soldiers hadn't had time to be happy, only to see a swarm of bats all over the sky, densely packed, covering the sky and covering the sun.


The nearest soldier screamed and fell, instantly turning into a mummified corpse.

The firearm in his hand did not stop, and when it fell, it shot towards the companion next to him.

"Damn, what kind of devil is this..." The voice came to an abrupt end, and the bat swarm swept in. On a soldier's neck, there were two more small holes made by fangs.

There are too many bats, like tigers in a flock, flying around thousands of soldiers.

bang bang bang...

Wherever they passed, all the soldiers turned into mummified corpses and fell to the ground one by one.

Some soldiers who were accidentally injured by bullets and shells shattered into pieces, covering the ground.

"Delicious, this delicious!"

Mox is like entering a realm of no one, and his body is transformed into a bat in the sky, coming and going like the wind.

The ground is in a mess, and the fallen mummies are almost piled up like a mountain.

This scene is as terrifying as hell, making the scalp numb.

In less than ten minutes, thousands of Bangguo soldiers had not survived, and fear permeated everyone's heart.

(The strongest emperor of all realms).

Chapter [-] Fear of the safe house!

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