At the same time, Zaibuzhan's figure was exposed and revealed.

At this moment, there is no more randomness in Zaibuzhan's eyes. Instead, he looks at the trio of Body Ninja Village, with killing intent in his eyes: "It's really three troublesome little devils! They have all kinds of strange abilities."

(Trust me, the main character is coming out soon!)

Chapter [-]: The Showdown Will Not Kill Again (Second)

Bai's Bloodstained Immortal Realm is Bing Dun, and Bing Dun is a combination of wind and water.

So in addition to the ice escape, Bai also mastered some wind escape ninjutsu and water escape ninjutsu.

At this moment, he is using the wind to blow away the mist in front of him, which can be regarded as cracking the technique of concealing the mist.

Zabuzhan appeared from the fog, his tall body revealed and came out, looking at the trio of Body Ninja Village, he said those words slowly.

"The hidden mouse has finally appeared."

Jun Malu stretched out his hands, and there were two more bone spurs in his hands, and said so.

"Rat?" When Zai Bu Zhan heard this, he smiled instead: "I don't know how high the sky is!"


A shadow flashed by, and behind the trio of Body Ninja Village, another one suddenly appeared.

"Separate, clone?" Naruto and the others were dazzled, and then they were surprised when they saw the extra slash.

"Pfft!" Compared with Naruto, Jun Malu turned around unexpectedly, and with an incomparable haste, the bone spur in his hand was ruthlessly inserted into the extra heart that was left behind.


From this heart of 'no more cuts', it was not 247 blood that flowed out, but sparse water.

"Just a body of water, do you think it can solve us?" Junmalu pulled out his own bone spurs, and with a bang, this body of water that would not be cut, suddenly scattered into a pool of water stains on the ground, and at the same time Junmalu was disdainful the way.

"Strength... not bad." No matter how silent, his water body is a clone with an entity differentiated by using the water injected with Chakra as a carrier. Although the strength is far less than the body, it is also stronger than the general Chunin. Much stronger!

But at this moment, it was simply smashed away by Junmalu with a single blow.

Zaibuzhan took a little more seriously, looked at the trio of Body Ninja Village, "Unexpectedly, I underestimated your strength..."

"Trust me, you underestimate, there is still more." Bai smiled softly and said so confidently.

"Really?" Zai Buzhan smiled lowly, and his figure suddenly moved.

His movements were as fast as a gust of wind.

At the same time, above the water pool on the roadside, it suddenly burst into flames, and there was another one who didn't cut it again.

Zabuzhan in the water was not aimed at the trio of body ninja village, but aimed at the only Jōnin in the team this time - Konoha copy ninja Kakashi!

Moreover, in addition to the water body, the body that is no longer cut is also coming towards Kakashi.

"Sure enough, it's me who needs to be solved first?" Kakashi was not surprised, the three hooks flashed in his eyes, and there was an extra kunai in his hand.

Ding Ding!

The big sword that was not slashing was already unsheathed, but it collided with Kakashi's Kuwu a few times.

Then, Kakashi decisively found a loophole, 'Puchi'!Violently inserted Kuwu into a body that would never cut water again.

"Wow!" Naruto cheered, but then panicked: "Kakashi-sensei! Be careful!"

It turned out that the 'main body', who would not cut it again, had already slashed Kakashi in the waist with a knife!

"Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto Sakura exclaimed, unable to accept that Kakashi was killed like this.

However, the 'Kakashi' who was cut in half had already turned into a water stain.

"Water body?" Zabuzhan's pupils shrank slightly, "As expected of the copy ninja Kakashi, in the moment just now, have you copied my water body?"

"Yeah, that's how it is." Kakashi's figure suddenly appeared behind Zabuzhan's back, and a handful of Kunai had already touched Zaibuzhan's neck, exuding a dazzling cold light: "You better not Disturbed."

"Mr. Kakashi!" Naruto Sakura said in surprise when she saw the twists and turns.

However, Zai Buzhan was held back by Kakashi's Kunai, but he remained calm and even smiled slightly. When he was about to say something, Ranmaru's faint voice came.

"No matter how much you don't cut it, it's still a clone!"

"What? This is also a counterfeit?" Naruto was surprised, and Kakashi was equally shocked. With a move of his hand, Kunai had wiped the neck of 'No More Cut', and then no cut in front of him, it turned into a pool of water!

Kakashi was vigilant, suddenly aware of the wind, turning his head to take a look, the real Zaibuzhi had appeared behind him!

Kakashi resisted in a hurry, but he was already kicked over by Zaibujian!

Kakashi, who responded hastily, was directly kicked away by this kick and landed in the water beside him.


Do not cut the already rapid action.

Kakashi emerged from the water, but it was difficult to break free, because he found that the water was not right: "Why is this water so heavy!"

"Haha!" Zaibuzhan had already come to the front, smiled lightly, and then his hands quickly formed a seal!

"Water Escape - Water Prison Technique!"

If he didn't stretch out a hand again, the water flowed in his hand, and it had turned into a water dungeon, imprisoning Kakashi in it!

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