At the same time, the strong force on the knife caused Junma Lu to take a few steps back.

"Stop? Stop it!" Naruto was surprised, then saw the whiteness of Junma Lu's body, and said in disbelief, "Bone, it's actually a bone!"

"This is Jun Ma Lu's bloodline boundary corpse vein." Bai said with a slight smile.

"According to the physique, the hardness of the bones that can be produced by the corpse bone veins is also different, and Junmalu's many years of training in the body ninja village have made his bones reach a terrifying level, so the defense of this move It's almost unbreakable."

Bai Ran's casual explanation was shocking.

"Okay, what a powerful Xueji limit!" Sasuke's pupils shrank, and he was amazed!

Jun Ma Lu stood firm, and the corner of his mouth turned to Zai Bu Zhan with a low smile: "Your sword... is not powerful enough!"

Before the words fell, Junma Lu had already moved!

His speed is as fast as a glimmer of light!In just a flash, he was approaching Zabuzhan again, and then there was a low voice from him.

"Bone Vein·Tsubaki Dance!"

The white hair fluttered and fluttered, Junmalu's face was grim, he wiped his right hand on his left, and he pulled out a bone knife from his left arm!

(The third update asks for automatic subscription!!! The next update is around twelve o'clock!)

Chapter [-] We are Ninja Village! (fourth more)

Under the horrified eyes of Naruto and the others, Junmalu drew a bone knife with his right hand from his left arm.

After that, Junma Lu Zhen was as low as he had drunk before, as if performing a dance.

It's just, more knife light, more murderous!

"Ding!" "Ding!"

Chun Zhiwu's bone knife and the beheading sword that will never be cut are constantly intertwined, showing the strong strength of the two without reservation.

"It's obviously not much older than me, but it has this kind of strength! To be able to fight so fiercely with the Jōnin like Zaibuzhan! Although it's just a clone, but!"

Sasuke clenched his fists tightly, his heart getting stronger and stronger.

Naruto looked at it enviously, but he thought that he would be stronger one day!

After that, Naruto turned his eyes and looked at Kakashi, who was still trapped in the water prison, and the fact that he was maintaining the water prison, but his eyes were also attracted by the battle between the water body and Junmalu.

"Sasuke!" Naruto whispered.

Sasuke turned around and looked at Naruto, but he almost understood what the other party meant.

After making eye contact for a moment, the two nodded together, and then moved suddenly!

"Ah, Sasuke, Naruto!" Haruno Sakura was surprised.

However, Sasuke and Naruto are left and right, heading for the body that will never be cut again!

"Wind Demon Shuriken!"

"Shadow Clone Technique!"

But at the same time, he used his own tricks, and at the same time attacked the body that would never cut.

A wind demon shuriken swirled away without slashing, and at the same time, more than a dozen Naruto were dazzling, and they also rushed forward!

"I know that taking this opportunity to rescue my teacher, the reaction speed is not bad." Bai watched and nodded quietly.

Then Bai turned his gaze to Junmalu, who was fighting against him again, and said, "Junmalu, don't play anymore, let's get rid of this shadow clone."

As soon as this statement came out, it suddenly surprised several people in the battle.

"Could it be that it wasn't Jun Malu's full strength just now?"

Kakashi was also surprised: "These ninjas in the ninja village... are incredible!"

"Haha." Jun Malu laughed loudly, and then suddenly whispered in his mouth: "Bone Vein - Dance of Zao Fern (Weak)!"

On the ground where the two of them were fighting, a few bone spurs suddenly appeared in this area!


One of them, which made the water that could not be slashed, stabbed directly into the body, and then turned into a pool of water and hit the ground.

At the same time, Naruto and Sasuke have also succeeded in one hit!Their disturbing attacks directly forced Zaibujian to deal with it by himself!

It is because of this that the hand that does not cut again leaves the water prison that he just set up to trap Kakashi!

Kakashi incited Chakra, 'Bang! 'A sound!The blue water prison has burst open!

Just after getting out of trouble, Kakashi immediately pulled out, came out of Kunai, and wiped off the body that was not slashed!

It was this blow that allowed Naruto and Sasuke to escape!

"Thank you for your hard work. Next, leave it to me!"

Kakashi said in the middle of his mouth that he already had a strong fighting spirit. In a writing wheel, three hook jade slowly spun!


When Hatake Kakashi's fighting intent was accumulating and his murderous aura continued to emerge, Shiro's voice suddenly interrupted him.

"I've requested it before, and I'm requesting it again now."

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