Dracula woke up from the practice, his face was moved, his eyes were red, and it was terrifying.

"Those guys are here." He whispered to himself, a hint of coldness raised at the corner of his mouth.

The arrival of the saints, although very low-key, but for powerful beings, they can feel this kind of breath, and they can't hide it at all.

It's just that Dracula knew that since he could sense it, the Lord Zhenwu, who was far in the east, should be the same.

"It seems that the good show is about to start. Why hasn't the idiot of God come yet?" Shaking his head, Dracula laughed at himself, then closed his eyes and continued to practice.

The outside world is still calm, and it has not been affected in the slightest by the coming of the gods.

At this time, the Yanjing Military Region was also holding a banquet.

In the villa, Li Zhenwu's tightly closed eyes suddenly opened, and the pupil beam shot out, which was very terrifying.

"Are you going to prepare for war?" He lowered his head and said to himself, a faint smile on his face.

The arrival of the gods declares that the world is also changing. The spiritual energy once withered, but now it can clearly sense growth.

"The three hundred monks seem to be well prepared."

Li Zhenwu stood up, stepped out, and disappeared into the villa.

In Yanjing's cafeteria, a banquet is being held here, and even the volcano giants are participating.

In the face of the prosperity of human society, this innate inspiration, if not following Li Zhenwu, he may not be accepted by human beings.

At the banquet scene, the atmosphere was high, and everyone got carried away.

The three captains of Chu Tianjun were surrounded by a bunch of old guys. The core executives of Hua 540 Xia had high hopes for them.

The volcano giant, also surrounded by several old men of the Academy of Sciences, has a strong interest in his creatures, and hopes that he can participate in scientific research and development.


Suddenly, the volcano giant looked dull, turned his head slowly, and looked at the entrance of the banquet.

Seeing this scene, everyone was surprised and looked over.

Seeing the entrance of the banquet, Li Zhenwu walked in with his hands on his back, and looked around with interest.

"Mr. Zhenwu."

"Master Zhenwu?"


All kinds of different names, one after another, but they all contain inexplicable surprises.

You must know that Li Zhenwu rejected the excitement of the big guy at first. He didn't expect that he would appear here, which is surprising and curious at the same time.

Qin Nantian raised his glass and immediately reacted, and immediately stepped forward to greet him: "Sir, why are you here?"

The other four, not far behind, stepped forward to say hello.


Three hundred soldiers respect this young man from the bottom of his heart.

"Come over here."

Li Zhenwu nodded slightly, pointed his finger at Qin Nantian's five Chinese bosses, smiled lightly, and then walked aside.

Chapter [-] Go to the world of gods!

The banquet continues, but the atmosphere has changed.

Although everyone was still having fun, their eyes were involuntarily aimed at the boy.

Qin Nantian also forgot his etiquette when the five people arrived, and just said hello sincerely.

"You should know that I once said that when the war comes, a monk army will be built for China. Now, I am ready."

In the face of the five people, Li Zhenwu did not hide it, and clearly informed them that the Western gods had arrived, so they should prepare early.

The twelve main gods have descended, and the king of Zeus is among them. The power of these eleven gods can destroy the world.

Appearing at the same moment now, with the same purpose, all for Li Zhenwu.

They were already mentally prepared for this, but at this moment, they were still shocked.

You know, that is a god, and there is a god king among them, an ordinary army, which has no effect at all.

"Sir, what should we do?" Qin Nantian couldn't help but ask.

If the Huaxia army faces the gods, no need to imagine, everyone knows the result.

It was definitely meat buns beating dogs, there was no return.

Therefore, their concern is not the coalition of various countries, but the power of the gods beyond nature.

"The power of the gods, I can solve it, but the coalition of mortals and the process of unification are up to you." Li Zhenwu said, revealing his strong self-confidence.

Hearing this, several people breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, in the face of the gods, even if you are mentally prepared, you will inevitably feel a little uneasy.

"These three hundred people, I will take them away tonight. You can move in the army, go ahead and do it. As long as tonight is over, these people will be the strength to resist the army of gods."

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