As for where it came from and why it came to earth, Li Zhenwu didn't bother to pay attention to it, he didn't pay attention to it at all, he only cared about what he cared about.

"It's here, let's break through the realm of Earth Immortal here!"

After walking in the void for a long time, Li Zhenwu stopped, looked at the magnificent palace building in the distance, and couldn't help laughing.

The source of the spiritual energy of this planet is the center of the palace. The role of spiritual energy can delay the aging of all things, and can also reduce the baptism of 14 years.

Since these gods pay attention to appearance, they naturally hope that the palace will last forever.


Li Zhenwu landed slowly, without alerting a guard, he quietly appeared in front of a palace tens of thousands of meters high.

Compared to his, this palace is huge, like a mountain, standing in it.

The palaces here are endless, resplendent and magnificent.


Li Zhenwu looked up at the gate of the palace, frowned suddenly, and said to himself, "Why does it feel like a room? Could it be that the source of the spiritual energy of this planet is monopolized by a so-called god?"

As soon as he thought of this, he laughed, no matter who had monopolized it, this time it came, it belonged to him.

There is a gap in the gate of the palace, which can accommodate one person. It is dark inside, and the whole body is made of unknown metal.

The ground was crystal clear with a mysterious luster, apparently paved with a kind of icy stone, exuding bursts of piercing cold air.

However, with the strength of Li Zhenwu's physique, he was not afraid at all.

At this moment, I only felt that the rich spiritual energy was almost turned into substance, and it was everywhere, spitting out from the dilated pores.

"The source of spiritual energy, unfortunately, the earth is very strange, and even I can't find the source of spiritual energy."

Crossing the gate of the palace, Li Zhenwu was as small as an ant.

At the end of the plain, there is a tall golden silk couch of several hundred meters, surrounded by living furniture and the like.

This room, at least as huge as a prosperous county town on Earth, is amazing.

"Huh? Since the source of spiritual energy is at a low level?"

Suddenly, Li Zhenwu was astonished, and when he looked there, he saw a strong spiritual energy, like a thin mist, slowly drifting out, filling the surroundings.

At this moment, the room was cloudy and misty, with a dense aura, with a faint fragrance.

Li Zhenwu was stunned. He didn't expect the kingdom of gods to have such a strange sight.

However, building a room near the source of spiritual energy, I don't know who came up with it, is simply a waste.


Li Zhenwu took one step and came to the vicinity of the source of spiritual energy. The pores of his whole body were relaxed, and his body emitted a pleasant instinct.

"Okay, just practice here!" His eyes flashed, and he no longer hesitated, sitting cross-legged on the ground, running the way of true martial arts.

The way of true martial arts, which integrates all things and turns into ten thousand ways, can evolve into thousands of worlds, and it can also evolve the rhythm of Taoism in the heavens and the world.

Originally, after Li Zhen Wubing was reborn, his true spirit remained unchanged and his realm remained.

However, the original soul and physique were too weak to exert one-billionth of the strength of the previous life.

But this strength, in the eyes of other creatures, is unfathomable.

Just as Chu Tianjun and others felt, the vastness was like a starry sky, and the abyss was like hell. Every movement and stillness showed an invincible strength.

In the realm of human beings and immortals, Mox, who can suppress the strength of earth immortals with one hand.

In the same way, when it is limited to the day after tomorrow, he will also play with the immortals between the palms and fingers, that is to say, under his existing cultivation, his true strength has never been revealed.


The majestic and endless source of spiritual energy was pulled by an invisible force and gradually approached Li Zhenwu.

At this moment, the heaven and the earth shook, and the light of the palace here seemed to dim in an instant.

Outside, the colorful and splendid sky has also undergone a mutation. The rich energy quickly thinned out, as if most of it disappeared in an instant.

Li Zhenwu was sitting cross-legged on the ground, his treasured image was solemn, and the green lotus mark on his forehead was also beating rapidly.


The pulling force was surging, and the source of spiritual energy could not resist, Li Zhenwu opened his mouth and swallowed it fiercely.

In an instant, this piece of heaven and earth shook, and the palace complex trembled, as if encountering an eighteenth magnitude earthquake, and all the buildings were crumbling.

In the main hall 437, the purple-haired woman sitting on the throne, with her delicate face, changed dramatically in an instant.

"this is my room!"

She screamed, felt the location of the epicenter, and suddenly exclaimed.

At the same time, several figures with strong aura rushed into the hall, and everyone was on alert, holding weapons to prevent intruders from attacking.

"Princess, it is not advisable to stay here for a long time, we will take you away, and then go to find out the truth." A blond strong man with thick blond hair, like a furious lion, respectfully saluted the purple-haired woman at this time.

The purple-haired female princess, her beautiful eyes flashed with surprise, she immediately calmed down, and a thought rose in her heart.

The source of spiritual energy has changed, is that caused by the oriental cultivator?

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