Do not cut three sides to be the enemy again!There were Ranmaru and Junmalu on both sides in front of him, and Shiro suddenly appeared behind him.

Bai appeared behind him, but he made a mark with one hand, and spit out the name of the surgery.


A water stain appeared in the air, and it turned into bits and pieces.

"Ice escape!" Bai made a seal again, and suddenly, countless water droplets in the air had solidified, and the changes became thousands of ice-condensed books!

next moment!White's hand waved!

The densely packed ice-shaped thousands of books have been smashed and slashed away!

Qianben is almost shrouded in all the angles and directions of Zaibuzhan's body, but only reserved forehead direction except Ranmaru and Junmalu's attack.

"Ding!" "Ding!" "Ding!" "Ding!" "Ding!" "Ding!"

The decapitating sword that never slashed swung around him like a whirlwind. While blocking the attacks of Ranmaru and Junmaro, the ice-shaped Senbon was swept to the ground by him again like rain.

"What a terrifying sword technique!" Sasuke muttered in the appearance battle.

"Under such circumstances, he blocked all the attacks. Is this the strength of Joinin?" Naruto looked solemn.

"No, he didn't stop them all!"

Kakashi added, looking at the field firmly, and then said: "Look at his back! There is a defensive corner here, and I have already hit many thousands of ice books!"

When Naruto Sasuke heard the words, he saw that there were nearly a dozen ice books behind Zabuzhan.

"Li, awesome!" Naruto sighed.

In front of them, the cooperation between the three groups of body ninja village can be called tacit understanding, as if after a thousand trials, every attack is not superfluous!Every attack can be perfectly matched to your teammates!

"Ah! You can actually hit me with ninjutsu!"

Zaibuzhan suddenly roared, a little excited, and his movements were fierce, and the big knife in his hand flew.

In an instant, the three of the body ninja village were forced back a little.

"Silent Murder!"

With a low shout, the figure who was not slashing suddenly accelerated and disappeared in place in an instant.

"It's gone!" Haruno Sakura couldn't help saying aloud as she watched.

The silent killing technique of Zaibuzhi is not just as simple as hiding and killing the opponent.

To be more precise, this is like a set of techniques that combines swordsmanship, body technique, and concealment.

Therefore, Zaibuzhan, who has performed the silent killing technique, is not only a hidden figure, but also a super-fast speed that can achieve 'silent and silent'!

"Kunmaru, be careful to your right!"

Suddenly, Ranmaru reminded loudly!

For a moment, Jun Malu didn't even think about it, and half of his body had grown a few bones in vain.


The big sword that didn't slash any longer had been swung fiercely, and with a loud bang, Jun Malu, who was unprepared to resist, was knocked out by a strong force!

"Trouble-talking kid, let's deal with you first!"

No more slashing, but no effect, his eyes turned to Lan Wan, with cold killing intent.

Chapter [-] Lan Wan's Afterimage Fist! (Second more)

No longer did he perform the 'Silent Killing Technique', and his speed skyrocketed. It was originally a surprise attack on Junma Lu.

However, with Ranmaru's reminder, it was not a single blow. He just knocked Junma Lu out, and then turned to Ranmaru without slashing his eyes with icy killing intent.

"Speaking little devil, it seems that you are going to die first!"

If he doesn't cut his eyes, he has already moved all the killing intent, and he is determined to deal with Lan Wan, who has seen through his various concealment techniques many times.

"It's not that easy to deal with Lan Wan!"

However, at this moment, Bai sneered, and then said to Lan Wan: "Lan Wan, take off the restraint and release all your power!"

"What? And restraints?"

Outside the ice mirror, I could see clearly inside, and I could hear the sound, but Kakashi was a little shaken even when he heard Bai's words, let alone Naruto.

"Ranmaru, who is already so strong... still hasn't shown his full strength?"

Ranmaru, who is younger than Naruto Sasuke Sakura in terms of appearance, body, and real age, listened to Shiro's words and nodded, then stretched out her hand and pressed each other's hands and feet. .

Then, from his hands and feet, Ranmaru took a few pieces and threw them on the ground.

Bang 717!

These seemingly thin pieces fell to the ground, but they made a dull sound like a heavy object falling to the ground!Even the ground trembled slightly.

"This is...?" Konoha Elite Joinin, Hatake Kakashi vaguely felt that this scene was a little familiar...

"Lanmaru has been extremely weak since he was a child because of the problem of red eyes." Bai suddenly said, and everyone couldn't help but listen: "So in the village, his physical training is the most insane, and the exercise he has formulated is the most insane. There are also more tasks, day after day, year after year, just to make up for the lack of his body caused by 'red eye' before."

"However, one year has passed." Bai Zai said indifferently: "Lan Wan's physical strength has quietly become the strongest among us."

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