The volcano giant looked solemn, waved his hand, and threw everyone in the palm of his hand.

Immediately, one after another divine light shot into the sky, more than [-] people, running the infuriating energy in their bodies, suspended in the void, the rays of light were splendid and dazzling.

However, their faces were pale, their infuriating energy was extremely unstable, and even the suspended void was shaking, and it seemed that they would fall down at any time.

The lineup of cultivators was messy, and it seemed that they were struggling to fly.

Seeing this, the twenty-two-winged angel Lucifer sneered: "It turns out that it was just the end of the shot. Since you are looking for death, let's send you to hell to repent!"

As he spoke, he was about to attack, killing more than [-] people on the spot in one fell swoop.

"When you form a battle, you will give Lao Tzu [-] points of energy."

The volcanic giant roared in the sky, his huge body was full of oppression, his voice was like thunder 14 rumbling, and the momentum was very scary.


More than three hundred people looked shocked, and shouted in unison, the momentum was shocking.


Immediately, one by one squeezed the last True Qi, maintaining the Killing God Formation. Countless energies were intertwined, mysterious and complicated, and a huge formation was formed in an instant.

The position where everyone is standing has a unique qi node, linking the energy of more than [-] people, which is very explosive.

At the same time, after the formation of the Killing God Array, everyone's spirit was instantly shocked.

They felt that the dry body was like the nectar of a long drought, and both inside and outside, the whole body was warm and comfortable.

"This is?" Chu Tianjun's eyes narrowed slightly, feeling unbelievable.

You must know that everyone fleeing from the Holy City has always been individual-based, and did not form a formation, because they were afraid that the energy consumption would be too large.

But now after the formation, everyone had only a little energy left, but the superposition at this time made people feel tired before.

"I understand that when I was in the Holy City before, the potential that burst at the last minute was not comparable at all. That is to say, those of us, for some reason, can invisibly resonate."

The volcano giant shouted with excitement on his face: "Even as an individual, as long as the goals are the same and the thoughts in the heart are the same, a resonance can be formed, which is comparable to the combination of the formations."

"Yes, if there is another blessing from the Killing God Array, even a single spark can start a prairie fire!" Ye Tian and Hu Ming spoke at the same time, and both figured out the key.

"In that case, let's fight again, brothers, our hope is here."

Chu Tianjun clenched his fists tightly, a red lotus blossomed between his eyebrows, like a burning flame, a mysterious aura, transpired.

Seeing this scene, everyone responded one after another, more than [-] people, the lotus blossoms between the eyebrows.

In the realm of human beings and immortals, the white lotus is in full bloom!

The power of the earth immortal, the red lotus is coquettish!

And the true immortal of the volcano giant, the red lotus is like blood, blooming on the forehead, swaying with the wind, as if to be free from the bondage between the eyebrows and to manifest.

A blossoming lotus flower, all kinds of rays of light soar to the sky, colorful and dazzling.


At this moment, the formation of more than [-] people combined, they couldn't help it, they stepped on the mysterious position, intertwined with the colors, and formed a huge lotus flower in the void.

This lotus is made of energy intertwined. The lotus leaves are snow-white, the lotus heart is like a raging flame, and the lotus seeds are red as blood, which is very magical.


When Lucifer in the distance saw this, this thought arose in his heart.

The lines on the lotus are mysterious and complicated, but they are gorgeous, like the most perfect artwork, which is fascinating.

However, he still restrained his mind, put his hands together, and chanted in a low voice: "Almighty Lord, please grant me pure power to destroy these demons!"

Strong because of loyalty.

Even in battle, pray to God.

Immediately, a surging holy light burst out from Lucifer's body, and the holy light rose up, containing the power to purify everything in the world.

"Almighty Lord, please destroy the demon in front of you!"

With Lucifer's loud roar, the holy light rose, turned into a vast ocean, covered the sky and covered the earth, and swept away towards the cultivators ahead.


The ocean formed by the interweaving of divine energy is like a giant wave, and wherever it passes, the void trembles, and it almost collapses and shatters.

This power is terrifying!

A blow that is enough to have the pinnacle of the true immortal, the world will change color, and it is extremely terrifying!

In the face of this devastating force, the volcano giant was stunned, shocked and angry, and immediately desperately urged the energy of the formation to collide with it head-on.


Everyone knows that there is no way to back down at this time, and can only fight to the death.


The splendid lotus flower bloomed in an instant, and began to rotate with the infusion of all the energy of the crowd.

At this moment, the world is silent!

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