When the king of God was angry, many star fields were destroyed. Even if the earth space was blessed by the Chaos Bell, it was difficult to stop these visions from happening.


A bolt of lightning fell from the sky and smashed down at the foot of the mountain. The power was terrifying, and the ground formed a deep pit.

There, a charred corpse fell silently.

Until his death, the guardian of the mountain did not know why Zeus wanted to shoot him.

"The information is wrong, and I will fall into the trap of the cultivators. I will die." The Water God said coldly, looking away from the foot of the mountain.

Opposite, Mox looked abusive and felt a toothache.

Is this showing prestige in front of the blood clan?

Dracula smiled lightly, was personable, and said softly: "There is no reason, and you are not qualified to know the inside story."

When the voice fell, the expressions of the gods changed drastically, and they felt insulted.

"What a big tone. When the blood race came to this universe, do you remember the scene of being chased and killed by us to the sky?" Vulcan couldn't bear it, and shouted loudly.

"Fart, if you didn't disrupt the passage, all my blood clan troops would come and kill you like pigs and dogs." Mox retorted angrily.

It was the dark age of blood ancestors, hunted by the gods, and embarrassed like a lost dog.

It can be said that even without the existence of Li Zhenwu, the blood clan, God and others would have long forged a bloody feud.

"Then there is nothing to say!" The Water God replied coldly.

The voice fell, the divine light was soaring to the sky, and the gods' eyes were cold and stern, and they were all ready to take action at any time.

So many gods took action, the breath was terrifying, and the creatures in the world were shocked, trembling all over, and fear rose in their hearts.

Mox sneered, Dracula was indifferent, and the butler stood silently by the side, as if he was out of the way.

"Earth space is suppressed, you and I can't exert your strength, and if you fight, no one will benefit." At this time, God King Zeus opened his mouth and said slowly.

As soon as this statement came out, there was a soft attitude.

It's really that the earth is so weird that Zeus was uneasy and didn't dare to act rashly.

However, as Zeus' voice fell, an invisible wave descended from this world.


Near the mountain, the vision disappeared, as if the bondage was released, making everyone present feel a burst of joy from the heart.

The suppression of space disappeared?

The gods were sluggish, and even the God King Zeus was unbelievable.

What does it mean?

There are no excuses, there is no restraint now, everyone present can exert their strength to the extreme, which can be said to be very powerful.

"Okay..." God King Zeus gritted his teeth, his face extremely hideous.

He felt quite humiliated. He was talking about the space issue just now, but in a blink of an eye, that restraint disappeared.

Is this for?

I have to say that all the gods present felt incredible.

At this moment, in the dark, they felt a supreme power that was manipulating everything in this world.

And these gods, in the eyes of this existence, do not seem to be worthy of attention.

"As you wish, Young Master still has this kind of tolerance."

In the Yanjing Military Region, Li Zhenwu, who has been paying attention to the situation of Shenshan, suddenly smiled and said to himself, looking calm.

At the same time, he pinched the mark, the Chaos Clock shook, and huge stars emerged from the wall of the clock and spun around the heavens and the earth.

Each of these stars is as huge as a thousand-mile island, suspended in the void, spread over the entire planet, and appear everywhere.

When they operate, the heaven and the earth produce mysterious runes, and countless magnetic fields are changed, making all living beings think that they have fallen into the boundless universe.

"My God, this is a real star!"

"What did I see, how could it be so strange, where did these stars come from?"

On the Internet, it suddenly exploded.

People all over the world are discussing one after another. Almost every city has a star floating up and down, just like an alien civilization, it is very magical.

Scientists from all over the world are exploring with advanced instruments.

In the end, including the Huaxia region, the whole world watched, and countless people were shocked. The results obtained were shocking and inexplicable.

"This is a real star, but for some reason, the area of ​​these stars does not seem to be huge, but it is so real."

The Federal MS Space Research Organization sent a message for the first time, confirming that the sky was abnormal and not a hallucination.

The huge stars all over the earth, all of them real, have their own unique gravity and core, which terrified the heads of state.

Stars are like balloons floating up and down, with heights and bottoms, and the tallest one is almost above the atmosphere.

And the lowest, suspended directly above the city, obscuring the sky, the scene is very spectacular.

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