"The coalition is a man of human beings, and cannot fail. The stupidity of the gods has led to the civil war on earth, and is the mastermind behind the confusion that leads us to destruction."

"They want to step down China and send the people there to hell, and neither children nor women will be spared."

"Some people resisted, but it was useless, because that was the meaning of the gods."

"The gods we have always admired, the omnipotent gods, the gods of peace, and now, they have ordered us to take action against women and children, even the elderly."

"This is the earth. When the world evolves, everyone can evolve, and everyone has supernatural powers. We should not spend our lives in civil war, but unite, walk out of the starry sky, and yearn for the vast universe..."

"Huaxia is not our enemy. On the contrary, it is the pillar of our humanity. From the ancient and barbaric era, it has always been at the top of the evolutionary road, exploring the unknown future for the life of the earth."

It has to be said that this senior executive of the Western Alliance Army is very well prepared.

The speech was broadcast live all over the world, and countless people paid attention to it. They lowered their posture on the spot. We must take Huaxia as the leader and jointly usher in the new era.

At the same time, the high-level executive told the world that the origin of the god of blood is also related to Huaxia, so Huaxia is not the enemy of mankind, on the contrary, it is the guiding light of mankind.

"Here, on behalf of the Western Nations Alliance, I express regret and remorse for the thousands of troops sent. At the same time, in order to show sincerity, Western countries will no longer have troops, and all administrative matters will be determined by Huaxia."

As soon as this statement came out, the whole world was shocked.

Outside the Vatican, countless believers were crying, and the gods and believers of God organized a huge procession to oppose the decision of the high-ranking person.

In their eyes, the gods and God, no matter what they do, are right.

If it's wrong, it must be the world's fault first.

"I now ask all believers, when you can get the power of gods, do you still need to believe in gods?"

"That is a gift from God and the gods. Only loyal people can become 1.9 stronger." Some believers retorted, causing onlookers to laugh.

"It is global evolution now. The energy density of the earth can satisfy billions of people to break through the limits of the human body. Do we still need the charity of the gods?"

Yes, for independent thinkers.

Pleading with God and spirits, even with supernatural power, is no doubt as humble as giving alms.

The continuous questioning caused countless believers to fall into silence.

"A cultivator does not believe in heaven or earth, but can possess supernatural powers. That does not require belief, but requires belief, a belief to fight against heaven."

According to the script of the speech prepared by Mox, the high-ranking member of the coalition said loudly.

Chapter [-] The invincible existence under the stars!

The voice of the high-ranking member of the Allied Forces was very loud. Facing the live broadcast, his face was solemn, with a hint of holiness, and he was very serious.

When giving a speech, he waved his hands vigorously in order to increase the impassion.

Of course, the effect is also surprisingly good.

The reporters at the scene were silent, the people watching the live broadcast were silent, and most of the believers who marched and protested were silent.

Even the high-level leaders of the main battles in the Western countries are now silent.

He asked himself, who doesn't want to be high above, since there is a chance to evolve and become stronger, why should he kneel at the feet of the so-called gods and make himself humble as dust?


If it is humble in front of the gods, it is better to strengthen itself. This is what human beings should do.

At that time, in front of human beings, what other gods are there?

Because they are already gods!

"I agree with everything this gentleman said!"

On the Internet, at the bottom of the live broadcast screen, leave a message like this.

"Humans should keep improving themselves, instead of looking at the faces of so-called gods. They can't give us peace, but will only bring war and disaster."

"Earth 14 is a whole. Since we are people of the earth, we must unite, and we can no longer consume ourselves."

"Although we are very weak now, as long as we give us enough time, we can definitely surpass the gods."

"Evolution is powerful, and it does not come from gods. As long as we have firm beliefs, we will naturally not be afraid of any enemy."

"Huaxia's cultivators did no harm to ordinary people like us. Instead, the gods came, and disasters followed one after another. It is clear at a glance who is the murderer."

"God and gods are enslaving people's hearts. In their eyes, we are just ants."

"The mind is enslaved. Even if I kill my companion, I don't have the slightest repentance. Why do we believe in this kind of god?"

In the next moment, countless human beings on the earth express their views on the Internet one after another.

Netizens in the Huaxia region were all relieved to see this.

As Chinese people, they are proud that peace is not obtained by begging, but only by their own strength.

Who can guarantee that when the gods destroy China, they will not attack other countries?

"Dear sir, I would like to ask, is it a cultivator of China who is fighting against God now?"

At this time, a reporter at the scene asked.


"God of blood, will it really help us get rid of the enslavement of gods?"

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