A moment ago, the gods were still panicking, but now, they have calmed down, with a hope in their eyes.

"That is to say, as long as we kill the blood clan, he will be unavailable, and at that time, it will naturally appear!" Vulcan said coldly, his eyes shot with greed.

For the legendary treasure of the big bell, he is very eager to get it. As long as Li Zhenwu is beheaded, this treasure will naturally belong to him.

"That's right, since that's the case, then we don't need to retreat, let's kill the chasing vampires here!" The water god slowly landed on the blue wave sea.

As the only brother of Zeus among the twelve main gods, the strength of the water god is beyond doubt.

Moreover, when he was in the water, if it wasn't for Zeus' ability to restrain him, I'm afraid the water god would be the strongest of the twelve main gods.


At this time, a bloody light galloped from the end of the sky and arrived in front of the gods in an instant.

"Aren't you escaping?" Mox's face was full of disdain, and his body was full of red glow, as if it was wrapped in blood, and it was bright and dripping.

God King Zeus turned his head to look, his eyes were terrifyingly cold. It was this kid before, who shouted at him as an old dog. Now that we meet, the murderous aura erupts endlessly, and the terror is boundless.

"Old boy, don't stare in front of me!" Dracula stepped up to 503 and blocked in front of Mox, for fear that the other party would shamelessly attack his son.

"The blood clan people are withered, and the three of you alone want to stop us?" Zeus's body was bright, and the electricity was shining through the sky, as dazzling as the sun.

"Do you want to try?"

Dracula tilted his head, stared at Zeus indifferently, stepped forward, and approached the opponent step by step, his aura gradually became awe-inspiring.

This move made the gods nervous and full of fear.

"You solve those two people, and Dracula handed it over to me. There was no way to kill you in the beginning, and now, the outcome will not change!" Zeus held up his warhammer in an arrogant manner, pointing at the three of the blood clan, his eyes staring at the world .

The voice fell, and the gods separated, attacking from both sides, leaving Dracula to Zeus.


In an instant, the light of this world was blazing, the energy was boiling, and it was terrifying.

The blue waves on the sea surface, sweeping the world, the vast power, the shocking heart trembles.


Mox roared, and the housekeeper turned into a sea of ​​blood and rushed out. The two faced the ten major gods without fear.


The war broke out, all kinds of energies erupted, and this sea area was dazzling, like the sun exploding, and the power was terrifying.

"My God, the blood race and the gods are fighting."

Countries are always paying attention to the sky over the Pacific Ocean, and they can't help exclaiming when they see the gods fighting at this moment.

Immediately, various forces and countless devices were aimed there, and the pictures of the battle were broadcast live to the world.

At this moment, the whole world is boiling.

The battle of the gods, the splendid face of the words, makes people yearn for it, but also feels the powerful power of the gods.

The void of the Pacific Ocean trembled, and countless ripples appeared. The blue waves and oceans were split apart, turning into countless water columns, and countless fish flew out, instantly turning into blood mist, bloody and terrifying.

In Yanjing, Li Zhenwu still stood in the same place, his eyes became deeper and deeper, he never showed up, and even remained silent, directly ignoring the past of the dialogue between God and Zeus.

"It's not enough, only under high-intensity pressure can the highest potential of spirituality be stimulated." He said in a low voice.

You must know that in the face of death, every creature will burst out with unparalleled potential when it desires to live.


Li Zhenwu raised his hand, squeezed the magic formula, and the Chaos Bell above his head shook again, and the bell reverberated throughout the world for a long time.

In the Mediterranean, on the calm sea, hundreds of people drifted with the waves.

Suddenly, a mysterious force descended from the void, awakening everyone who closed their eyes and adjusted their breath.

I saw in the endless void, a waterfall of pure and extremely pure spiritual energy, pouring down directly, drowning everyone on the sea.

"This is?" The volcano giant was shocked, his eyes widened, and he was a little confused.

The dry foundation in the body is rapidly recovering, and in an instant, the exhaustion of the body is swept away, and it is full of powerful strength.

"It's an instructor!" Chu Tianjun said in a deep voice.

In their cognition, with this means and strength, obviously only Li Zhenwu can do it.

"The energy in the Pacific has changed dramatically, and the space is very unstable. Let's set off, recovering and hurrying on the road." The volcano giant grinned, feeling the abundance of power in his body, and his whole person was full of strong self-confidence.

Because the source of their confidence is the attention of the instructors.


The next moment, huge waves on the sea surface, immortal light burst out, dense figures, wrapped in gorgeous rays of light, disappeared in this sea area.

Over the Pacific, the war continues.

As the king of the gods in the universe, Zeus has no doubts about his strength. Thor's Hammer is pale, and the flaming electric light burst out, like a thunderous ocean, shrouding the world.


In the face of the lightning that destroyed the source, Dracula turned into a boundless sea of ​​blood, fighting against it, reflecting the sky as red as blood, coquettish and strange.

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