No one can accept it!

Especially in the hearts of believers, God has always been a symbol of invincibility and mercy, but now, the beautiful dream is broken, and the cruel reality makes people fall into the abyss.

Even Chi You, who was chasing after him, couldn't believe it.

"What is he going to do? Even killing his own son, how can we trust him?" Zeus looked ugly, staring at God's back, wondering what he was thinking.

Dracula was silent, his eyes were blazing, killing 14 was full of energy, and the blood family's butler was silent, not daring to comment.

"This bastard is indeed a hypocrite. I have long disliked him." Mox shouted there. As a son of man, he felt uncomfortable.

"This old dog seems to be really afraid of death. In the face of death, even his son can be abandoned." The volcano giant said.

At this time, everyone knew that the true identity of God was the pool of merits and virtues of Lingshan.

The merit pool was sat cross-legged by the sage Zhunti for a long time. Day and night, he was too imaginary. He had been psyched for a long time. Later, he was sent into this universe to complete the task of killing Li Zhenwu.

As for the Son of God, Jehovah, it is the evolution of the breath of a saint, and the souls who have escaped from the pool of merit can also be regarded as the son of God.

"Come back!"

Above that barren planet, God descended, opened his mouth indifferently, and shot directly.


The holy light is burning, turning into huge handprints like stars, penetrating the clouds, and directly catching the holy son on the surface.

In front of the hand of God, the Holy Son Yehe could not react at all, and could only fall in unwillingness, turning into a trace of golden energy, which was directly absorbed by God.

That is the breath of a saint, and it is a supreme treasure for all beings in the world.

You must know that in the prehistoric era, the sage Zhunti sat on the merit pool for many years, preaching to all beings in the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss, so that the merit pool opened up the wisdom.

And after countless years of contamination with the breath of saints, when God came to this world.

That trace of the saint's breath has changed, and gradually derived the spiritual wisdom of the Son of God, coexisting with God, and finally transformed into a supreme being through the pool of merit.

Now, everything is back.

"Complete, this is the feeling of dominating the world." God stood in the starry sky, opened his arms, and carefully felt the power that was constantly emerging in his body.

At this moment, a vast and unpredictable breath emerged from his body, and the entire star space trembled.


The stars trembled in the sky, the layers of space collapsed, and the entire star space was shaking violently.

"Golden Immortal Power?"

Feeling the breath emanating from God's body, Chi You's expression sank, his mind was vigilant, and an ominous premonition arose.

In the distance, the volcano giants and the others all changed their expressions drastically.

"How is it possible, how did this happen?" Dracula was shocked, and his pale face suddenly turned blue.

Everyone present felt the horror of God right now. It was a complete golden immortal. The terror of power could destroy the vast universe.

"Haha, great, I knew that God must have a means!"

The god-king Zeus laughed, the stronger the gods, the more likely they were to survive.

"Are we saved?" The gods were extremely shocked, and their hearts relaxed slightly.

However, their smiles soon solidified.

"God is already complete, with the blessing of the breath of saints, then let's kill them."

I saw Chiyou turn his head, murderous, returning from the depths of the starry sky, to join the team of Slaughter God.

When everyone saw this, they suddenly woke up.


The volcanic giant and Dracula roared, all besieging the gods, all kinds of energies blazing like fireworks, drowning the gods.


This piece of heaven and earth was shattered, and Zhou Tianxingdou shattered one after another.

"Ah... God, hurry up and save us!" The god king Zeus was disheveled and vomited blood.

The rest of the gods were even more miserable, their bodies were broken, and they almost fell here.

In the face of the siege of the strong such as Chiyou and Dracula, and the killing god formation controlled by the volcano giant, it is simply unrivaled.


Chi You is very fierce, like a chaotic god and demon, he punched the water god and flew out, his body exploded, and the starry sky was drenched in blood.


Dracula's methods were strange, and endless bats descended, like a wave of darkness, drowning all the gods.

More Mox and the butler took action, and they killed several gods almost in a single encounter.

This starry sky was stained with blood, the golden blood floated, and the stump was broken. It was very terrifying.

Outside the 607 world, people watched the live broadcast and felt their hearts tremble.

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