Chapter [-] Chunin Exam! (Second more)

When they set off from the Ninja Village, Li Zhenwu not only told Bai to pay attention to Naruto and Sasuke, but also told him to fight with them after the mission is over, which is to hone the two!

So in the battle, he unreservedly forced Naruto and Sasuke to stimulate their potential.

In the end, their potential is also terrifying. Sasuke's writing wheel has directly entered the point of Ergouyu, and Naruto has released a powerful and inexplicable chakra.

In the end, Shiro was almost defeated by them!

Thanks to Shiro, there is also the secret technique of the body ninja village...

... "Konoha's Naruto and Sasuke really cannot be underestimated."

The trio of Body Ninja Village returned to the village. On the way, Junma Lu said.

"Yeah, the potential is endless." Bai recalled Li Zhenwu's previous evaluation again, and now he has some confidence in Li Zhenwu's judgment.

But at the same time, he became more curious, what was Li Zhenwu's previous identity in Konoha!

"Go back and ask Lord Zhenwu?" Bai had such an idea in his heart.

They continued on their way.

It's just that because 433 is the country of waves and the country of red beans, it is not far from Konoha, the country of fire.

Therefore, before Naruto and the others have returned to Konoha, they have already returned to the country of red beans, the village of body ninja.

"Master Zhenwu, we are back!"

Just after returning to the ninja village, they went straight to Li Zhenwu.

In the past few years, their growth and learning were almost all promoted by Li Zhenwu.

So for Li Zhenwu, Bai and other three people have the same perception.

respect!Incredible reverence!

In the body ninja village, in front of the house dedicated to Li Zhenwu, they greeted at the door.

"From the time we entered the village, Lord Zhenwu should have noticed it." Jun Malu said, over the years, they have also understood some of Li Zhenwu's abilities, and at the same time, they are incomparably admired, and already think that Li Zhenwu is invincible. .

At least every time, the three of them tried their best to learn from Li Zhenwu, but Li Zhenwu was always able to resist it lightly.

"Come in." Sure enough, as soon as they finished speaking, a voice came from the room.

Bai and the other three pushed open the door and entered.

In the large and spacious room of Nuoda, there is a unique cave. In a spacious corner, there is a desk.

At this moment, behind the desk, sat a tall and burly man with a handsome face.

"You're back." The man greeted.

"Yes! Lord Zhenwu!"

'Li Zhenwu', who was sitting behind the desk, raised his head: "You should have met Konoha's ninja this time."

"Well, Bai killed Zaibuzhan with his own hands, and after that, he fought with Naruto Sasuke and the two of them abnormally." Junma Lu said.

"If you kill Bai, you won't cut it again?" Li Zhenwu was stunned, but he didn't expect the development of things to be like this.

However, Li Zhenwu was only stunned for a while, and soon recovered his calm. He calmed down for a while, and then said: "Now, there is one more thing that needs to be done by you."

"What's the matter?" Bai asked.

"Go to Konoha to take the Chunin exam with the fame of the body ninja village body ninja!"

"Konoha? Chunin exam?"

"That's right." Li Zhenwu nodded: "It's time for you to become Chunin, not to mention your strength has already reached the standard! Now all you need to do is to pass the Chunin exam to make a name for the Chunin Village, and It is justifiable to obtain the identity of Chunin!"

"Master Zhenwu, will you come with us?" Lan Wan suddenly asked aloud.

Li Zhenwu pondered, and nodded for a moment: "This time, I will also go to Konoha with you..."

"That's great!" Lan Wan smiled happily: "It's been a long time since I went out with Lord Zhenwu."

Li Zhenwu smiled.

… In the ninja village, they only stayed for a day and then set off for Konoha.

On this day, it was Li Zhenwu and Hongdou Acacia communicating how to trade with the country of waves, or recruit labor from the country of waves.

After explaining this, Li Zhenwu took the trio and set off for Konoha.

However, today's Li Zhenwu still looks like an adult.

And this appearance was also changed by him, because he still needs two years to reach adulthood, but in order to keep his identity secret in the body ninja village, in recent years, he has become like this. Appearing, the people of the body ninja village are also used to Li Zhenwu's changed appearance.

"Konoha, long time no see."

… the country of fire, Konoha.

Naruto and the other Konoha team returned from the Land of Waves. While they were practicing hard, they kept doing trivial tasks such as weeding and dog walking.

On this day, in Konoha Village, Naruto was on a street, only to find that Konohamaru was following him with his 'Konohamaru Corps', and then he was entangled by Konohamaru and wanted to play a ninja game together. .

However, during this interval, Naruto was beaten up because he had angered Haruno Sakura before.

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