The Holy Light collapsed, God screamed in shock, his voice was distorted, and he looked confused.

"Nothing is impossible. I have already said that you are just a tool spirit, and you are still a crippled golden immortal. In my eyes, you are no different from mortals."

Li Zhenwu spoke lightly, and while speaking, he stepped forward, raised the wooden stick in his hand, and slammed it down on God's head.

That appearance, as if teaching an arrogant madman, did not even spill out the slightest true energy, it looked very ordinary.

Chapter [-] Beat God!

The ordinary wooden stick fell and came to God's head in an instant. He wanted to avoid it, but the wings on his back shook violently, but he only shifted half a step, and he couldn't avoid the stick.


In the end, the wooden stick hit God in the cheek, knocking him out, and a hideous bloodstain appeared on his pale face.


Seeing this scene, the whole world is boiling.

Countless people couldn't believe it, and they stared at this scene with stunned expressions on their faces.

God, that's God!

At the beginning of the battle against the three supreme powerhouses, what kind of graceful appearance was that?

Now, facing Li Zhenwu's ordinary swinging stick, he was hit like this, and he couldn't even dodge it, which was shocking and inexplicable.

"My darling, how strong is the instructor?"

In the distance, Chu Tianjun and the others were speechless, feeling like they were dreaming, very dreamy.

You must know that they have clearly felt the strength of God before. In the hearts of everyone, that 14 represents despair.

Even if the instructor appeared, they thought about countless possibilities.

However, it was so easy to imagine the result of a stick that would blow God away.

This is beyond everyone's imagination, and it is very shocking.

God was trembling all over, clenched his fists, his eyes were red, and he was also unbelievable.

"You... how dare you hit me in the face?" God spoke in shock when he came back to his senses.

He couldn't believe that someone in this world dared to slap him in the face with a wooden stick. It was too sudden.

Also, when the stick falls, the surrounding space is blocked, making it difficult to move half a minute.

"You, true warrior, dare to hit me in the face?"

God roared, his blonde hair fluttered, and the holy light spurted out, like a blazing flame, sweeping the entire space of stars.


The void trembled, and countless ripples appeared. A powerful and frightening momentum covered the entire starry sky and even spread to the earth, causing all sentient beings to collapse and all kneeled on the ground.

"Ah... I can't control it anymore. I have to repent to God. I feel like my soul is about to collapse."

Outside, someone shouted, trying to resist the impact of the soul, but it was very difficult, as if facing the real power of heaven, it was hopeless.

"True Martial Artist, that young man is called True Martial Artist, I hope he doesn't fall." Someone knelt on the screen, feeling extremely humiliated.

On Earth, except for Huaxia, the situation is slightly better, where there is a divine light shrouded, resisting the invasion of God's momentum.

"What a powerful power, compared to just now, is it the pinnacle of God?"

In the distance, Chu Tianjun was shocked, his bones rattled, struggling to resist the surrender from his soul.

This is still their cultivator. If they were ordinary people, they would not be able to bear it long ago.

On the surface of the desolate planet, thousands of coalition troops knelt down, and the Pope and others were also lying on the ground. The coercion from their minds made them unable to control their physical instincts.


At this moment, God was covered in holy light and flames, and he rushed forward in an instant, with a big hand, covering all directions, covering Li Zhenwu, and wanting to kill.

The power of power is so powerful that every inch of space shatters wherever it passes.

"What does it mean to beat you? Your master was beaten by me a lot." Li Zhenwu smiled lightly, then waved the wooden stick in his hand and went up to meet him.

Seeing this scene, countless people were horrified and their eyes widened.

This trick again?

You know, just now is this wooden stick, which looks ordinary, but it can drive God away.

Now, in the face of the lore under God's wrath, it is still this wooden stick, just like this, it slams it violently.

This scene is shocking, and it also angers God.

"Do you still want to come?" He burst out, full of resentment and embarrassment, he was about to explode with anger.

The stick was drawn, and there was no energy fluctuation at all, it was very casual, and it felt that even mortals could easily avoid it.

However, in the next moment, God's face changed drastically, his eyes were so terrifying that they almost burst into flames.


When the stick came, the entire space rippled slightly, and an invisible force descended, making it difficult for any creature under the stick to move.

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