"Tell me all you know about the gods."

Li Zhenwu didn't answer, but turned his head and looked at Athena's mother indifferently.

"Master, my mother is the Amazon queen Fira, but unfortunately, the Amazon planet has been destroyed." Athena said, her expression a little sad.


Li Zhenwu frowned slightly, thinking of the cause and effect of the previous deduction, and asked, "It is said that Amazon is guarding something, you should know?"

"Our Amazons have always lived in the frontiers of the universe, where there is an entrance to hell, and our duty is to guard the entrance to hell and prevent the demons from coming out." Rafi said in a heavy tone.

In the end, the Amazon was destroyed because of the arrival of the gods of Zeus.

All the clansmen died in the war, only Queen Lafite, who became a prisoner of Zeus and was named a princess, is a symbol of Zeus' domination of the universe.

Of course, the role of Princess Lafite is just a symbol.

For a long time, she has been imprisoned on a barren planet alone, but this time, Zeus released her and presided over the rule of the gods planet.

And Zeus also promised that he would come to Earth to help Rafi find his daughter Athena.

This is the first transaction between the two.

However, the result was unbelievable. The gods fell, and even the invincible gods did the same.

This shocked Lafite's heart, and also saw the power of Li Zhenwu.

That is a creature beyond what the universe knows, reaching a height that cannot be looked up to.

"Entrance to hell? Could it be that there are other forces in this universe?" Li Zhenwu raised his eyebrows slightly, feeling puzzled.

Because, in his game, there is no hell to speak of.

As for the devil, it is even more impossible to deduce, which is very strange.

However, Lafite quickly answered, and Li Zhenwu was shocked by the cause and effect it represented.

"At the beginning of the universe, the lord of the gods was the king of the gods. They have been fighting with demons and guarding the entrance to hell."

"The Amazon family was also born from that time."

Lafite lowered her head, her beautiful eyes swaying with fog, and she slowly told the past events of countless years ago.

Chapter 2 Amazon's Mission! ([-])

As the queen of Amazon, she inherited the will of the planet. In the vast universe, she guards the entrance to hell and is not invaded by demons.

Hearing this, Li Zhenwu's brows were already wrinkled, with deep doubts in his eyes.

You know, it's so weird.

Amazon Queen Rafi said that when he deduced from the Chaos Clock, he couldn't deduce it at all.

What does this represent?

Li Zhenwu knew a little about the vast ancient times, the chaotic starry sky, including this initial universe. Even if he couldn't deduce it, he could understand some cause and effect from it.

But now, there is not even the slightest clue, which is very rare.

Or if the sage came to deduce in person, it may be a result, not a problem of Li Zhenwu's strength.

That's weird!

Li Zhenwu touched his chin, his eyes were solemn, and he fell into deep thought, but he still had no clue, and he really couldn't think of what was wrong.

"I always feel that there is something wrong, but I can't remember it for a while." He whispered to himself, a little distressed in his heart.

He was used to calculating the world, but suddenly his eyes were blacked out, and he seemed very uncomfortable.

It was as if everything was out of his control and fell into an unknown situation, which made people feel uneasy and uneasy.

"The entrance to hell is on the edge of the universe, where time and space are chaotic, and it is a forbidden area for life. As for the demons in hell, I have heard the Lord of the Gods mention that demons are not creatures that belong to this universe." Queen Rafi is graceful, Standing beside Li Zhenwu, he answered in detail.

"Wait, what do you mean by the Lord of the Gods?" Li Zhenwu asked, feeling a little speechless about the unusualness of this universe.

"The lord of the gods is the second-generation god-king of the Titans, and Cronus, the father of the god-king Zeus."

Queen Rafi was very patient and explained softly: "The Titans are the oldest race of gods in the universe, the first generation of gods, known for their brutality and cold-blooded, and the first generation of gods, who once traded with the devil in hell, In order to rule the entire universe."

"The first generation of God King, when he was arrogant and invincible in the universe, slaughtered countless lives, until one day, he came to this galaxy and encountered the most terrifying enemy in his life."

With the sound of Lafite's clear voice, stories buried deep in the years gradually surfaced.

When Li Zhenwu heard the words, he couldn't help feeling shocked and moved, and his heart trembled slightly.

At the beginning of the universe, there was chaos, and all kinds of creatures were born in this world.

The Titan Protoss is one of them.

The Titans have a terrifying physique and can absorb the free energy of the universe, thereby making themselves stronger.

It's just that the universe is huge, and there are all kinds of wonders, and some other creatures are also not too bad.

At that time, the Protoss was not the most powerful.

At this moment, the first generation of god kings discovered the entrance to hell, entered it when lost, and then made a deal with the devil in order to rule the universe.

In the end, it was very successful. Under the leadership of the first generation of God Kings, the Titan Protoss conquered the stars in the heavens and was invincible.

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