If it were other gods, it would be easier to handle, but in the face of the White Emperor Shaohao and the First Emperor Yingzheng, these are all ancestors, and the words need to be considered for a long time.

"You guys are good, who will fight with me if you have time?"

On the other hand, Chi You, still carefree, pointed at the soldiers of the Wu Dynasty, looking eager to try.

This made Qin Nantian and others head big, didn't this cause them trouble?

"Chiyou, you are in vain as a god of war in the wild. If there is a chance, the starry sky will fight, who will be afraid of who."

The black-faced strong man who challenged him back then raised his head arrogantly with an extremely proud expression.

Indeed, they have the capital to be proud of, and no one can come to this universe from the prehistoric times in a desperate situation.

Moreover, every soldier who survived was an elite among the elites, with a fighting spirit that reached the sky and fearless.

Chapter 2 Qinling Underworld passage! ([-])

The recovery of [-] soldiers of the military dynasty, this huge force once inspired people from all walks of life in China, and many big family forces want to recognize their ancestors and return to their ancestors.

In addition, some Western families also gathered in Huaxia to ask to see their ancestors.

This is not unreasonable, because China is a human race, and Western races are also human races, but they are compared to the Chinese people, but they don't know who their ancestors are.

But Xuanyuan once sighed after seeing the various races of the earth: "They are all human races, but they have experienced some reasons, so the skin color and bloodline are not pure enough."

There was one thing he didn't say. Back then, during the Lich War, fragments of the Great Desolation were floating in the chaotic starry sky.

Although it is a fragment of the Great Desolation, the smallest is almost as large as a star, and some of the larger ones are like a big world.

You know, the vastness of the Great Desolation is beyond people's imagination.

Therefore, it is not unreasonable for other races to clamor to recognize their ancestors and return to their ancestors.

This matter gave Qin Nantian a headache for a long time, and finally refused the request of these families.

Half a month passed quickly.

In the Qin Family Manor, Qin Nantian burst into tears, looking at Qin Yao, who was icy and jade-like, and burst into tears. In an instant, 667 became much older.

"Yao'er, I don't know about the past and present, but I hope you are safe!" His voice was hoarse and sobbing, very sad and helpless.

After Qin Yao was born, her parents died unexpectedly. From childhood to adulthood, Mr. Qin took care of him. In Qin's family, it can be said to be the real pearl in the palm of your hand.

Now, when he learned of his granddaughter's past and present life, he couldn't bear it, his heart was broken, and he couldn't accept the result.

You know, this is a long way to go, I don't know when we will meet, and it may be forever separated.

"Grandpa!" Qin Yao whimpered and became emotional.

She is a Taoist boy of Hongjun, who has seen too much ruthlessness and indifference, and turned against the Jade Emperor Haotian.

However, being reincarnated here, Qin Yao felt a warm heart.

After all, although he was high above in his previous life, he had never experienced what kind of kinship was in the world.

At this time of parting, sadness emerged, and the mind of the quasi-sacred realm was infected.

"Master Qin, don't worry, I'll bring Qin Yao back to see you when I'm free in the future." Li Zhenwu was full of emotion and comforted softly.

His parents watched, equally sad, thinking that his son would be in trouble in the future, and the sadness came from it.

For a time, the atmosphere in the venue was mournful and moving.

"Okay, old man, I'm just a mortal, and I don't know what immortals think, but Yao'er is my granddaughter. No matter where she is, I want to be happy and happy." Qin Nantian's face was full of sadness. He turned around and left without looking back.

Although he was reluctant to give up, as one of the big bosses in China, he was more aware of the prehistoric situation.

Only by eliminating future troubles can the stability of the human race be preserved.

"Grandpa, I will definitely come back to see you in the future." Qin Yao murmured to herself, tears all over her face.

Looking at Qin Nantian's back, at this moment, the back of the original stalwart has aged a lot.

Everyone was silent, their heads lowered, and the atmosphere was very depressed.

"Let's go!"

In the end, Qin Yao turned around and left, because she was afraid that she would be reluctant to leave here after hesitating.

Li Zhenwu nodded, kept silent, stepped forward and left side by side with her.

The children of the Qin family all had wet eyes, looking at the two who were leaving with great anxiety.

The Qinling Mountains, with towering ancient trees, primitive scenery, and sparsely populated areas, are truly human Jedi.

It is covered by thick fog all the year round, and strangers are not allowed to enter, it is very mysterious.

The White Emperor Shaohao, leading the elite guards, had been waiting here for a long time, and everyone's expressions showed solemnity.


Two figures descended from the sky, and Bai Di Shaohao and others immediately saluted.

"Have seen the Holy Father!"

"I have seen the Empress Dowager!"

Qin Yao was emotionally unstable at this time, and Li Zhenwu stood up and asked, "Everything is ready? Are you sure the underworld will respond?"

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