"Whoever stops me will die!" Chi You's hair is disheveled, his body is a million feet tall, and his arrogance fills his body, like a walking mountain, unstoppable.

He alone defeated the four Golden Immortals, and his strength was a mess.

The demons are proud of their physiques, and in front of the Wu people, they are evenly matched, constantly colliding, generating violent shock waves.

The nearby demon soldiers, unable to bear it, burst into pieces and turned into cosmic dust.

Soon, except for the four golden demons around Chi You, all the others were blown up, forming a vacuum, which was extremely terrifying.

"What a strong fighting spirit this is. If he fought against me with all his strength, I am afraid that one move would be enough to kill me."

The brawny Tie Niu who was driving the starry sky couldn't help but be speechless.

I have never seen such a brutal, simple, and terrifying battle. It is simply a humanoid weapon, and it can kill a demon wherever it goes.

If it weren't for the four golden demons entangling him, Chi You would be like a fierce tiger, killing all these little sheep.

On the earth, the pictures reflected by the stars have shocked the hearts of countless people.

"So strong, those creatures are like toys in front of him." Someone exclaimed.

In the picture, Chi You is wild and boundless, and some demons were torn apart by his hands, so terrifying that it was impossible to form a siege at all.

Even if there are four golden fairy demons attacking, they can't stop it.

This is a god of war, and the blazing fighting spirit soaring to the sky is no weaker than anyone else.

"As expected of the great witch the Holy Father sees."

In the distance, when Emperor Bai Shaohao saw this, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"Don't be distracted when fighting the demon." The demon general snorted coldly, his huge fist like the sun slammed down with a rumbling sound, and a large area of ​​the void was annihilated.

"Just you?"

Bai Di Shaohao sneered, the spear in his hand flew over, and the splendid lotus blossoms bloomed at the tip of the spear, bursting out with a powerful killing intent.


This piece of heaven and earth has completely turned into nothingness, and the turbulent flow of space is gorgeous and terrifying.

The battle between the two is basically far away from the battlefield of the starry sky, otherwise the power will leak out and it will easily cause accidental injury.

However, the introverted and unpretentious method made everyone present feel shocked.

There is no gorgeous picture, some, it is the power of extreme penetration.


The golden spear pierced, the light was blazing, and the awe-inspiring murderous intent instantly locked the demon general.

The tip of the spear swallowed the cold light, but before it was completely pierced, the ripples in the nothingness gradually grew, and the ripples spread in circles, ignoring the spatial distance, and reached the eyebrows of the demon general in an instant.

It is not difficult to imagine that if you are hit by the spear, your strong physique will be penetrated.

This is a supreme rule, and it is no longer restricted to moves.


The demon general's soul trembled, and instinctively tilted his head, a cold light flashed, penetrating a series of planets that were endless light-years behind him.

It can be clearly seen that the planets that are in a straight line, no matter how far apart they are, are pierced by a gun, which is extremely shocking.

The Demon General felt chills in his heart, what a terrifying attack power this is.

Introverted to the point of heinous, when it erupted, the unpredictable power made him feel terrified.


Baidi Shaohao's golden spear kept flying and thorns, and his simple and simple moves contained endless murderous intentions.

A golden armor shines brightly, and the whole person is like a sun, which is extremely dazzling, reflecting the ten directions of the world, and it is bright.


On the other side, the volcanic giant wandered around the starry sky, and the sun essence fire in his body was ignited, burning the starry sky, making the devil dare not get close.

Although his strength is not as good as Chi You and others, his attributes seem to restrain demons and can melt all things.

The dark bones were stained with the essence of the sun and spread instantly, burning a demon as huge as a star into ashes.

This battle is very tragic!

Although it seems that the soldiers of the Wu Dynasty have the upper hand, the number of the demon army is too large, which is beyond common sense.

No matter how many kills, they will be filled immediately, leaving them no chance to breathe.

You must know that there are so many enemies in a galaxy, even if you stand to kill them, you will not be able to kill them in a short time.

Gradually, the people in the starry sky array began to attack slowly, and their mana was almost dry.

However, the enemies in front of him are still countless.

The devil's attack methods are poor, but the number is terrifying.

"Haha, kill all of you, let's see if we die first, or you fall first." Seeing this, the demon general laughed.

His bones are glazed and his defense is almost invulnerable, but when he encounters the ultimate penetrating attack of the White Emperor, he also feels a headache.

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