The pharmacist nodded his head: "If that's the case, then it's okay for you to call 'that lord' that way, but if it's someone else, it's best to keep a respectful heart for that lord."

"Why?" Sasuke couldn't help but ask.

"Because that lord is the hero of the whole village." The pharmacist said slowly.

"Zhenwu is the hero of the village?" Naruto was still thoughtful, because there were a few days when Li Zhenwu was very popular in the village, but it was not long after that, Li Zhenwu disappeared in Konoha inside.

"What happened back then? How did Zhenwu become Konoha's hero?" Naruto asked.

"Ah..." Yaoshi shook his head slightly: "It seems that you don't know these things, and yes, because of the wind in the village, everyone is not talking about the adult, so your generation, don't It's normal to know what's going on."

"Since you don't know, then I can't tell you." The pharmacist said, and then saw that everyone was still going to ask questions, and quickly threw out another topic.

"The Hyuga family, especially the eldest lady of the Hyuga family, should know about Lord Zhenwu, right? After all, Lord Zhenwu saved Miss Hyuga once."

The pharmacist led the topic to Hinata Hinata, and immediately, their eyes shifted to Hinata.

"Hina?" Everyone was surprised.

Hinata Hinata, who was standing behind Inuzukaya, was a little nervous, but nodded timidly: "Well, when I was a child, because a ninja sneaked into Hinata's house at that time, Lord Zhenmu once saved me. "

Because of Yao Shidou's emphasis, Hinata Hinata couldn't help but call Li Zhenwu, who he had been thinking about since childhood, as 'Sir'.

However, even if Hinata answered like this, Naruto Sakura and the others were still curious and looked at Hinata.

At this time, Inuzuka Ya pouted, "That kid, it's nothing special."

"Hey, does this little brother also know 'that lord'?" The pharmacist was surprised, because Inuzuka Ya's tone did not sound like that of a stranger in his life.

"After my sister graduated from the ninja school, she was in the same team with that kid."

Inuzuka Ya was a little unhappy, because at that time, he felt that his 'sister' was robbed, and that unpleasantness continued to this day.

Because he often sees his sister in a daze, obviously thinking about something.

No need to guess, Inuzuka Ya knows what his sister is thinking!

"I didn't expect that there is such a relationship between that adult and you."

The pharmacist sighed slightly: "At that time, your elder sister was the same as 'that lord', only on the back of graduating a year after me, but 'that lord' participated in the year of graduation. Chunin exam, and then became the crowd."

Saying that, the pharmacist shook his head slightly and sighed: "And now, I am still taking the Chunin exam with you, and whether I can pass the exam is still unknown."

"Daddy, you must do it, senior." Seeing this, Xiao Ying comforted and encouraged him.

"Borrowing your auspicious words." The pharmacist restrained his emotions, including the rest of the thoughts in his heart, and then continued to take 217 out of the forbearance card.

"Because of the special nature of 'that lord', Li Locke, the cousin of 'that lord', is very popular, and he himself works very hard and is extremely strong! But in addition to physical skills, Li Locke is in the Otherwise, nothing has been accomplished."

"However, what that lord happens to be the best at is also physical art. It's just that Xiao Li's talent is too far from the lord who is his cousin. Otherwise, there is no need for this Chunin exam, or , If Li Locke has half of the talent of the adult, no, if he has the talent of the adult three points, this Chunin exam can be directly over..."

The pharmacist said, and was ready to take out the next ninja card.

"Why? If Xiao Li has the talent of three points in true martial arts, this Chunin exam would not have to be conducted? Why wouldn't it be necessary?" Naruto asked in confusion.

Yao Shidou raised his head: "Because that adult used only physical skills to defeat almost all the ninjas participating in the competition, and then he naturally passed the selection."

"And the rest, only those who didn't take action against the grown-up due to cowardice and other reasons passed the exam!"

Chapter [-] The powerful body ninja village! (first update)

Naruto asked why if Xiao Li could have Li Zhenwu's three-point talent, then his Chunin exam would not have to be taken.

Yao Shidou just raised his head and said something like that.

Immediately, everyone was shocked.As for the three of Bai and the others in the body ninja village, there was an indescribable pride and blood surging from the deepest part of their body.

"As expected of Lord Zhenwu!"

"Actually, one person defeated almost all the contestants!"

The pharmacist flashed memories on his face, looked at the crowd, suddenly smiled, and then added another sentence.

"Furthermore, 'that lord' defeated the other ninjas who participated in the Chunin exam at that time, not one by one, but all the other ninjas joined together, but 'that lord' was so easy that no one could even touch it. In his case, defeated!"

"These ninjas were all injured by that adult."

"So in the Chunin exam that year, all the ninjas in the outer village were eliminated, and only a small number of ninjas in this village, because of the prominent status of 'that adult' and the friendship with the village, he hesitated and did not do it. Only then did I have the chance to pass the Chunin Exam."

"One person defeats other ninjas and joins forces? The whole army is wiped out?" Some of Konoha's nine strongmen couldn't help but take a breath, unable to imagine what kind of strength they had reached at that time!

You must know that the 'adult' in the pharmacist's pocket at the moment is the same age as them!

But they, who are the same age as Li Zhenwu, still have an unknown future in this Chunin exam, but the former eliminated other ninjas alone many years ago.

"It turns out that Zhenwu is already so powerful." They were silent for a while before they recovered from the shock, and Naruto suddenly spoke.

Then, Naruto suddenly glowed again, full of energy: "Then, as a good friend of Zhenwu, I have to work hard! I surpass Zhenwu as soon as possible! Become Hokage¨"

Naruto didn't feel overwhelmed or frustrated, but instead raised his fighting spirit.

However, it was Naruto's performance that made Konoha and the others a little bit more fighting spirit, coming out of the frustration caused by the comparison with Li Zhenwu.

"Even a crane like Naruto has such fighting spirit, how can I be defeated." At this moment, other people thought so.

"Okay, let's not talk about 'that lord'. In short, Xiao Li is definitely a person who cannot be underestimated in this Chunin exam."

The pharmacist gently raised the topic, but picked up another card.

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