"You are Zhou Yu, my son's confidant in Chengdu?" Although Yu Wenshang knew everything about Li Zhenwu's fake identity, he still pretended to know nothing and asked.

"Master, this is Zhou Yu, the boy's subordinate." Yuwen Chengdu answered first.

"Report to the lord, old, next Zhou Yu." Although forced by Yuwenshang's strong momentum, Li Zhenwu still did not forget his identity as a bandit.

At this time, Yuwenshang's momentum became stronger and stronger, as if there was a strong airflow circling around Yuwenshang, the teacup on Yuwenshang's table was constantly shaking, and the paper was blown out from under the paperweight.

"Okay, the martial arts are really good, and he deserves to be the chief of the thirteen villages in Taibai Mountain." After pressing Li Zhenwu for a while, Yu Wenshang suddenly retracted his whole body and praised.

"Forgive the lord, I'm no longer from Taibai Mountain, and General Chengdu can help me testify." Li Zhenwu showed his panicked appearance vividly, and hurriedly pulled Yuwen Chengdu, as if to show his identity. said to Yuwenshang.

"The owner, you need to be able to guarantee it." Yuwen Cheng said with his fists folded.

"The old man just said, as long as you follow my Yuwen clan, the old man can guarantee that you will be fine in the future." Yuwen said with a wave of his hand.

"Thank you, lord, thank you lord." Li Zhenwu replied quickly.

Yuwen Chengdu looked at Yuwenshang and still felt a little uneasy about Li Zhenwu, and then was about to speak, Yuwenshang stretched out a hand, and then took out an invitation card from his arms and threw it to Yuwencheng.

"Piaoxiang? How could they issue invitations at this time?" Yuwen Chengdu asked suspiciously.Yuwen pondered for a long time, but still felt that Yuwen Chengdu, who is now a general, would not affect the overall situation, so he threw the invitation to Yuwen Chengdu.

"The old man is not quite sure, but the Dongming faction has to give face. Today, the old man asked you to come here to show you." Yuwenshang said to Yuwencheng.

"Master, the boy knows." After Yuwen Chengdu answered, he called Li Zhenwu and left.

Outside the door, Li Zhenwu said to Yuwen Chengdu, "General Yuwen, why do you still call the Yuwen clan master the clan master?"

"This is the rule of the Yuwen clan. No matter what your relationship with the clan master is, you must punish the clan master." Yuwen Chengdu explained.

"Okay, I get it now."

The Dongming Sect is an overseas sect. The contemporary head of the Dongming Sect, Shan Meixian, the daughter of Zhu Yuyan, has at least the sixteenth level of Tianmo Gong, and there are four guardians under the sect, which are very powerful.They mainly sell weapons. The army is the most important in a chaotic world, so the business of the Dongming faction is getting bigger and bigger, and gradually spread to the whole Central Plains area, and the Piaoxiang is the ship that the Dongming faction comes to the Central Plains every year to trade.


"General, the boat sent by Dongming is here." A messenger knelt in front of Yuwencheng and said.

"Let's go." Yuwen Chengdu said to Li Zhenwu and the four elite soldiers behind him.

As soon as I got on the ship, I found that all the major forces were outside the cabin, chatting and chatting. When I saw Yuwen Chengdu and a group of people getting on the ship, some people came up to curry favor, and some people looked at Yuwen Chengdu and them with hatred. .

"Hello everyone, I don't know what the Dongming faction called us today. What's the matter?" Yuwen Chengdu sent away the people who were flattering him, and then walked over to a few familiar people and asked.

"Hello, General Yuwen, we don't know much about this. We just received this invitation and came here." A few gorgeously dressed people who looked like members of the clan said.

Then a few people chatted casually there, and since Li Zhenwu got on the ship, he has been silently paying attention to how many forces are there.

After a while, a maid came out and said to everyone, "Everyone, please come with me, Mrs. Dongming has an invitation."

After Li Zhenwu entered the cabin, he saw a beautiful lady sitting on the chair, thinking in his heart, this is Mrs. Dongming, she is indeed Zhu Yuyan's daughter, she is really beautiful, with curved eyebrows, enticing people's souls Her eyes, as well as the black and beautiful hair, make people deeply indulged in her beauty.

"Everyone, please sit down." Mrs. Dongming said 487 sentences.

This sentence was passed into Li Zhenwu's ears like a dream. Li Zhenwu was stunned for a while and then he woke up. Sure enough, Mrs. Dongming's martial arts cultivation was not low. From his demonic voice, Li Zhenwu could have a momentary He was stunned, it could be seen that he was at least on the same level as Lu Miaozi.

Many of the people present were fascinated by this sound and sat on their seats involuntarily.

"Thank you for coming to Piaoxiang today. The purpose of looking for you is mainly to say one thing." Seeing everyone sitting down, Mrs. Dongming said.

"Madam, please speak up." A man who looked mighty said, in fact, Li Zhenwu noticed him as soon as he got on the boat. He should be Zhou Yu's enemy, Li Shentong.

"The weapons sent by Dongming will be reduced by [-]% in the future, I hope everyone understands." Mrs. Dongming said.

It was only at this time that Li Zhenwu knew why Mrs. Dongming used the devilish voice. She remembered that Mrs. Dongming was a smart and steady person in the original book, so how could she use such a charming voice of the devil?

The Central Plains is getting more and more chaotic now, and the demand for weapons is increasing every year, but everyone understands that the export volume must be reduced. If there is no reasonable explanation, it is estimated that everyone present will give Dongming School a good look.

Chapter 43 Book of Accounts

Sure enough, Mrs. Dongming's words turned the mess into a pot of porridge.

"What reduction, what can I do now." At first glance, the small forces lacked the confidence, and they knew that they might not be able to grab the big gangs of the big gates.

"Let's reduce, but we can't have less weapons at all." This one looks like a gatekeeper of the sect.

"Everyone, please be quiet, it's not that the Dongming faction insists on reducing it, but an iron mine in the Ryukyu land of my Dongming faction has been mined, so it has to be reduced. I hope you will forgive me." Mrs. Dongming said apologetically.

"Because of the reduction in production, the weapons needed by each faction need to be re-divided."

Mrs. Dongming stood up before she could finish her words, and a young scholar then said, "If the output decreases, it will decrease, but what the Haisha Gang needs is as much as in previous years."

"Why do you have so many Haisha gangs, then I have so many water dragon gangs." Another person stood up and accused the young scholar.


"General Yuwen, just watch here if you don't argue." Li Zhenwu said to Yuwen Chengdu.

"These are just small shrimps. We didn't speak. No matter how fierce they were, they couldn't get it." Yuwen Chengdu took a sip of wine and said to Li Zhenwu.

"My Dugu Clan wants [-]%." A man in brocade clothes stood up and said.

"This is Duguce, a straw bag." Yuwen Cheng introduced to Li Zhenwu with some disdain.

Li Zhenwu thought in his heart that this is because Duguce, who also appeared in the original work by playing with a woman (Yun Yuzhen), seems to be a talent. From the performance in the original work, it can be seen that there is gold and jade on the outside, and the failure is on the inside.

Duguce's voice completely made many big forces unable to sit still, and they all said how much they wanted, but there were still many people drinking and watching this scene. farce.

"My Yuwen Clan wants [-]%. Anyone who dares to steal my Yuwen Clan's weapons will be my enemy." Yuwen Cheng kicked the table in front of him, the scene was quiet, and then Yuwen Cheng said domineeringly. .

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