The stones were thrown out together by Li Zhenwu. The three stones were still like one body when they left Li Zhenwu's palm, but the stones were spinning at a very fast speed when they left the palm of his hand.


The three stones drilled into the legs of the three of them at the same time, and then the three of them stumbled and fell to the ground.

After Li Zhenwu stopped the bleeding for Cao Yinglong, he dragged all the three people who could not run to Cao Yinglong one by one like dragging them to death.

"Hehehe, is the Four Great Masters right?" Li Zhenwu said to the four people below who were like dead dogs.

"Ah, if you have the ability, kill grandfather and me." The grumpy Fang Jianding saw that Li Zhenwu was dragged over, and immediately scolded.

Li Zhenwu didn't retort, but just pointed to his Tianchi acupoint, and Changsheng Zhenqi entered his body with a spiral force, raging in his meridians, Fang Jianding, who was in unbearable pain, used his own Zhenqi to suppress Changsheng Zhenqi. , but it didn't work at all. Li Zhenwu used a special method to infuse the Longevity True Qi into his body.

"Ah, ah, ah." Fang Jianding didn't have time to scold at this moment, but was left screaming in pain.

The other three listened to Fang Jianding's wailing, and slowly moved their bodies, preparing to escape from here. Li Zhenwu also rectified the frizz and Xiang Batian in the same way.

Since the muffled sound of "Pongpeng", Cao Yinglong was photographed on the ground. He knew that Li Zhenwu was powerful, so he was ready to escape, but before he could react, he was held by Li Zhenwu as a shield. When three blood holes appeared on his body, Cao Yinglong secretly scolded Xiang Batian and the three of them for being idiots.

Suddenly, a sharp pain came from the wound. Cao Yinglong looked at the person in front of him, inserted his hand into his wound, and forcibly took out the stones in his body. At this time, Cao Yinglong felt as if he was about to die. Generally speaking, but it stimulated his fierceness, silently running his inner strength, and concentrating all the power of his whole body on his hands.

Cao Yinglong glanced at the pained expressions of the three of them, and knew that he was the next one, so he jumped to the ground and jumped up, with fierceness in his eyes, and came to the top of Li Zhenwu.

"Pongpeng" two blows, Li Zhenwu heard the sound of breaking the air behind him, turned around and faced Cao Yinglong with two palms, and then Cao Yinglong crossed a parabola and fell two feet away.

After Cao Yinglong fell to the ground, he vomited blood non-stop, and he was horrified. He couldn't think of his full-strength sneak attack, which still did not cause any trouble to the young man in front of him.

"Master Li, all the thieves outside the village have been eliminated, next..." Liu Daozong watched the Four Great Masters wailing in front of him, and suddenly he couldn't say what he wanted to say.

"Deacon Liu, since the thieves and bandits have been cleaned up, let's go." Li Zhenwu ignored his astonishment, and sent off the mourning Four Great Siblings, saying to Liu Daozong.

Chapter 75 Windfall!

Unexpectedly, when Li Zhenwu and the others returned to the ranch, they encountered Shen Luoyan and a group of people who were leaving. Everyone was injured, big and small. Li Zhenwu immediately asked Liu Daozong to surround the people in Wagang who were about to leave.

"Hello, Sergeant Shen, we meet again." Li Zhenwu said to Shen Luoyan. At this time, Shen Luoyan was not as radiant as the first time he met, and his eyes were filled with unwillingness and decadence after failure. Also don't have a feng rhyme.

Shen Luoyan suddenly heard Li Zhenwu's voice, and woke up as if she had been pulled back to reality. She regained the appearance of the ingenious military division Shen again. Unfortunately, if it wasn't for the blood on her body, it was estimated that the next thing would happen. Even more intimidating, "Long time no see, my son, I see that he is going to be my enemy in Wagang." I didn't expect that I was besieged at Pegasus Ranch just now, and I finally killed him and met this son who rescued Zhai Jiao. , It's really a leaky house ~ every night rain.

After Shen Luoyan finished saying this, Li Tianfan had failed in his action, and his heart was full of fire. When he saw Li Zhenwu and the others blocking the road, he said rudely, "Where's the little boy, why don't you get out?"

"Haha, this is Li Mi's stupid son, Master Shen." Li Zhenwu ignored Li Tianfan and asked Shen Luoyan in a questioning tone.

Li Tianfan sneered when he heard Li Zhenwu's words, flipped his hands over, revealing two short blades about two feet long, and was about to stab Li Zhenwu.

"Young master, no, the person in front of me is highly skilled in martial arts and cannot be matched by me." Shen Luoyan pressed her palm and whispered to Li Tianfan.

"Young master is blocking my way, and he is really determined to fight against me at Wagang." Shen Luoyan knew that Li Zhenwu was strong in martial arts, and their number was not less than the remaining weak generals he was bringing, so he prepared to use The words made Li Zhenwu and his party retreat.

"What did Sergeant Shen say? Since you have come to the ranch as a guest, you will be leaving soon. Isn't it a courtesy that we don't understand?" The horse ranch was regarded as a second home, and he said so.

Li Tianfan heard that Li Zhenwu seemed to insist on keeping them, so he ignored Shen Luoyan's obstruction and said, "Since the young master is so hospitable, then Tianfan will use the shot and moonlight in his hand to see if the young master can do it. Keep us guests."

Li Tianfan held a short blade in his hand, bullied himself up, and stabbed Li Zhenwu's eyes with his bizarre footwork and delicate tricks.

Seeing that Li Tianfan had already pounced on Li Zhenwu, Shen Luoyan immediately followed closely behind Li Tianfan, and with a wave of her fingers, directed her men to attack Li Zhenwu together.

Liu Daozong saw the movements of the people in Wagang, greeted the people in the ranch, and then formed a battle with the soldiers of Wagang.

In the blink of an eye, Li Tianfan looked at Li Zhenwu's eyes from a strange and tricky angle with his fish-like movement, as if he wanted to kill him with one hit.

Li Zhenwu looked at Li Tianfan, who was wielding a short blade, and used his fingers to clamp the short blade that was approaching his head, but he did not expect that Li Tianfan, who had always thought it was a straw bag, had almost the same skill as Cao Yinglong of "Ghost Crying God", so the knife was close to Li Zhenwu's eyes. one inch.

"I didn't expect Li Mi's son's martial arts skills to be extraordinary." Li Zhenwu said, looking at Shen Luoyan who was approaching him.

Li Tianfan's short blade was only a short distance from Li Zhenwu's eyes, and he pressed down hard, but found that the knife was as firm as a clip, and could neither be pierced nor pulled back.

Shen Luoyan arrived at this time, the life-threatening hairpin in his hand stabbed Li Zhenwu's temple rapidly, and his movement was as fast as a ghost.

Li Zhenwu suddenly let go of the short blade, and he flicked his finger on the short blade, and the force passed from the short blade to Li Tianfan's arm.

At this time, Shen Luoyan was already twisted by Li Zhenwu, holding the arm that killed the hairpin.

"How is Sergeant Shen? Can you stay at the ranch now?" Li Zhenwu asked, looking at the beauty in his hands.

Shen Luoyan didn't expect that the two of them had become rivals in an instant, but seeing that Li Zhenwu had no intention of killing them, he opened his palm to let the death-killing hairpin fall freely, and said in his mouth, "Since the young master is so hospitable, Then Luo Yan will stay."

As expected of Shen Luoyan, he could still say these words with a smile when he saw that his own side was completely destroyed.

"Since Sergeant Shen has agreed, let me go."

As soon as he heard that he was going to stay, Li Tianfan attacked Li Zhenwu again. Although his hands were injured, the two intact tui kicked sideways towards Li Zhenwu's abdomen. His legs were strong and his moves were fierce, so he had to let Li Zhenwu gave him a touch and told him to stay honest.

Seeing Li Tianfan attacking again, Shen Luoyan shouted, "Young Master, stop." He slapped Li Zhenwu with a palm.

Li Zhenwu dodged Shen Luoyan's hand, and then kicked out his right foot, which just landed on Li Tianfan's calf. With a "click", Li Tianfan's leg on the ground was broken by Li Zhenwu, so he couldn't use his strength. Because he was kicked sideways with one foot, he couldn't stand with both tui, so he lay down on the ground with both hands and one foot crippled.

Shen Luoyan looked at Li Tianfan's tragic appearance, her face lost her smile, she glared at Li Zhenwu fiercely and said, "That's how the young master keeps guests."

"If it weren't for Li Gongzi's insistence on leaving, I wouldn't be like this." Li Zhenwu didn't seem to see her fierce gaze, and he still looked hospitable.

"Master Shen, please." Li Zhenwu let go of Shen Luoyan, made a gesture of invitation in the direction of the ranch, and then looked at her.

Shen Luoyan looked at everything in front of her and knew that people were swordsmen and I was fish, so she didn't say anything else and walked towards the pasture.

"Deacon Liu, take him with you." Li Zhenwu pouted at Li Tianfan on the ground.

Then everyone returned to the pasture with the two accompanying spoils.

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