At this time, he saw Bian Bubu, lying on the ground, his chest was smashed out of a concave place, there was a pool of blood on the ground, his hands were trembling constantly, and he looked at the roof of the inn with blank eyes.

"Isn't it a little late for the girl?" Li Zhenwu looked at the ground with a little surprise, and whispered in her ear.

Kui scolded inwardly, what a waste, you can't even take a move, fortunately, I didn't put all my hopes on you, but my face became even more resentful, and said in my mouth, "Young master is really fast, this time. How can you explain it to the master?" The resentful tone was threatening, and it should be said that it was really worthy, the combination of threats and resentment was seamless.

"Since the girl is not easy to explain, why don't the girl follow me. If someone wants to explain, let her come to me." Li Zhenwu was not afraid at all, and the needle pointed to Maimang.

"Hehe, I'm afraid that your son won't be able to explain it." At this time, Wei changed his face with a stern expression, without any expression in his eyes, and stared at Li Zhenwu.

"Then you don't have to worry about it, girl." Then the hand in front of her turned into a claw and grabbed her shoulder.

"Young master is so cruel." She immediately used the demon to slash, and then the power of Li Zhenwu's claws flew out of the inn.

"Release the arrows." As soon as she went out, she heard the command from a pretty woman's voice.

Countless arrows broke through the door and window immediately, as if they didn't care about the edge on the ground and lived up to it, just to kill Li Zhenwu with one heart.

"This son, what is the power of the Thousand Machine Crossbow?" The woman who had just ordered the shot looked at her for a long time, and after there was no movement, she asked pretty lively.

With so many arrows flying in, Li Zhenwu just blocked a few arrows and hid under the stairs of the inn, waiting for the end of Jian Yu.


A big hole appeared on the roof of the inn in an instant. The first thing Li Zhenwu jumped out was to clean up the archers who were shooting arrows on the roof just now. The most dangerous thing was the archers shooting from the roof.

When she heard the voice, she knew that these bows and arrows could not kill Li Zhenwu, so she had been staring around the inn since she came out. As long as Li Zhenwu came out, she would strike him with a thunderbolt.

"Girls are so enthusiastic every time, this young master can't accept it." Li Zhenwu grabbed the ribbon of the demons and said while looking at the people below.

"By the way, these people will be sent to you, they will almost make me unable to fall." Li Zhenwu then pushed all the bowmen who were killed by him with the wind of his palms.

"Young Master is really amazing. One move has ruined Martial Uncle Bian, and nearly a hundred bowmen don't care, but Master is really ready to fight against my Yinkui faction." She was named the Saint Maiden of Yinkui, and it was the first time she used Yinkui to threaten others.

When she saw Bian Bufei's end, she knew that Li Zhenwu was no worse than her master, so she wanted to retreat now, so she threatened Li Zhenwu.

"Will you not introduce the girl beside you to me first?" Li Zhenwu asked the woman in white next to her without answering what she said.

Chapter 88

"The slave family, Bai Qing'er, I have seen the son." The girl in white, also known as Bai Qing'er, greeted Li Zhenwu with her legs bent and her hands on her waist.

Originally, Bai Qinger just wanted to see who she was, so she could make her arrogant senior sister come to speak to him, but Shishu Bian, who found that he was beaten down with one move, realized that maybe he shouldn't Come over, but after hearing Li Zhenwu's question, he still stood up and said something.

"It turned out to be Miss Bai, not the wife of the city owner. Li Zhenwu is polite." Li Zhenwu let go of the demon ribbon and said with a fist.

"Mr. Li, how can you let go of Wei'er?" Tian Moyin was so fascinated by the operation of Wei'er that it is estimated that now up to [-] years old, down to three or four years old, will be moved by this sentence.

"Girl, I seem to have told you, your demonic voice is useless to me, but for the sake of such a beautiful girl, you can go." Although Li Zhenwu was not afraid of Yinkui Pai, but it doesn't mean that the people around him are not afraid. Anyway, he didn't want to stay behind, so he said it along the way.

After hearing Li Zhenwu's words, the celestial ribbon shot out from the wrist, ready to pull the side who only had one breath left.

"Young lady, it seems that I still have too much pity on you, I told you, he is my gift, why do you want to do this." Li Zhenwu rolled up the magic ribbon of the demon with one palm, He spoke lazily.

"Master, don't you have the heart to see Wei'er, can't you bring back Master Bian and be punished?" Seeing that Li Zhenwu didn't ignore her beauty, she continued with a pitiful look.

Immediately, Li Zhenwu was like a sharp sword unsheathed. The sword energy stabbed her to the point where she felt a little scalp numb. "Bang bang bang" sounded a few times, and then turned around to see that the soldiers behind him all fell to the ground, and there was another faint line between his eyebrows. bloodstains.

"Let me take it away, and I look forward to seeing you next time."

After hearing this, she immediately looked at the roof and found that there was no one on it. She had disappeared at the side of the inn just now. She suddenly thought in discouragement, since she met Li Zhenwu, she had never been better, revealing herself. Identity, interrupted his breakthrough, took his hand and killed Fang Zetao, and now he took away Bian Bufei, I really felt that Li Zhenwu was his nemesis.

In fact, although Li Zhenwu is a lot worse than Li Zhenwu, she is also the daughter of heaven. It was only because she was hit by Li Zhenwu that she left a shadow in her heart. You can win, but it won't be as easy as it is now.

Outside the city of Xiangyang, Li Zhenwu looked at the side of his hand and found that he had no breath, and said in a hypocritical manner, "I originally wanted to bring a living gift, maybe Mrs. Dongming sees that you are still alive. For my sake, I can get a few more discounts, I didn't expect you to die so soon."

Li Zhenwu's words are true, and I don't think that he has been carrying the side upside down just now. He didn't treat him, and he didn't take the arrow out of him. He held his legs and pulled him all the way, so he could survive. It's really crazy.

Although it may be better to live up to the burden, but now that he is going to Luoyang, he has no choice but to sacrifice him, so Li Zhenwu cut off his head and put it in the baggage to continue to Luoyang.

On the way, I thought, the soldiers in Xiangyang City are really powerful, and only a hundred soldiers can cause such a big trouble to myself. You must know that when Li Zhenwu rescued Fu Junxi, the hundreds of soldiers and horses did not hurt Li Zhenwu in the slightest. It seems that he wants to It will take some time to capture Xiangyang.

Luoyang is located on the south bank of the Yellow River, with Mang Mountain in the north, Luoshui in the south, Hulao in the east, Yinghang Valley in the west, surrounded by mountains, and Luoyang Plain in the middle, and the four waters of Yi, Luo, Lu and Jian run through it. Dangerous, beautiful scenery, fertile soil, moderate climate and convenient water transportation.

Since ancient times, eight dynasties such as Xia, Shang, Eastern Zhou, Eastern Han, Cao Wei, Western Jin, Northern Wei and Sui have established their capitals here.The so-called Heyang Dingding is located in the central plains and responds to the four directions. Luoyang is the transportation hub of the world and a military fortress.

After Yang Guang ascended the throne, he chose another capital site in Luoyang and established a new capital.

The new imperial city is located between Zhou Wangcheng and the Han and Wei ancient cities. It spans the Sushui River in the east, the Luo River in the south, the Jian River in the west, and Mangshan Mountain in the north.

With Luoyang as the center, Yang Guang dug out a grand canal that reaches Hangzhou in the south, Zhuo County in the north, and runs through the north and the south, connecting the five major water systems of the Haihe, Yellow, Huaihe, Yangtze and Qiantang Rivers. Luoyang has become the world's transportation and commercial hub. central hub.

Li Zhenwu looked at the people coming and going in Luoyang, and after paying the entrance fee to the soldiers guarding the gate, he went straight into the city.Looking at the bustling streets, what Li Zhenwu thought was, it would be great if Jingling was like this. No wonder Wang Shichong could become a famous prince in the world just by occupying Luoyang.

"Brother Li, you're here too." When Li Zhenwu was still thinking about it, someone suddenly called his voice behind him, and he immediately turned his head to see that it was Song Shidao who came over in a carriage.

"Brother Song" Li Zhenwu greeted with fists.

"Brother Li doesn't know if Miss Fu is here? How is it now?" Song Shidao asked.

"Brother Song, I don't know about Miss Fu?" Li Zhenwu asked with some doubts. After all, how could a clan as big as the Song clan not know about the news of Fu Junxiu's death, but he asked himself again, so he felt a little puzzled.

In fact, it was Song Lu, Song Shidao's third uncle told the Song clan to hide the news, because if Song Shidao found out, it is estimated that Song Que would also know that his son fell in love with a foreign woman, so he didn't know what would happen, so The Song clan concealed the news from Song Shidao.

"Second brother, do you want to talk on the street?" Another woman came out of the carriage, a young and beautiful woman, dressed in neon clothes, with pearl flowers and a hosta on her head, and said with an angry expression on her face.

"Yes, yes, brother Li, please." Song Shidao said to Li Zhenwu, pointing to the carriage.

"Okay, then it's better to be respectful than to obey." Li Zhenwu lifted his front and prepared to get on the carriageway.

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