"Third Master Song is polite, I'm here just for self-protection and self-protection." Li Zhenwu said politely after listening to Song Lu's words and adding a glass of wine to their glasses.

"Killing Yu Wenhuaji, defeating Du Fuwei in one move, and defeating the Jianghuai Army, that one thing is not a famous event in the world."

"The two little brothers are also very talented. Not only did they kill Ren Shaoming, but they also escaped from Qu Ao's men." Song Lu looked at Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling and said.

"Song third master is very polite." Kou Zhong was a little overjoyed, but Xu Ziling said indifferently.

Song Lu is in charge of the intelligence of the Song clan. This compliment is only to introduce the three of Li Zhenwu to Song Zhi. After all, I just learned from Song Yuzhi that the three of Li Zhenwu and Song Shidao are together, and Song Zhi has never seen the three of them. Therefore, Song Lucai seemed to praise him like this, but it was just for introduction.

After Song Zhi heard it, he just watched Song Lu and Li Zhenwu talking here, his eyes turned, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Li Jiugui, why don't you talk." Song Yuzhi has been drinking for the past few days since Li Zhenwu took Song Shidao, so he called Li Zhenwu Li Jiugui...

Li Zhenwu looked at Song Zhi, who had never left his eyes as soon as he entered the door. He wondered what the earth sword of the Song clan was thinking, and was suddenly called by Song Yuzhi, "What are you calling me? Want to speak?"

"You, drunkard." Song Yuzhi stretched out his finger and pointed at Li Zhenwu as if he was angry.

"Yuzhi." Song Zhi called out Song Yuzhi's name majestically, looked at her and said.

"Second Master Song, I'm just joking with Miss Song, please include the rudeness." Li Zhenwu looked at Song Yuzhi, who was glared by Song Zhi, and kept looking at himself, so Li Zhenwu said.

"It's Yuzhi's rudeness, Song Zhi is here to make amends for Young Master Li." Song Zhi said, and as expected, he was the No. [-] figure in the Song clan. He spoke calmly, and was extremely smooth.

Song Lu watched Song Yuzhi being blamed by his second brother, and cast himself a look for help, so he added a glass of wine to Li Zhenwu, turned to Song Zhi and said, "Second brother, let's not talk about young people. If they mix it up, let them solve it by themselves." Then he picked up the wine glass, touched Li Zhenwu, looked at Song Yuzhi who was angry but speechless at this time, and drank the wine.


Song Yuzhi heard Song Lu's words, and although he was grateful that he helped him clear the siege, he heard that he and Li Zhenwu were pulled together and said something about the people in front of him, so he snorted and sat there without speaking.

In fact, Song Lu looked at Li Zhenwu and Song Yuzhi just now, and really wanted to bring them together. In his opinion, Li Zhenwu is strong in martial arts, and he knows the military strategy. If he can draw him into the Song clan, it will be a real blessing, so just now I just said that on purpose.

"Second Master Song, since the third Master Song is here, I guess the two of you must have a lot to say to Brother Song. I will leave with Xiaozhong and Xiaoling first." Li Zhenwu looked at Song Lu and the others started from entering the door. , looking at himself there, not knowing what to do, Li Zhenwu felt bored and left with Kou and Xu.

Chapter 92 Finding Li Shimin

"Second brother, how are these young people?" Song Lu and Song Zhi asked Song Shidao about the current situation in Luoyang, and let them go back first. After the door was closed, Song Lu immediately said to Song Zhi.

"The dragon among those two little brothers, I can't see through that Young Master Li. I just felt a little brother's temperament in him." Song Zhi looked at Li Zhenwu's position just now and said in surprise.

"What? Big brother, second brother, you won't feel wrong, right?" Song Lu said while pulling his beard in surprise.

"No, as soon as I entered the door, I kept observing that Young Master Li, there is nothing wrong." Song Zhi said with certainty.

"Big brother? Isn't he also a master. What do you think of my suggestion from the second brother?" Song Lu straightened his beard, calmed down, and said.

"Is it Yuzhi and that son?" Song Lu asked.

"Well, I originally thought that Young Master Li was only congenital perfection at best. Since he may be a grandmaster, it is even more worthy of attracting." Song Lu nodded and said.

"Okay, I'll see how that Young Master Li is in a while. If he is, then he's worthy of our wooing." Song Zhi said.


At this time, Li Zhenwu didn't know that a princess of the Song clan was coming, but he was walking outside, thinking that since Kou Zhong and the others were here, then the concubine Xuan should also be there, so he looked for the concubine at the Luoyang City Inn. Xuan's whereabouts, to see if He's jade is on her.

"Can Xiongtai have a drink?" When Li Zhenwu was searching in the inn, someone suddenly shouted.

When Li Zhenwu looked at it, he saw a young man with a dignified air, wearing a gray cloth and wearing a sunshade, so Li Zhenwu sat down and said, "This son, please." Regardless of the other person on the table, he directly served Take a drink from the glass.

"Young master is so bold and unrestrained. Li Shimin has seen him before." Li Shimin also drank his wine and put down his glass.

When Li Zhenwu saw it just now, he knew that the person who called him was Li Shimin. After all, as the last victor of the Great Sui Dynasty, how could Li Zhenwu not get his information first?But now he pretended not to know and said, "It turned out to be the second son of the Li clan, who has been famous for a long time."

"I'm just relying on my ancestors' yin inheritance. Where is the famous name, I don't know the son?" Li Shimin heard Li Zhenwu calling himself the second son of the Li clan, and knew that he knew him, so he asked Li Zhenwu Dao.

"Under Li Zhenwu, there is an unnamed pawn." Li Zhenwu looked at the future Tian Khan and replied.

Li Shimin's eyes lit up, and he said, "It's Mr. Li Zhenwu, the one who defeated the Jianghuai Army, and Xiuning also mentioned Mr. Li, saying that Mr. Li's martial arts are unparalleled in the world. Today, he is really extraordinary." It is completely different from the focus of the rivers and lakes. When Song Lu introduced just now, he first mentioned Li Zhenwu's martial arts, followed by Li Zhenwu's military strategy, and Li Shimin directly said that Li Zhenwu defeated the Jianghuai Army. These are why the four clans One of the Song clan, until the end, there was no monarch who could compete for dominance in the world, because they had regarded themselves as a person in the arena.

"It's just a fluke, Li Gongzi doesn't have to do this. But I didn't expect Princess Xiuning to mention it." Li Zhenwu said politely.

"Brother Li, if you don't mind, just call him Shimin." Li Shimin knew Li Zhenwu's military talent and heard Li Xiuning talk about the relationship between Li Zhenwu and Pegasus Ranch, and said more earnestly.

"Okay, Brother Shimin, then you can call yourself Zhenwu, and you don't want Li Gongzi, Li Gongzi's name." Sure enough, Li Shimin in front of him was already at full level. Thinking about how he knew everyone in the Song clan. The time is longer than the time he has known Li Shimin, but because of the relationship between the Tiandao Song Que, the Song clan seems to be relatively close to Li Zhenwu and the others, but they are still very arrogant in their hearts.

"I wonder how Brother Zhenwu sees the world?" Li Shimin directly asked Li Zhenwu's views on the world.

"I'm a commoner, what can I say?" Li Zhenwu said shyly.

"What about Brother Zhenwu's evaluation of Yang Guang?" Li Shimin asked again, seeing that Li Zhenwu didn't answer his words.

"Yang Guang, he can be regarded as a king again, but he is a little more irritable and eager." Li Zhenwu told Li Shimin his evaluation of Yang Guang.

"How do you say this? Don't Brother Zhenwu think Yang Guang is a fool? All the chaos in the world comes from Yang Guang." Li Shimin's eyes brightened after hearing Li Zhenwu's evaluation of Yang Guang, but he continued to ask.

"Fool, Yang Guang may be a little foolish in the later period, but in my opinion, he just gave up on himself."

"Besides, the chaos in the world is not mostly from the hands of those who have the heart. I don't think the relationship with Yang Guang is too big." Li Zhenwu defended Yang Guang.

"If it weren't for his stupidity, there wouldn't be so many people who couldn't eat. Does this have nothing to do with Yang Guang?" Li Shimin wanted to convince Li Zhenwu, so he turned his words to the people, and wanted to turn the topic here, okay A table of their own holding 567 negative.

"People, in fact, I feel that Yang Guang, everything he does is for the people, building the Grand Canal, irrigating farmland and transporting north-south; three expeditions to Korea, just to defend the territory, open the imperial examination, and make the poor people also You can be the master of the house." Li Zhenwu did not like Li Shimin's wish, but continued to evaluate Yang Guangdao.

"Brother Zhenwu thinks that how to govern the world after the unification of the world will enable the people to live and work in peace and contentment." After listening to Li Zhenwu's words, Li Shimin felt that Li Zhenwu was a talented person who was capable of both literature and martial arts, and he was even more interested in it, but he did not change the topic When he reached the direction he wanted, Li Shimin turned around and said it himself.

"Brother Shimin is really asking the wrong person. I'm just a commoner who talks about political affairs? But what about you, brother Shimin? How would you govern?" , so that Li Shimin can say what he wants.

Li Shimin first smiled at Li Zhenwu before replying: "Education is easy to teach after the chaos, just like the hungry people are easy to eat. If you are a king, you are willing to set an example and deal with the abuses of the previous dynasty. Xingwen, virtuous and merciful, light and ruthless, must be of the same mind, people should be like a sound, not hurried but speedy, the middle earth is safe, and people from afar are attached to themselves.”

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