The woodcutter panicked and said, "How did you come up, where is Big Brother Chu?"

Yu He walked over with a smile and said, "You mean the owner of this iron slurry." The man who was talking was already in front of the woodcutter, "He is at the foot of the mountain now."


Li Zhenwu hurriedly pointed out a finger, drew a gourd and drew a scoop, and touched the woodcutter's acupuncture point. The four of them crossed the woodcutter and came to the edge of a cliff. They saw several long vines with the thickness of an arm descending from the sky, and one end was hidden like a cloud.

Several people were daring and talented people. Li Zhenwu carried the old urchin, grabbed the vines with both hands, and rubbed them, and they flew up. Compared with the monkeys in the mountains, they were a little more sensitive. Huang Rong and Ying Gu and the two also flew up.

But for a moment, Li Zhenwu climbed to the top of the mountain first, put down the old urchin, and after Huang Rong and Yinggu came up, the four continued to walk up.

Chapter 41 Read

The four of them didn't take a few steps, but suddenly they heard a loud bang, as if the rocks were cracking, and then they heard the sound of cattle again and again, and then one person shouted loudly.

The four of them stepped forward and saw a yellow cow on the hillside holding its head high and humming. The situation was very strange. The cow was lying on its back on a rock, struggling on all fours, but could not stand up. He took up the T-step, and held the rock with both hands. As long as he let go, he would surely fall into the deep valley below with the cow and the rock.

The place where the man was standing was another prominent hanging rock, and there was nowhere to back down. Even if he was willing to let the ox not, the rock would press down, not to break his hand, but also his foot. Looking at the situation, it must be the ox climbing the slope. When he was grazing on the grass, he stumbled and fell down and hit a loose rock. The man was nearby, rushing to hold the stone to save the cow, but he fell into this embarrassing situation.

The old urchin approached with a smile, "It's fun and fun. Big man. It's very interesting that you can lift a stone in your hand."

On the top of the mountain is a piece of flat land, which has been cultivated into more than [-] acres of mountain fields. Rice is planted. A hoe is thrown at the edge of the field. Cultivating grass.

Li Zhenwu knew that 14 was the ploughing in Yuqiao's ploughing studies, and said, "Come on, I'll help you."

When the farmer heard the voice, he couldn't help but glanced at Li Zhenwu to see who the voice was coming from. At first glance, he couldn't help but be greatly surprised, but seeing that he was only a teenager, he took it as his. Li Zhenwu was kidding him.

Suddenly, I thought about it, there were still two guards at the foot of the mountain, so I looked down the slope again, and I was shocked to see Ying Gu and the old urchin looking down with a young man with a smile.

This farmer is the farmer Wu Santong in Yu Qiao's farming study.Seeing this, she was immediately startled, Xindao Yinggu was the master's enemy, and it was impossible for the two brothers to let them up.

Seeing the sudden change in his face, Li Zhenwu knew what he was thinking, and he didn't talk nonsense. He flew forward and shot like electricity, making him become a wooden man like his two brothers and sisters, and then gently smashed the big stone first. Shoot into pieces.

Then he put his hands on the back of the cow with its four feet upside down, and with a flick of the cow, the cow fell in the air. Seeing that it was about to fall to the ground, Yu He had already rushed under the cow like lightning and held it steady. Slowly put it on the ground.

Wu Santong was shocked. The young man in front of him who rescued the cow was already showing his very good internal and light skills, plus an old urchin Zhou Botong who was no weaker than his master, and a first-class master Ying Gu, master I really couldn't resist it, but now that I was hit on the acupoint, I couldn't move at all, so I could only watch Li Zhenwu and the others continue to go up the mountain.

The four of them walked along the mountain road. After a short walk, the mountain road came to an end. In front of it was a stone beam about a foot wide. It was crossed between two mountain peaks. Above, the footpath is nothing, but this stone beam is in a deep valley, let alone walking, just looking at it can not help but tremble.

Walking on the stone beam, the stone beam is uneven, and in the cloud and mist all year round, the stone is slippery and slippery. The slower you go, the easier it is to fall. The beam was suddenly interrupted, and there was a gap about seven or eight feet long. Li Zhenwu grabbed the old urchin and jumped over. The other two also flew over. The stone beam here is very slippery. Past here.

After running for a while, I jumped over a gap and passed seven cliffs one after another. I saw a large flat land on the opposite mountain. Suddenly I heard the sound of the book. The stone beam has come to an end, but there is a very long gap at the end. About ten feet away, a scholar was sitting cross-legged at the other end of the gap, holding a volume of books in his hand, and was reading aloud. There was a short gap behind the scholar.

Li Zhenwu smiled slightly, this scholar actually occupies a good position, the mountain road is very slippery, and this scholar occupies a position where one husband is a man and a million husbands are not open, it is really difficult for ordinary people to pass, but this ordinary person is just another ordinary person. .

I saw the scholar shaking his head and reading with relish, as if he hadn't seen the four of Li Zhenwu.

Li Zhenwu smiled slightly, and suddenly raised his palm, and a palm force came out. Now the scholar was sitting there reading with no composure, as if there was oil boiling under his butt, and he was busy flying ten feet high, only to hear the bang With a bang, Li Zhenwu's palm suddenly smashed the stone on which the scholar was sitting.

And Li Zhenwu also took this opportunity to cross the gap in the stone beam.

At this time, the scholar just fell down, and when he saw this, he immediately flicked his right hand, and a judge's pen was coming out of his sleeve, sharply attacking Li Zhenwu's upper body.

Li Zhenwu smiled, his palms moved, his left hand flicked with two fingers, and he tapped on the scholar's judge's pen. The scholar couldn't hold it, and Li Zhenwu's judge's pen was suddenly hit in the air, and Li Zhenwu's right hand quickly stabbed the scholar Zhu Ziliu. , Zhu Ziliu froze, his head and feet fell into the valley.

Zhu Ziliu turned pale with fright and lost his soul.If it falls like this, I am afraid that even the bones will not be found. I am afraid that it will fall into a meat pie, which is still extremely thin.

Seeing that Zhu Ziliu's feet did not cross the stone beam, Li Zhenwu suddenly stretched out his left hand, and a suction force suddenly sucked Zhu Ziliu up, and at this time the judge's pen was also falling down, and it was inserted straight at Li Zhenwu's feet, and it was inserted into Zhu Ziliu. In front of him, although Zhu Ziliu couldn't move at this time, his heart was beating thumpingly.

Li Zhenwu jumped back, carrying the old urchin and Huang Rong and the others across Zhu Ziliu, and then continued on.

Before a cup of tea time, a temple suddenly appeared in front of him. Li Zhenwu stood outside the temple and shouted, "Junior Li Zhenwu, along with his wife Huang Rong and the old urchin, Yinggu, ask to see Master Yideng." Li Zhenwu kept talking. Like a thread, the thread penetrates into the temple.

"Amitabha, the honored guests are coming to the door, but there is a lack of welcome, disrespect and disrespect." A kindly Buddha's name came from the temple, and soon, the temple gate opened, and two monks came out with several monks.

The first two monks, one wearing white clothes and white hats, dark skin, high nose and deep eyes, obviously from Tianzhu, wearing coarse cloth monk robes, two long white eyebrows drooping from the corners of his eyes, the other has a kind face, although the gap between the eyebrows There is a hint of sadness, but with a graceful and lofty look, it is clear at a glance that these two are Master Yideng and his junior brother.

Chapter 42 The End of the Divine Eagle 1

When the old urchin saw Yideng, he immediately lowered his head, while Ying Gu looked at Yideng with hatred, as if he wanted to tear a piece of meat from him. The old urchin was very guilty of Yideng, so he pulled Aunt Ying, motioned Aunt Ying not to be like this.

Seeing the old urchin and Gu Ying, Yi Deng whispered a Buddha's name, "Four of you, please come in."

Li Zhenwu smiled, pulled the old urchin's wrist tightly, and entered with a lamp.

Although the temple looks small, it is very deep inside.A few people walked through a bluestone-paved path with a lantern, and then passed through a bamboo forest. They only felt that the green shade was very quiet, and it was very annoying. There were three stone houses hidden in the bamboo forest.

Yideng led a few people into one of the stone houses. On that day, the monk Zhu retired, and a few novice monks also let Yideng go, leaving only Yideng, Li Zhenwu and other five people in the room.

Yideng sat on a futon, and the four Yu He also found a futon to sit down, and the novices offered tea and retired by themselves.

Yideng said, "Amitabha, more than ten years have passed in the blink of an eye. Aunt Ying, you and Botong have finally found him." Looking at Aunt Ying, Yideng's face was filled with regret and guilt.

Ying Gu said angrily, "My surname is Duan, if you thought you were a monk, I would forgive you, huh! Back then, you didn't save me and let my child die so tragically. I won't let you go."

Li Zhenwu said to the three of them, "Ying, don't get angry for now. Speaking of which, the fault between the three of you was caused by you and Zhou Botong. Although Master Yideng could not help him, it was you and Zhou Botong who were sorry for Master Yideng. , Master Yideng, this time we are here, in fact, we want you to forgive the matter between Zhou Botong and Yinggu, and Zhou Botong wants to be with Yinggu, you have to ask for permission in person, otherwise Zhou Botong is It's impossible to be with Ying-gu."

Yideng nodded, his hands clasped together and said, "Amitabha, everything has a law, like a dream bubble, like dew, like electricity, look at it like this, Botong, I have already let go of the things of the past, you and Yinggu are just a couple, Why are you avoiding Ying-gu?"

Zhou Botong raised his head embarrassedly and said, "Brother Yideng. I'm sorry for you. That girl Ying said she wanted revenge. Naturally, I wouldn't let her do it."

Yi Dengkou proclaimed the Buddha's slogan, "This matter is my fault. The child is innocent. I shouldn't have saved him, Yinggu, Botong, I ask you to forgive me."

The old urchin waved his hand and said embarrassedly, "Your Highness Duan, you are right, hehe, old urchin, I was wrong, I hope you can forgive me, Lord Duan."

Li Zhenwu analyzed Ying Gu, "Ying Gu, could it be that you really can't let go of this hatred? If you really want Duan Huangye to die, I think Duan Huangye will definitely stand there and let you do it. , but in this way, I think the fate between you and Zhou Botong only ends there."

Aunt Ying glanced at Zhou Botong and said shyly, "Let Botong make up his mind on this matter."

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