After all, what good news is there in the current situation of Konoha?

The teacher who went out to investigate was a little out of breath because of the rapid march, and he said: "Sand Ninja summoned a three-headed snake using a psychic technique. "

"What? Is this still good news?" A teacher's expression changed drastically, thinking that the walls were broken, or is it good news?Was this colleague frightened by the big snake?

However, the teacher who went out to investigate, just panted and breathed, and then continued: "After the big snake broke through the east wall, hundreds of sand ninjas will enter Konoha together, many Konoha patrolling ninjas and guard ninjas , are resisting, but the resistance is very difficult."

"How can it be good news!" Iruka's eyes narrowed, it was hard to imagine the chaos that Hundred Sand Ninja would cause when he invaded Konoha, but that's it, his colleague was still saying it was good news?

Just when the other teachers were wondering if this teacher was really scared by the big snake and the sand ninjas, the teacher gasped and said, "But..."

Looking at his colleagues, who all looked like they were going to check their heads, the ninja teacher said the rest of the words in one breath: "But except for Konoha who has traveled for many years, the 'sir' is back! He will kill him alone. The huge three-headed snake died, and then he solved most of the sand ninjas alone! The rest of the trivial sand ninjas have been almost solved by the Konoha patrol ninjas!"

After speaking this breath, the teacher was not out of breath.

Hearing this news, the teachers all heard it, and it turned out that all the troubles were solved.

The big equipment was killed, and the sand ninja was eliminated, which is indeed good news, but a younger ninja said in disbelief:

"That lord? Who is it? Is there anyone else who can solve hundreds of sand ninjas?" The young teacher didn't quite believe it.

After all, if the Sand Ninja Village came to attack Konoha, it couldn't be just hundreds of Ninjas, right?

And the chunin, even if they exist in small groups, then for every chunin, there must be a Shangnin to lead.

In this case, one person can solve these hundreds of sand ninjas with the strength of chunin and even individual jōnin?

Young teachers don't quite believe it.

"'That lord$ that Lord Zhenwu?" Suddenly, the young teacher heard the trembling and trembling voice of Teacher Iruka beside him.

Why did Iruka-sensei behave like this?The young teacher was puzzled.

Iruka is a kind-hearted person and a strong teacher. In the class she brought out, all nine people participated in the Chunin exam.So in the ninja school, Iruka is also very prestige.

So, the young teacher asked, "Mr. Iruka, do you know that adult?"

Iruka trembled and trembled, everyone could notice, but Iruka trembled and trembled with excitement.

And after listening to the young teacher's words, he still couldn't calm down, and even said in a somewhat erratic tone: "Of course I know, the whole Konoha, all the older ninjas, or villagers, there is no one who doesn't know the true martial artist!"

"Master Zhenwu?" The young teacher was puzzled. He graduated from the ninja school several years later than Iruka. When Iruka graduated, he was still a little kid who was just going to school.

"That's right." Iruka nodded heavily: "Lord Zhenwu, he passed the Chunin exam in the same year as me, but at that time, Lord Zhenwu was only four years old."

"Four years?!" The young teacher was shocked.

"Yes, not only that, in the Chunin exam that year, Lord Zhenwu directly defeated all the candidates in the preliminaries! So he became a Chunin directly!"

"It's amazing!" An exclamation suddenly sounded, but Iruka felt something was wrong, because this exclamation sound seemed to be his own student.

He glanced at the door of his class, and Konoha Maru led Zhengzhen and head to eavesdrop.

The exclamation just now came from the mouth of Konoha Maru.

Chapter [-] The Brilliant Past! (fifth more)

"Why did you come out? Hurry back to the classroom!" Iruka was surprised, and then he didn't care about continuing to talk about Lord Zhenwu, who was taking the Chunin exam with him, but hurriedly expelled his students.

"Mr. Iruka! We heard it just now! Go ahead and talk about Lord Zhenwu!"

And his students, led by Konoha Maru, didn't listen to him, and Konoha Maru said loudly, with a look of anticipation on his face.

"No!" Iruka refused categorically, not wanting the students to understand that there was chaos outside~ and Konoha who was attacked.

However, the young teacher on the side pulled his clothes and persuaded him: "Forget it, they all heard it anyway, and Iruka-sensei, you haven't told about the deeds of Lord Zhenwu - it's over!"

Saying that, the young teacher was also looking forward to it, waiting for Iruka to continue.

Iruka hesitated for a while, and finally sighed and said, "Well, if that's the case, then let's listen to the employment."

"Teacher Iruka is the best!" Konoha Maru cheered, and then a fascinated little star seemed to appear in his eyes, and he reminded very intimately: "Teacher Iruka, you just mentioned the Chunin Lord Zhenwu. Passing the exam! What about after that?"

Iruka thought for a while, sorted out his thoughts, and then continued: "Actually, before the Chunin exam, Lord Zhenwu was very powerful!"

"It only took him two months to graduate from the ninja school, and he was accepted as a disciple by the third-generation Hokage-sama just after graduating."

"Wow, graduating in two months!"

"Disciple of Hokage!"

The students were amazed, and even the young teacher couldn't help but be shocked.

"It turns out that Lord Zhenwu is still Grandpa's disciple? I didn't expect Grandpa to have such a powerful disciple." Konoha Maru muttered in a low voice.

Iruka continued to talk about what he knew: "Before the Chunin exam, Lord Zhenwu actually performed a B-level mission, and that B-level mission, Lord Zhenwu almost completed it alone, and there was no such thing as a single mission. Hurt, at that time, in the mission, I faced many ninjas with the strength of Chunin, and there was even a ninja whose strength far surpassed that of Chunin!"

"Wow!" The words fell, and suddenly there was a sound of exclamation.

"And after the Chunin exam, a conflict broke out between Konoha and Yunyin Ninja Village, so Lord Zhenwu set off on the battlefield on the front line!"

In Iruka's eyes, there was reminiscence, and he remembered the deeds of Li Zhenwu that were widely circulated among the ninjas in the village at that time.

"It's Lord Zhenwu, who just entered the battlefield. During a Yunyin Ninja Village attack on the Konoha frontline station, he encountered and captured the opponent's strength, the two Yumu people!"

Iruka has entered the storytelling mode, and the words in his mouth are eloquent, talking about Li Zhenwu's brilliant achievements:

"And then during a hostage exchange, Yunyin Ninja Village took advantage of the opportunity to attack the Konoha station again, so Lord Zhenwu took another action."

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