Li Zhenwu just glanced at it lightly, and continued to expand, until he saw the words "Lingbo Weibu", and then he smiled.

At this moment, just listening to the sound of "ding dong", another voice sounded in my mind: "As a Saiyan with a warlike nature, please ask the host to collect all the martial arts books in the Tianlong Babu, the task period is four years, If the mission fails, the host will be obliterated!"

"Fuck, Nima, why do you have to collect all the martial arts books in the Tianlong Babu as a Saiyan? You're cheating on me, and I won't say anything else, the special dog-beating stick method and the eighteen palms of subduing the dragon. How to collect labor and capital!"

"Ding Dong, because the host abused the system, the host is punished not to use any non-this world martial arts in the Tianlong Babu world. The time limit is four years."


The joy of seeing Ling Bo Weibu was instantly washed away by this prompt from the system.

Just when Li Zhenwu was still a little confused, the system's prompt sounded again, "Harvesting the martial arts classics of "Bei Ming Shen Gong" and "Ling Bo Weibu"... The system is automatically recording... The system is analyzing, automatically learning... Automatically Finished studying!"

When the words fell, Li Zhenwu only felt a "hum" in his head, and countless memories rushed into his head crazily. It was the wonderful exercises of "Bei Ming Shen Gong" and "Ling Bo Wei Bu".

"At present, the host has obtained martial arts books: Beiming Shengong, Xiaowuxianggong, Tianshan Liuyang Palm, Lingbo Weibu."

Hearing this, Li Zhenwu was slightly startled, and asked honestly: "System, I just watched Wuyazi use this little Wuxianggong and Tianshan Liuyang Palm, and I learned a little..."

"The system carries an automatic learning function, and it is easy to learn the opponent's martial arts when fighting with the enemy."

Finally got a piece of good news. Now that martial arts are sealed, there are not many people who can easily fight against them. Needless to say, there are three people who are staring at Shaolin Temple martial arts books. If you go Fighting with them, something will inevitably happen. Now, as long as you have this ability, it is not difficult to collect martial arts.

Now that he has learned Beiming Magic and Lingbo Microsteps, this thing is no longer needed. Li Zhenwu very kindly installed it, put it back into the futon, and turned the futon over to let the dumbfounded Duan Yu Go kowtow yourself.

"By the way, it was written on the silk bag just now that once the magic has been accomplished, you can go to the blessed land of Langhuan to read all kinds of classics, and all the martial arts masters from all sects in the world are gathered here, that is, they are all for your use. That is to say, the cave's There are also other martial arts hidden in it!"

Li Zhenwu's eyes lit up, and he looked for it immediately.

Seeing that there was another cave door on the left side of the cave, Li Zhenwu walked down slowly, there was a stone bed, and in front of the bed was a small wooden cradle, which must have been used by Wu Yazi and Li Qiushui's daughter. The past, that is, Mrs. Wang of Mantuo Villa, and looking back, Li Zhenwu saw the rare chess game that stunned the heroes of the world.

Li Zhenwu didn't understand Go at all, and it wasn't the time of Zhenlong's chess game, so he didn't have the mood to take a closer look. He just borrowed the fire knife, flint and paper medium, and lit a candle to see it more clearly.

Immediately looking at other places, I saw that there was another hole at the end of the stone bed, and four words were written on the stone wall next to the door: "Lang Huan Blessed Land", Li Zhenwu was overjoyed, and walked down with candles.

As soon as he stepped in the door, Li Zhenwu saw the rows of wooden bookshelves in the cave, but there was not a single book on the wooden shelves. Li Zhenwu could only sigh slightly, feeling very at a loss.

Xu is that the martial arts books of various sects listed on the bookshelf have been removed.

Since Duan Yu had that adventure to come here, how could others not have this adventure? He can only lament that he came a step late, otherwise, this damn task will definitely be completed a lot.

Chapter [-] Sikong

After leaving the cave, it was already night. Li Zhenwu didn't know what the current situation was. He just looked at the green smoke rising from the mountainside in the east. Camp there.

At the moment, Li Zhenwu didn't care what the situation was, he just flew towards the place where the blue smoke was.

Although some other powerful martial arts cannot be used, the Saiyan's physique is still there, and it took no effort to run to the mountainside.

Turning around a mountain... Li Zhenwu saw a group of twenty or thirty people sitting among a large pile of rocks. Among them, a thin old man was sitting on a high rock, taller than others, with a goatee. His demeanor was very arrogant, and he should be the leader of this group of people.

Not far from him, the little girl Zhong Ling was tied with ropes by these people and threw it on the ground. The shoe on one foot has disappeared. It seems that Duan Yu should have gone to find the Valley of Ten Thousand Tribulations at this time. It's just pitiful~ This little girl Zhong Ling.

Thinking of this, Li Zhenwu found a flat place to land and walked slowly towards it, but before he took a few steps, he was stopped by two men in yellow clothes who did not know their identities. Li Zhenwu saw that these two were both. With a medicine bag hanging on his shoulder and a short knife with a very wide blade in his hand, he also understood the identities of the two at the moment, and said, "Li Zhenwu, passing through this place, I don't know..."

"Passing through here?"

The two looked at Li Zhenwu, and suddenly stepped forward to capture him and said, "Whether you are passing through this place depends on what the helper has to say. Boy, if you pass by here at this time, your life will be miserable."

After saying that, he escorted Li Zhenwu away.

After a while, Li Zhenwu saw the thin old man and the little girl Zhong Ling.

Although he was captured, Zhong Ling was not afraid, and looked at Li Zhenwu carefully.

Seeing Li Zhenwu bowing like Duan Yu did, she suddenly laughed.

The skinny old man immediately widened his eyes and said, "Do you girl know this kid?"

Zhong Lingdao: "I don't know, I just think this person is just as stupid as that Duan Xianggong!"

Li Zhenwu scratched his head and cupped his hands towards Zhong Ling: "I don't know what the girl said about Duan Xianggong, but he is a young son who is angry on Facebook and doesn't understand martial arts?"

Zhong Ling said: "Yes! Young Master, do you know him?"

Li Zhenwu smiled and shook his head and said, "In Dali, I don't know how many families there are with the surname Duan, and I don't know how many with the bookish surname Duan. I don't know if the Duan Xianggong in the girl's mouth is the Duan Xianggong in my mouth."

Hearing this, the thin old man secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"However, I came to Wuliangshan to find a duan Xianggong. His surname is Duan Mingyu. I wonder if the girl knows him?" Li Zhenwu asked with a smile.

This time, it was Zhong Ling's turn to be surprised.

She knew Duan Yu's name, and she knew even more that Duan Yu was a young master who didn't know any martial arts. When she looked at this young man again, it seemed that he didn't know much about martial arts. At the moment, he said repeatedly: "I don't know, I don't know, I don't know what Duan Yu is."

She said these words quickly and quickly. Si Kongxuan, such a shrewd person, instantly realized that Li Zhenwu's identity was absolutely extraordinary, and immediately gave those two a wink.

But just when the two were about to exert their strength, they felt that the vigor and internal strength of the whole body were being absorbed continuously by the weird boy in front of him. The duo shot a long way.

"Guang Master Sikong, I have never had any grievances or enmity with your gang. I wonder why the two disciples of your gang suddenly attacked me?"

Li Zhenwu slapped the two of them lightly, and his eyes pierced at Sikong Xuan again!

Before Sikong Xuan could answer, Zhong Ling shouted, "This son, Duan Yu, Xianggong Duan was bullied by this thief, and he was also given a broken heart powder."

"You girl, don't talk nonsense!" Sikong Xuan shouted angrily.

Li Zhenwu didn't talk nonsense, he used Tianshan's Six Suns Palm and stepped on Lingbo's foot. It only took a moment for Sikong Xuan to be cornered.

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