Seeing that the roaring dog had raised the bones in his hand and was about to attack Chenxiang, Li Zhenwu subconsciously stopped.

His voice alarmed the two of them, and they turned their heads together, only to see a tall, thin man approaching.

With a glance at the roaring dog, he knew that the other party was a manaless mortal.

"Haha, boy, do you know who I am? I dare to come up and seek death!" Roaring Heavenly Dog laughed, looking at the other party's behavior of seeking death with disdain.

"I advise you to get out of the way quickly, otherwise I'm not sure if today's day next year will be your birthday."

The Roaring Dog was deliberately showing off in front of Li Zhenwu. As he spoke, he waved the bones in his hand—


With a loud noise, a forest in the distance was suddenly razed to the ground in an instant, and the ground under their feet trembled under the huge vibration!

"See? Why don't you get out?"

The roaring dog was very satisfied with the huge destructive power he created. He turned back and looked at Li Zhenwu proudly.

He can already predict the appearance of the other party screaming and running away.

At first, Liu Chenxiang thought that an expert was helping him, but when he saw that the other party was just an ordinary person, he was disappointed.

Especially when the Roaring Dog showed his terrifying strength, he was even more desperate. Even the Roaring Dog was so powerful, what chance did he have to defeat the Erlang God who was a hundred times stronger than him?

It seems that he can't save his mother in his life. For a time, he is sad and desperate.

But even so, he did not forget this stranger who came forward.

"Come on, I don't want to implicate innocent people."

But Li Zhenwu didn't run for his life like the roaring dog had expected, and he still stood there with his expression unchanged.

Such Chi Guoguo's provocation made Roaring Dog Sound very angry.

"You kid, you're so scared—"

The Howling Dog's arrogant clamor has not been finished, but he has already received a loud slap on the face.

"It's noisy."

Li Zhenwu stood in the distance and said lightly.

"You—you hit me?"

Covering his swollen cheeks, the roaring dog looked at him angrily.

But he couldn't believe it, the other party was so far away from him, and he kept watching, he never moved, how did he hit him?

"Okay, get out of here, I won't kill incompetent people!" Li Zhenwu said.

Such an arrogant and arrogant behavior annoyed the roaring dog.

"Bah, who do you think you are!"

This mortal is too crazy!

He didn't believe that the slap just now came from the hand of the person opposite.

This must be Liu Chenxiang's deliberate trick, thinking that Liu Chenxiang has always been cunning and cunning, the roaring dog is more and more sure of his conjecture.

Yes, that's it!

Maybe this person who appeared out of nowhere was also a helper invited by Liu Chenxiang.

Hmph, I found someone with no power, thinking that I can scare myself with this little cleverness?

The Roaring Dog gave Chenxiang a disdainful look, "Liu Chenxiang, if you think you can scare me with such a little trick, then you are too naive!"

With that said, the roaring dog left Chen Xiang aside and rushed towards Li Zhenwu.

"Boy, you are asking for a dead end!"

He said, from the heart.

He poured his mana into that big bone, and a powerful force rushed towards Li Zhenwu!

"Get out of the way!" Liu Chenxiang was shocked and couldn't help reminding her.

But after thinking about it, how could the other party, a mortal body, escape such a blow as the Roaring Heavenly Dog?


He couldn't help but said pessimistically in his heart, thinking that the other party lost his life because of his own reasons, the kind-hearted Liu Chenxiang was full of guilt.

Liu Chenxiang, what's the use of you, it's just that you can't save your mother, and now you have to cause innocent people to die for yourself...

"Boom—" With a loud noise, Liu Chenxiang closed her eyes in discomfort, not wanting to see the scene that made her unacceptable.


A hard inhalation sounded, as if someone was seriously injured.

But this voice-

Liu Chenxiang opened his eyes in surprise, and then he saw a shocking scene...

The roaring dog was already kneeling on the ground with one hand on the ground, clutching his chest and panting uncomfortably.

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