"Yes, I have succeeded." Orochimaru became a woman, and her voice changed at the same time, which seemed strange and unpredictable: "After so many years of research and constant pursuit, the technique that can immortalize life has been used by me. researched."

"Through the transformation of the soul, the body is only an external container. After I changed this young body, I no longer suffer from physical aging."

Orochimaru is telling the truth: "Even, I can choose a body with higher potential, so that I can pursue the truth and walk faster."

"Could it be... Sasuke..." Sarutobi Hizan was surprised.

"Yes, Sasuke is the second body I prepared."

Sarutobi Hizan suddenly closed his eyes, remembering the scene when he let Orochimaru in Konoha.

After a while, he suddenly opened his eyes: "Last time I couldn't bear to kill you, today, I must make up for the last mistake!"

Saying that, Sarutobi Hiizan is about to make a move.

"Ms. Sarutobi, are you going to use the ghoul to seal that spell?"

The ninjas present, including Orochimaru, still didn't know what Sarutobi Hizan was going to do.

However, Li Zhenwu, who was outside the Four Purple Flame Formation, opened his mouth and asked.

As a disciple of Sarutobi, he knew in his heart that the strength limit of Hizan Sarutobi's strength was almost reached at this moment, not to mention that Hiruzen Sarutobi's body was indeed old.

Therefore, now Sarutobi Hiizan can still kill the enemy with one blow, which is the last ninjutsu used by the fourth Hokage Naruto Minato.

The ghouls are sealed!

The ghoul seal is a super-powerful sealing technique of the vortex family. After the caster seals the seal, he can summon the god of death, and then the god of death will use the sword to cut off the target's soul and swallow it in the belly, thus sealing the target's soul. , the size of the sealed soul is determined by the caster.

However, at the same time as completing the seal, the caster also made a contract with the god of death--sell his soul to the god of death, which means that after swallowing the soul of the target, his own soul will also be swallowed by the god of death, Afterwards, the souls of oneself and the enemy will hate and fight with each other forever in the belly of death, and will never be reborn.

To be honest, Li Zhenwu was very interested in this summoned 'Death God' and wanted to see it, or rather... fight it.

But right now, performing this technique also requires the life of the caster, and the one who is going to use this technique is Hizan Sarutobi, his teacher.

Therefore, Li Zhenwu stopped watching.

Instead, it was decided that this farce,

So far!

(The Luck of Martial Arts, [-] million words in two months, it is recommended to watch it, it is normal at the fifth watch today)

Chapter [-] Magical Fairy Beans! (Second more)

"Ms. Sarutobi, are you going to seal this spell with ghouls?"

When Hiruzen Sarutobi made up his mind to use the corpse to seal the spell, he heard the voice of Li Zhenwu outside the Four Purple Flame Formation Barrier.

"True martial arts." Sarutobi Hizan was stunned for a moment, and the movements of his hands also stopped. Only then did he think that his disciple, who was outside the barrier, was tyrannical beyond himself.

So for a while, Sarutobi Hizan's heart that he wanted to desperately pull Orochimaru to his back suddenly calmed down a bit.

But Li Zhenwu asked, "Teacher Sarufei, did you bring the fairy beans I gave you?"

"This kind of exhaustion is the time when the fairy bean comes into play." Li Zhenwu said lightly outside the barrier.

Others didn't know what the 'Xiandou' in Li Zhenwu's mouth was talking about, and they were at a loss.

But Hiruzen Sarutobi remembered the 'immortal beans' that Li Zhenwu had given him through other means.

Moreover, Li Zhenwu once told him that it is best to take Xiandou with him.

Therefore, Sarutobi at this moment, after Li Zhenwu's reminder, took out the fairy beans that he had been wearing for a long time.

The fairy bean was in a small cloth bag, and Sarutobi Hiruzen poured it out.

"Pretend to be a ghost!" Orochimaru looked at it with a faint feeling of badness, but at the same time, he also controlled the first generation and activated his ninjutsu!

Branches broke out again, and huge trunks suddenly grew, and then slashed towards Sarutobi.

At this moment, Sarutobi Hiizaki also swallowed the fairy bean into his belly.

It was the moment when Xiandou entered his stomach, and Sarutobi Hizan felt it.

He felt what Xiandou could provide.

At this moment, all the injuries on his body were gone.

His mental state instantly turned into a heyday.

The chakra, which he had used up because of his old age, also filled up in an instant.


For a while, the air around Sarutobi Hizan seemed to be turbulent.

"Three generations of Hokage-sama!"

Outside the barrier, several Anbu ninjas couldn't help exclaiming.

"Unexpectedly, I regained my vitality in an instant! And Chakra also!"

Unlike these happy Anbu ninjas, Orochimaru inside the barrier was completely surprised.

"What did you eat to have such power!" Orochimaru was surprised, because ordinary secret medicines are only to develop the potential of the human body.

Chakra, on the other hand, is the energy extracted from cells, and when it is used up, it is generally only waiting for recovery.

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