"Master Orochimaru's eyes seem to be... looking at a dead person?" Jirofang suddenly thought, if he knew there was a word called a fool, then he would understand Orochimaru's eyes more at this moment.

Jirofang felt weird, why did others see him like that after he said something like that?

Jilangfang was puzzled, then turned to look at Li Zhenwu, only to find that Li Zhenwu was no longer there.

"Huh? It's gone? Where did it go? Why didn't I notice when it disappeared?" Jirofang was still thinking in his heart at this moment.

The next moment, he felt a huge force on his body.

And then... no more, Jirofang's traces as a human being in the world have disappeared.



The other three people, who were also the four members of the Yin Ren group, became quiet, and even though their Four Purple Flame Formation barrier had been broken, they were unaware.

Orochimaru was silent, and Hiruzen Sarutobi watched in surprise.

On the roof, everyone's eyes turned to where Jirofang was originally standing.

But right now, there was no one there.

"Beat, blow up?"

After a while, there was an Anbu ninja who couldn't help muttering, as if he was raving in disbelief.

It was the beginning of this Anbu ninja that seemed to make others recover from their shock.

"As expected of Lord Zhenwu!" The Anbu squad leader with a white kitten mask on his face suddenly trembled and trembled, full of excitement.

"It's so strong, and even with one punch, it blew up Jirofang, and there are no corpses left."

The original sound and ninja group of four, one of them, Kidoumaru, couldn't help but murmured.

The scene just now was too impactful.

Li Zhenwu's speed was so fast that almost no one could see it clearly.

But they saw Li Zhenwu appear before and after Jirofang's punches.

After that seemingly innocuous punch hit behind Jirofang, Jirofang suddenly shattered like a fragile bubble.

"Is the strength of Zhenwu already so strong?" The most shocking thing was Hizan Sarutobi. He didn't expect his disciple's strength to have changed so dramatically.

With his eyesight, he can naturally see that Li Zhenwu's punch just now hardly used any chakra.

But just using physical techniques, or in other words, just the strength of the body, has already destroyed Jirofang.

Not only that, the purple fire curtain that was originally outside of Jirofang did not cause any trouble to Li Zhenwu at all.

"Zhenwu boy's progress is so great." Ape Demon murmured: "No wonder he has not used spiritualism for so many years and has summoned me. Now his strength is 423 without any external force!"

Li Zhenwu withdrew his fist and saw the shock of the people around him, but he didn't pay much attention to it. Instead, he smiled at Hiruzen Sarutobi who had disappeared inside the Four Purple Flame Formation Barrier: "Teacher Sarutobi, take it. You must be careful when you come down, don't let Senior Brother Orochimaru run away suddenly."

Li Zhenwu just said this to Hiruzen Sarutobi without looking at it, or caring about Orochimaru himself.

"Lord Ape Demon, it's been a long time." After Li Zhenwu said that, he turned his head and greeted Ape Demon again.

Since that time against Rabbi Yatai, he has never used psychics again, so at this moment, meeting with the monkey demon is something else.

After saying hello to Mr. Sarutobi and Sarutomo, Li Zhenwu still didn't look at Orochimaru, but looked at the other two people present.

Or the other two... the summoned.

The first and second Hokage.

Seeing that it was a legendary mission in this world, Li Zhenwu's heart that had been flat for a long time fluctuated a little, and there was some fighting spirit.

"Teacher Sarutobi, look at Orochimaru, I have played against the first and second generation adults."

Chapter [-]: Sun Fist's Technique Against Darkness! (fourth more)

Li Zhenwu looked at the two brothers of the Qianshou clan in front of him. They were also the founders of Konoha. They used to have legendary ninjas with illustrious victories, and Qianshou Hashirama was even called the god of ninjas.

Looking at the two of them, even though the real strength of the two of them at this moment is only a part of the body, Li Zhenwu couldn't help but have some fighting spirit.

Therefore, he said those words to Hiruzen Sarutobi, making Hiruzen Sarutobi stare at Orochimaru, while he went to fight with the first and second Hokage among the Konoha.

However, Li Zhenwu is also aware of his current strength, so he just deliberately suppressed his own strength.

Orochimaru's face was gloomy, and the faces of a pair of women were full of gloom.

He stretched out his hand and wiped it on his face, and changed back to the original Orochimaru's male appearance again, and then quietly surveyed his surroundings.

Although he was not ready to run away immediately, Orochimaru already had the intention of retreating in his heart.

Before that, it is to see if the first and second Hokage can defeat Li Zhenwu.

Therefore, under his control, the first generation and the second generation moved at a time, and the speed of the two was very fast.

The first generation of Hokage Qianshou Zhujian quickly formed the seal: "Woodun - Senluo Wanxiang!"

From the bottom, countless roots broke out again, and they grew rapidly. Crawling on the ground, they were about to cover where Li Zhenwu was.

The one who cooperated tacitly with it was his younger brother, who was also the second-generation Hokage Senju Tobima. Senju Tobirama also had a seal, but the display was completely different: "Illusion - The Art of Darkness!"

From Qianshou Tobirama's body, a bit of darkness permeated for a moment. The darkness pervaded quickly, and soon it was densely packed, wrapping everything around it.

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