Everyone heard a whisper from Li Zhenwu's mouth, and then they saw Li Zhenwu's figure and disappeared from the place.

Then, in front of Orochimaru, Li Zhenwu appeared.

"What a fast speed!" Orochimaru was heartbroken, because he realized that Li Zhenwu's extremely fast speed at this time had greatly exceeded the speed of sound, and he couldn't even achieve this speed.

"He has this kind of speed, so if I fight, I will definitely die!"

At this moment, in the heart of Orochimaru, such a comprehension was generated extremely strongly.

Because according to the speed Li Zhenwu showed, he couldn't catch it at all, which means that Li Zhenwu might have hit him with a move, and he still didn't realize it.

Moreover, judging from Li Zhenwu's shot just now, it is clear that Li Zhenwu's own strength is already exaggerated.

Nima!Just a face-to-face, the body of the first generation and the second generation was blown up. How can this kind of power not be exaggerated?

That's it, Orochimaru didn't want to fight against Li Zhenwu at all.

"Hehehehe." Orochimaru smiled coldly, but secretly, he was quietly preparing to run away.

Swish swish!

In the crowd of four Yin Ren, there were still three remaining, and when they arrived behind Orochimaru, their eyes were also a little nervous.


At the same time, as if to cooperate with Li Zhenwu, Kakashi, Jagged Kai, and even Yu Bai quietly formed an encirclement in order to come up.

"Master Orochimaru, what should I do now?"

Behind Orochimaru, the dark-skinned ninja Guitong Maru with six hands asked in a low voice, his eyes were all solemn, and he didn't even dare to look directly at Li Zhenwu.

If it was said that before, together with Orochimaru, they still had the confidence to disturb Konoha, and even kill the three generations of Hokage Sarutobi, then now, he has no such idea.

Everything was because of Li Zhenwu's sudden appearance.

"This person's strength is very reasonable and measurable!" Guitong Wan roared in his heart.The partner he gets along with day and night is not weaker than him in the slightest. Jirofang was just blown up by Li Zhenwu with one punch, which made him palpitated and destroyed his confidence.

The other several Yin Ninjas felt the same way and did not dare to face Li Zhenwu.

Because Li Zhenwu not only smashed their partners with one punch, but also easily took care of the first and second Hokage summoned by Orochimaru through the reincarnation of the dirty earth. That appearance is unforgettable.

In Orochimaru's hand, he quietly clenched the grass pheasant sword, facing Li Zhenwu and the surrounding encirclement, showing no expression on the surface.

In fact, apart from Li Zhenwu, he was confident that he could easily escape.


"Don't laugh anymore, it's always unpleasant to laugh." Li Zhenwu suddenly said, but he interrupted Orochimaru's laughter impatiently.

However, Orochimaru did not respond to Li Zhenwu's 'rude' appearance.

Li Zhenwu opened his mouth and said, "Senior Brother Orochimaru, I'm actually very curious about you. Your spirit of research and truth-seeking is really commendable."

Having said that, Li Zhenwu shook his head: "But what you shouldn't be using the wrong means to achieve your own goals, and even come up with a 'Konoha collapse plan'."

Li Zhenwu looked at Orochimaru, and smiled lightly at the corner of his mouth: "If you didn't target Konoha, I probably wouldn't have taken the initiative to trouble you, but you replied to Konoha to death."

"Do you really think of Konoha as your back garden, come when you want, and leave when you want?"

Before waiting for Orochimaru's reaction, Li Zhenwu had a meal by himself, and then finished his words:

"Since you are here this time, then stay in Konoha and bury it in the ground of Konoha forever as your punishment for your wrongdoing to Konoha."

With that said, Li Zhenwu's eyes sharpened.

Orochimaru suddenly saw what Li Zhenwu meant, but he didn't act immediately, but wanted to save the current situation: "Junior Brother Zhenwu, as far as I know, Konoha has never done anything to you. How are you?"

"Since you were a child, the people of Konoha have crowded you out. But after you became a ninja and made great contributions to Konoha, you still 'expelled' you from Konoha."

Orochimaru is persuading Li Zhenwu with words: "From a certain point of view, we are actually similar, Konoha is not a place full of goodwill to us, and on the contrary, so it is better..."

(Please subscribe automatically! The update is a bit late, the second update is around twelve o'clock...)

Chapter [-] Destroying Orochimaru (Second)

At this moment, Orochimaru seemed to be eloquent, speaking one by one.

"Under such circumstances, Konoha is not kind to us. Why should you take care of Konoha like this? It's better to do the opposite."

Orochimaru said it very vigorously.

However, the Konoha ninjas present all face black, this is digging the roots in front of them!

But speaking carefully, what Orochimaru said is not bad at all.

Before becoming a ninja, Li Zhenwu was turned into a 'Konoha monster' by the people in the village.

After becoming a ninja, after pacifying the war between Konoha and Yun Renyin Village, he was secretly suppressed by Danzo, and finally after a lot of trouble, he had to avoid the limelight except Konoha.

It's just that this 'shelter' time has been a little longer, so that in the entire ninja world, the news about Li Zhenwu has been diluted.

"The ruthless land of Konoha, don't wait for it." Orochimaru struck while the iron was hot and continued to persuade.

Li Zhenwu's face was calm, and he could not see the waves.

But the other Konoha ninjas, who knew the inside story, were shocked.

In particular, several Anbu ninjas clearly understood why Li Zhenwu hadn't returned to Konoha for many years, so at the moment, they were anxious and really worried that Li Zhenwu would be bewitched by Orochimaru.

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