Li Zhenwu put down the chicken legs in his hands after hearing what these people said. He didn't expect Xiongba to return to the arena, and he seemed to be very powerful after hearing these people say.Li Zhenwu is now very much looking forward to how powerful Xiongba has become. I don't know if he is still as vulnerable as when he first saw him.He has no interest in Xiongba holding a martial arts conference. Basically, Li Zhenwu, the master of the Central Plains martial arts, has seen many times, and those who have not seen are unknown people.

Li Zhenwu didn't want to join in the fun, and now it was the most important thing for him to go back to see the second dream and the bright moon.As for Xiongba, since he dares to show up, he can take his own life when he has time, and he is not in a hurry.

After eating, Li Zhenwu continued on the road with Li Yi and Huo Qilin, and continued to set off towards the lakeside Xiaozhu of the second dream.Three days later, Li Zhenwu returned to the small building by the lake. Everything here was so friendly and natural. Li Zhenwu's mood was much better looking at the familiar building.It's just that he found that the doors of the surrounding rooms were closed, and he didn't see the second dream and Mingyue. He didn't know where they went?Could it be that they still stayed with the First Evil Emperor and did not come back?Li Zhenwu pondered in his heart.

But Li Zhenwu quickly overturned his guess. Second Dream and Mingyue were not here, and the survivors of the King Kongs were also not here.Just when Li Zhenwu was puzzled, a door next to him was pushed open with a squeak, and Yan Ying came out.Li Zhenwu didn't look forward to seeing Yan Ying's eyes. Yan Ying was very surprised to see Li Zhenwu, but then it became a little embarrassing.

Yan Yingqiang smiled and greeted Li Zhenwu: "Are you back?"

"Well, where did they go in the dream?" Li Zhenwu was still very calm, he didn't talk nonsense with Yan Yingduo, and went straight to the topic.

"They and the seniors of the Second Sword Emperor went to the martial arts conference. They didn't know you would come back soon." Yan Ying replied.

Hearing Yan Ying's words, Li Zhenwu patted his forehead, which was really unfortunate.I rushed back in a hurry, but I didn't expect that Second Dream and Mingyue were not there.I wanted to give them a surprise, but I missed it.Li Zhenwu complained to himself in his heart: If I knew this earlier, I would have passed on the second dream and the bright moon told by flying pigeons in advance.

Yan Ying saw that Li Zhenwu lowered his head and didn't say a word. The atmosphere was a little embarrassing, and she took the initiative to say: "Why don't you go into the house, and I will go to Fei Ge to pass a letter to them and tell them the news of your return."

"No, I'll go directly to them." After Li Zhenwu finished speaking, he turned over on the back of Huo Qilin and patted its head. Huo Qilin understood Li Zhenwu's intentions, and immediately spread his hooves and galloped into the distance.

Li Zhenwu can't wait for the flying pigeons to pass the book to let the second dream come back. He is faster, so it is more reliable to find them by himself.

Chapter [-] Missed

Li Zhenwu urged the fire unicorn to hurry up and hurry along the way. He wished to put a pair of wings on the fire unicorn, and now he flew to the second daughter.Finally, on the second day, Huo Qilin brought Li Zhenwu and Li Yi to the place where Xiongba held the martial arts conference. The last time Li Zhenwu had been there once - the palace.

Sitting on the fire unicorn, Li Zhenwu could already see the grand palace complex.Seeing that the palace was in front of him, Li Zhenwu did not continue to urge Huo Qilin. Although he was eager to see the second daughter, he also knew that Huo Qilin was too tired these days.In the past two days, Huo Qilin has been on the road non-stop, basically without rest. Li Zhenwu can't keep Huo Qilin so tired. After all, Huo Qilin is not a machine and needs rest.

What Li Zhenwu didn't know was how much Second Meng and others wished that they could be by their side at this time, because their lives were at stake at this time.

Time back to half a month ago.

Xiongba returned to the arena, forced the Supreme Being to abdicate, and beheaded a group of people who were dissatisfied with him to establish his prestige.After consolidating his position, Xiongba issued a heroic post, and invited the masters of the Central Plains to come to the martial arts conference to elect the next martial arts supreme.

Reclusive people like the Second Sword Emperor and the Third Sword Emperor also received invitation letters. Originally, they did not plan to participate in this martial arts conference, and it means nothing to them who is the martial arts supreme.However, Second Dream's remarks made Second Sword Emperor change his mind. Second Dream was a person who had seen Xiongba and knew what Xiongba was like. He felt that he must have conspiracy and tricks to hold a martial arts conference at this time.What's more, Xiongba is a ruthless person. Once he becomes the supreme martial artist, it will be a catastrophe for martial arts.At that time, no matter whether he was detached from the world or not, he would not escape his clutches. The truth that one's lips are dead and his teeth are cold has existed since ancient times. Before Xiongba becomes the supreme martial artist, he must find out his true purpose.

After listening to the words of the second dream, the second sword emperor and the third pig emperor pondered and decided to participate in this martial arts conference.Not only that, but just in case, they also flew pigeons to pass a letter to their friends, inviting them to participate in the martial arts conference together.

On the day of the martial arts conference, the Second Sword Emperor and many other martial arts masters all came to the appointment.At the venue, the deliberate tyrant finally showed his fangs, and he held a martial arts conference as a pretext.The real purpose is to take this opportunity to see how many people oppose him becoming the supreme martial artist. If anyone who opposes him is regarded as an enemy, he will kill them all.

What Xiongba did did not make others submit, but aroused everyone's blood, and all the people present fought against Xiongba with the enemy.But I don't know what profound martial arts secrets Xiongba has cultivated. None of the people present are his opponents. Even the second sword emperor and the third pig emperor were defeated.Seeing that his father and uncle were injured, the second dream shot angrily.

The second dream, who had followed Li Zhenwu for a while, was much stronger than his father, and with Mingyue assisting him, he couldn't hold his head up at first.Just when everyone thought that the victory had been decided, Xiongba suddenly burst out with amazing strength, and he was enchanted.The reason why Xiongba can have such a powerful strength is because he found a way to enter the devil by chance...

Second Dream and Mingyue are not opponents of Xiongba after being enchanted, and Xiongba seriously injured both of them.Xiongba recognized that Mingyue was the woman who was with Li Zhenwu at the beginning. Li Zhenwu had everything that Xiongba had in the past. He hated Li Zhenwu very much, and by the way, he also hated Li Zhenwu's woman very much.Seeing Mingyue appear here, Xiongba will kill Mingyue so that Li Zhenwu can also taste the taste of losing his beloved.

Just at this critical moment, brothers Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng arrived in time.They rescued Mingyue and fought Xiongba.After this period of tempering, the strength of Bu Jingyun and the two have also improved significantly, and together with Nie Feng's ancestral snow-drinking mad knife, it is even more powerful.

After being enchanted, Xiongba was beaten by Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng, retreating step by step, and finally had to raise his hand and surrender.Seeing that Xiongba had surrendered, the soft-hearted Nie Feng didn't take the opportunity to kill him and let it go. After all, Xiongba had a kind of nurturing for him. Seeing Nie Feng like this, Bu Jingyun was also a little hesitant. It was this 0.2 moment of hesitation that made them pay Painful price.

Xiongba just pretended to surrender. He watched Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun hesitate to attack them for a moment. They were accidentally attacked by Xiongba and were seriously injured.Seeing that Xiongba was so despicable, the two of them were very angry, and they continued to fight regardless of their own injuries, but they were no longer Xiongba's opponents.After a few rounds, the two were hit by Xiongba again, and they vomited blood after falling to the ground.

Things have developed here as if nothing can be reversed.

Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Fourth Critical Moment

At this time, on the Palace Square.There was only a group of people in the middle of the empty square. Some of them were lying on the ground with blood on the corners of their mouths. Some people were sitting cross-legged on the spot. Be a bystander.Xiongba stood in the middle of the crowd, surrounded by martial arts masters who had been defeated by him.

Xiongba glanced around, the person he defeated glared angrily, and the person standing on the far side saw Xiongba's eyes looking at him, and hurriedly lowered his head and didn't dare to look at Xiongba, as if worried that Xiongba would remember his appearance. .Xiongba saw everyone's reactions in his eyes.

Suddenly, Xiongba looked up to the sky and laughed loudly. After laughing, he said very arrogantly: "Hahaha, from now on, I will be the only one in the world."

"Bah! Xiongba dog thief, what are you being arrogant about. Since ancient times, evil has not suppressed the righteous, and sooner or later you will not end well." Seeing Xiongba being so rampant, Second Dream couldn't stand it anymore, and retorted.

"Evil does not overwhelm the righteous! It is good to say that I am evil, but who can resist? Is it by you? Or by those guys who don't even dare to look at me? Hahahaha!" Xiongba heard the second dream. Not angry, pointing to all the people present.

Those who were ridiculed by Xiongba were blushed by what Xiongba said, but no one dared to stand up and resist.Xiongba was even more proud to see them like tortoises with their heads shrunk, and his laughter became more frantic.

"Don't be too happy too soon, you will die when Zhenwu comes." Second Dream looked back at the cowardly people, her lips moved but she didn't speak.She is very disappointed with these people and has no illusions about them.After holding back for a long time, the second dream held back such a sentence.

Xiongba was a little confused when he heard Second Meng's words, the name "Zhenwu" was very unfamiliar to him.However, Xiongba soon knew who the "Zhenwu" in the second dream was, the one who defeated himself and made himself like a lost dog, who was in a state of panic.

Xiongba narrowed his eyes and said to the second dream: "You are talking about that kid. It's ridiculous that you are counting on him now. Don't say that he is not here now. Even if he is here, he is not my opponent." Having said that, Xiongba paused for a while, and then continued: "Don't worry, when I end your life, I will find him immediately, kill him and send you to the underworld to reunite."

"Dream your Spring and Autumn Dream, you can't beat Zhenwu." In the face of death, Second Dream was not afraid.

What is Xiongba not arguing with Second Dream?In his opinion, the second dream is a dead person right away. There is no need for him to argue with a dead person. Let the dead person say a few more words before they die, and consider it his grace to them.

Seeing the second dream, there is nothing to say, Xiongba will kill the second dream with a photo, Xiongba's hatred for Li Zhenwu has now been transferred to the second dream, until the second dream is Li Zhenwu's woman, Xiongba couldn't wait to kill the second dream first.

In the second dream, seeing Xiongba's palm, it was about to fall on the top of her head. She closed her eyes, and two lines of tears fell from the corners of her eyes. What she was thinking at the moment was that Li Zhenwu didn't know if Li Zhenwu would see him after returning from Dongying. When it comes to himself, will he be anxious for the next days in his life, and will he think of himself again.

At this critical moment, a sword qi suddenly shot from afar, until the goal of construction was directed at Xiongba.In the blink of an eye, this sword qi came to Xiongba. In order to save his own life, Xiongba temporarily gave up the attack, and the second dream dodged the sword qi.

He Jianqi was like a smoke, and there was a thin figure. This figure was not tall, but his image in the eyes of this group of people was indeed taller and straighter than the majestic mountains.The man landed on the square and protected the injured Second Meng and others behind him. Xiongba turned to look at the man and squeezed two words from his teeth: "Nameless."

The person who came was Wuming. Wuming heard Xiongba's words and did not answer, but nodded lightly.When Xiongba saw Wuming also coming, he was overjoyed. Not only did he not panic, but he applauded and welcomed him. He looked at Wuming and said, "It's great, you're here too. I didn't see you at the beginning, and thought you wouldn't come. Well, now I'm relieved to see you show up."

When the invitation to hold the martial arts conference was sent to Wuming's residence, Wuming was in retreat. At that time, it was the critical moment when Wuming realized the swordsmanship. His disciples did not dare to disturb him, so the invitation was left.

Wuming left the customs three days ago, and his address only told him about it. Wuming thought about the situation of Xiongba for a long time and guessed that this was Xiongba's conspiracy, so he immediately set off for the palace, hoping to stop Xiongba in time. The slaughter of martial artists.Wuming did not stop along the way, and finally arrived here at the most critical moment.

Wuming, who had not rested for a while, rushed to the palace and saw that Xiongba was about to kill a woman. Wuming recognized that the woman was the one who came to his China Pavilion with Li Zhenwu last time.Wuming didn't have time to think about why Li Zhenwu was not here. Seeing that the second dream was in danger, he immediately took action to stop the tyrant, and saved the second dream at the most critical moment.

Wuming, who didn't have time to observe what was going on around him, ignored Xiongba's words and glanced around, and all those who were swept by Wuming's eyes lowered their heads involuntarily.They didn't dare to look at Wuming. When Wuming looked at them, they felt as if a sharp sword was stabbing at them, and their sharp-edged eyes made them dare not look directly.

Wuming probably knew what Xiongba wanted to do. He turned to Xiongba and said, "Xiongba, you called so many martial arts people here today. I'm afraid it's not as simple as choosing the supreme martial artist, right?"

"Hehe, of course, today, 463 is going to take advantage of such a good opportunity to wipe out all those who oppose me. No one can stop me from becoming the supreme martial artist." Xiongba no longer hides his true thoughts at this time, he thinks Now no one can stop himself from dominating the martial arts.

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