Orochimaru, who was in Rapid Retreat 21, faced Li Zhenwu who suddenly jumped and came to him faster than the instant body technique. past!

In the face of Orochimaru, Li Zhenwu did not face Qianshou Hasuma and Senshou Tobirama, so they could use their strength to fight.

Facing Orochimaru, Li Zhenwu just wanted to make a quick decision, because his perception of Orochimaru was not good.

The most important thing is... Li Zhenwu doesn't like snakes!

For Li Zhenwu, the greasy and soft snake will feel uncomfortable.

However, the ninjutsu of Orochimaru itself is mostly related to snakes.

Therefore, Li Zhenwu didn't want him to play more and make more shots.

So, with this punch, Orochimaru has no power to fight back.

He just watched helplessly, but just before he had time to raise his hands, Li Zhenwu's punch landed on his hands.

This punch may seem unremarkable, but those who saw this punch would definitely not think so.

Just as Li Zhenwu easily knocked out Jirofang in the Four Purple Flame Array with one punch before, the current punch, in the eyes of others, is not unusual.

The Orochimaru... exploded!

Just like when Li Zhenwu exploded Jirofang before, when his fist fell on Orochimaru, Orochimaru was blown up without resisting.

Like a fireworks blooming.

The original Orochimaru had slammed into a cloud of blood, and with a gust of wind, it suddenly disappeared without a trace.

As for the first-generation Chishou Hasuma and the second-generation Chishou Tobirama, who were summoned by the reincarnation of the dirt, their bodies that were about to gather together suddenly melted.

Their bodies, like dust falling off, kept falling apart.

After a while, the original first generation and second generation had disappeared, and there were only two corpses of Yin Nin lying in place.

These two sound ninjas used Orochimaru as a sacrificial container to use the dirty earth to reincarnate to summon the dead.

Because of the death of the summoner Orochimaru, there is no chakra of the summoner, so the ninjutsu of reincarnation of the dirty earth is automatically lifted, and the souls of the first and second generations also disappeared again, so their temporary bodies naturally changed back. The original look.

This is the end.

Orochimaru, die!

... "Lord Orochimaru!" The three remaining members of the Yin Nin group who were still watching this place could not help but exclaimed in disbelief when they saw the situation here.

They had seen Li Zhenwu's strength before, and faintly felt that Orochimaru might not be able to defeat Li Zhenwu.

But in the end, he didn't think that Orochimaru not only couldn't defeat Li Zhenwu, but was beaten into blood mist by Li Zhenwu so easily.

Then the problem is coming.

Li Zhenwu's punch... what kind of power does it contain!

Jie Xue Kai has the most say in this kind of question. As a ninja specializing in Taijutsu, he has been exercising his body since he was a child, making his strength stronger and faster.

On the way of chasing the potential energy of the body, Jie Xuekai understands how much strength it takes to break a person's bones, how much strength it takes to pierce a tree, and even to kill an opponent with one punch. the power of.

It was because he understood this that he knew what a terrifying power was needed to blow a person alive and turn them into blood mist!

What's more, what Li Zhenwu exploded was not just an ordinary person, but the body of Orochimaru, who had also been tempered and had shadow-level strength!

Jie Xuekai was shocked by Li Zhenwu's strength, he couldn't help but secretly compare it, thinking that if he opened the final...after that, whether his strength could surpass Li Zhenwu at the moment is still uncertain.

Sarutobi Hizan stared blankly, his eyes seemed to stop at this moment, no one knew that in his mind at this moment, he had already recalled all kinds of him and Orochimaru.

In the end, Sarutobi just sighed, and at this moment, he seemed to be a few years older.

"The hidden danger that I cultivated with my own hands has finally been solved now..." Sarutobi Hizan's tone was extremely complicated, and it was difficult for others to understand.

The other Anbu ninjas, after recovering from the initial shock, couldn't help but exclaimed.

Surprised by the simple end of this incident, surprised that Orochimaru has come to an end like this, and also surprised by Li Zhenwu's strength at this time.

Kakashi closed his eyes so that the shock that was too exaggerated would not show in his eyes. After a while, he calmed down and opened his eyes.

He looked a little complicated, remembering that he was once known as a genius ninja and couldn't help but feel a little ashamed, because compared with Li Zhenwu in front of him, he was simply...

Li Zhenwu didn't feel anything at all, and it was a normal thing for him to blow up Orochimaru. If he can't kill Orochimaru with one punch after he has the will to kill, then Not normal anymore.

(Only the third update! I can't make it out later~ Choose another day to make up, I already owe 7 updates.)

Chapter [-]: The Awakening of Nara Shikamaru (the first)

Naruto and Sakura, as well as Nara Shikamaru, kept walking up the treetops, and in front of them, the ninja dog Parker, summoned by Kakashi's psychics, was leading the way.

Suddenly the ninja dog Parker's nose moved: "Someone is following behind."

"You don't need to say it, we have already noticed." Nara Shikamaru couldn't help sighing and sighed. Behind them, Ranmaru and Junmarou from the body ninja village had followed.

As they approached, Junma Lu said, "We're here to help."

"Oh, it's really troublesome, I still need the help of other ninja villages about Konoha." Nara Shikamaru said with a sigh.

"Haha, are you here to help? Great, we can fight side by side again!"

Naruto was very enthusiastic, because he had known several people in the body ninja village before, and there was no friction during the chunin exam, but the relationship was very good.

Lan Wan nodded and said, "Bai will stay there, and Junma Lu and I will wait to prevent other accidents."

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