And they only thought about it 287 times. The one who didn't cut it at the beginning was defeated by Junmalu and Lanmaru and their cooperation. Even in the end, they stopped cutting the street again, but the three of them were not even slightly injured. .

"The young people today are really amazing!" Ninja Dog Parker said old-fashioned, "Since that's the case, then it's decided."

"Well, don't worry, leave it to us." Junmalu nodded, then looked at Lanmaru beside him, just with his eyes, Lanmaru knew what Junmalu wanted to ask.

Between them... who stays?

"I'll leave the big ambush, my ability is also ambush, and after that, I can easily catch up with you." Lan Maru pondered for a while, and then said.

"That's true." Junmalu nodded, thinking of Ranmaru's 'red eyes' of the blood-based limit!

Ranmaru's red eyes, in addition to being suitable for reconnaissance, are also particularly good at hiding, and can even fake an illusion.

Therefore, Junmalu resolutely obeyed Ranmaru, and they decided that Junmalu and Naruto continued to search for Sasuke, while Ranmaru and Nara Shikamaru stayed behind to 'ambush' the nine ninjas behind.

Jun Malu left without the slightest worry, and followed Naruto and his group to find Sasuke.

Ranmaru and Nara Shikamaru stayed where they were.

"Hey, are you sure...will you be able to deal with more than eight Chunin?"

Nara Shikamaru said with some uncertainty, and his heart was still a little empty. After all, the disciples he had to face were not one or two, not even four or five.

But nine!

Nara Shikamaru looked at Ranmaru, who seemed to be a year or two younger than him, and was really not sure.

"Don't worry, let's prepare in advance." Lan Wan said simply.

Nara Shikamaru chose a place, made some disguise, and then prepared to hide with Ranmaru, he said worriedly:

"Wait a minute, I will use shadow imitation to control them, but this time is not long, can you live me in this time?" Nara Shikamaru felt guilty.

"Don't worry." Ranmaru said again without hesitation.

After a while, Nara Shikamaru was about to say a few words, but Ranmaru's eyes suddenly radiated a faint red light, then she looked behind them, and said lightly: "They are coming, get ready. ."

"Uh." Nara Shikamaru raised his head, he hadn't found any trace of the chasing soldiers.

Turning his head to look at Ranmaru beside him, and his eyes with red light, what Nara Shikamaru realized, "Xueji limit..."

After a few breaths, Nara Shikamaru finally found the figure of the pursuer.

Because Nara Shikamaru had done some camouflage before, when the pursuers arrived, they couldn't help but go to the ground to check other traces on the ground.

"Even if it's disguised, the traces are still so obvious and exposed." All the people who came were dressed in Yinjin's clothes. The one in the lead looked at the traces on the ground, sneered twice, and didn't say anything yet. when.

"call out!"

They suddenly found that they were unable to move, and the source of this inability to move came from their feet.

When they looked down, they found that the shadows of themselves and the others were already connected, and they extended to the foot of Nara Shikamaru in the distance.

"I'm sorry." Nara Shikamaru appeared, and couldn't help but feel a little proud that he had bound all the eight ninjas at once.

"You just observed the footprints on the ground, it's a lie." Saying that, Nara Shikamaru raised his hand and tied the bamboos on his hands together, like a dog's footprint for them to look at.

At the same time, the shadow at the foot of Shikamaru in Nara is also changing.

"What, it turned out to be just a kid."

"I didn't expect that we were bound by this kind of kid."

"Is this the shadow binding technique that Konoha's rumored to be doing?" A few Tonin had face scarves on their faces, but looked at Nara Shikamaru, but said in a few words.

"Your information is a bit outdated and old. Now it's not called shadow binding, but shadow imitation." Nara Shikamaru said, but some sweat appeared on his face, and at the same time, he was anxious: "Why didn't Ranmaru take action? !?"

Just when he was thinking like this, looking at the number of Yinin in front of him, he suddenly realized why Ranmaru hadn't appeared.

One, two, three...eight, and one more has not come out!

Nara Shikamaru suddenly realized this problem, because Parker the ninja dog once said that there are nine people in total.

Nara Shikamaru struggled a bit, but he didn't find the ninth person's village.

"Then, if you do this, the ninth person will definitely be exposed and exposed, and Ranmaru will be able to ambush them and be caught off guard!" Nara Shikamaru took out his shuriken, and suddenly shot out!


Chapter [-] Just warm up! (third more)


A few riken swords that Nara Shikamaru threw were suddenly nailed to the ground by a kunai.

"I found it, it's there!" Nara Shikamaru was about to look out of his shadow imitation technique again, and on the tree beside the road, he was about to pull the ninth person closer to his shadow.


He tried his best, and the shadow on the ground only extended a little, not even in front of the big tree where the ninth person was.

"Damn it, the shadow imitation technique can't improve its power at all! The shadow can't extend past it! And there is almost no chakra in the body!" Nara Shikamaru became annoyed.

"Hehehe." Among the eight Yin Ninjas, laughter suddenly came out.

The one headed by Yin Ren even laughed and sneered: "It's useless, we have seen through your tricks, it seems that your shadow imitation technique has reached the limit, it seems that you can't keep it away and disband this. It's not too far away."

The tone's voice suddenly turned gloomy and cold: "So, wake up and realize it!"

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