The dried persimmon ghost shark took out the shark muscle knife on his back and put it in front of him, and suddenly a small pit appeared on the ground.

"This guy is very long-winded, do you want to kill him?" Shikigami looked at Uchiha Itachi and asked for his opinion.

"It seems that I can't walk out of Konoha quietly." Uchiha Itachi shook his head: "But don't be too ostentatious, your tricks."

"That's it!" Dried Persimmon Ghost Shark gave a hideous smile, and then gently raised the big knife in his hand.

Then, all of a sudden, the dried persimmon ghost shark moved, and the reach in his hand suddenly fell towards Sarutobi Asma!

And Hong Yuhi, quietly came behind Sarutobi Asma.


In Asma's hand, there was a finger-tiger-cutting knife weapon, which blocked the big knife of the dried persimmon ghost shark, but it was a little difficult.

At the same time, Hong Yuhi has already reached out to seal, and then the figure suddenly disappeared.

"Illusionism?" Uchiha Itachi whispered, but if you look closely, you can see that there is some disdain deep in his eyes at this moment.

Whoa!Suddenly, blood spurted out of Asma's shoulder, and the dried persimmon shark grinned.

, "My shark muscle sword is not used to cut people, but to slash!"

At this moment, the white bandages have been scattered on his broadsword, showing its original appearance. It is a strange broadsword with a unique shape and many edges and corners.

In an instant, Asma was suppressed and injured!

"It's very lively!"

It was at this time that Hong Yuhi's illusion had already been activated, but suddenly several people present heard a lazy voice.

"There are other people there." Dried Persimmon Ghost Shark turned his head to look for it, and Uchiha Itachi did the same.

Then, they all saw a man walking slowly across the woods on the other side.

"It's true martial arts..." Sarutobi Asma slowly exhaled, feeling that the current situation can be easily controlled, and there is no need to worry.

"Li Zhenwu, the tree-leaf monster."

The dried persimmon ghost shark said the name softly, but looking at Li Zhenwu, his eyes were full of solemnity.

"Monster of Konoha..." Uchiha Itachi said the name softly, but he was also very serious. He didn't mean to relax, and even thought a little badly: "He just happened to appear here."

"Uchiha Itachi." Li Zhenwu has slowly walked out of the woods, shouting Uchiha Itachi's name, "As a betrayal, it's inappropriate for you to show up in Konoha again so swaggeringly. Bar."

Li Zhenwu looked at Uchiha Itachi's dignified face, smiled lightly, then turned to look at the dried persimmon ghost shark, with a hint of contempt at the corner of his mouth: "Dried persimmon ghost shark, did the village of Kirin Ninja betray the village ninja? And he is still holding One of the seven ninja swords?"

Although Li Zhenwu's demeanor was very relaxed, Uchiha Itachi and Dried Persimmon Ghost Shark felt the pressure.

After all, the name of the Konoha monster, Li Zhenwu, is familiar to those who are well-informed in the entire ninja world.

What's more, compared to fame, what makes people more concerned is Li Zhenwu's own age, which can be called a perverted talent.

"What are you going to do when you come to Konoha?" Li Zhenwu asked, but in fact he could only think of the intention of the two of them.

"Itachi, can you solve him?" Shikigami turned around and asked his partner Uchiha Itachi.

And Uchiha Itachi looked at Li Zhenwu with a dignified expression, and replied slowly: "Before I became a Chunin, the tree leaf monster Li Zhenwu was already famous in the ninja world, not to mention that after so many years, he The strength should be unimaginably powerful."

At this moment, they didn't know that Orochimaru had been beaten by Li Zhenwu with one punch, because the news had not yet spread.

If they knew, they would probably be more dignified at this moment.

Uchiha Itachi said: "But in the information, Li Zhenwu is best at physical arts. I use illusions, and I should have a chance of winning against him... Anyway, this time it's troublesome!"

Chapter [-] Monthly Read! (third more)

Qian Persimmon Ghost Shark listened to Uchiha Itachi's words, although Li Zhenwu has a great reputation in the ninja world, and has a strong record of destroying half a village by one person, but Dry Persimmon Ghost Shark is very confident in Uchiha Itachi.

His confidence comes from his confidence in Uchiha Itachi, as well as his confidence in Uchiha Itachi's powerful illusion.

"It's a good thing to have confidence in the fitting room." Li Zhenwu looked at the cold Uchiha Itachi and didn't know what to do with her.

In terms of being a person, Li Zhenwu has always pursued the philosophy that no one will offend me and I will not offend others. Of course, if someone really offends him first, then there will be no other words, just do it!

And Uchiha Itachi is a contradictory character, or for Konoha, he is not a bad person, but his love for Konoha is deep, of course, it is also '-special'.

Li Zhenwu looked at Uchiha Itachi and said indifferently: "In those days, it was always my regret that I didn't have a battle with Uchiha's Shunjin Shishui. I didn't expect that the times have changed, and the contemporary Uchiha clan, only you can calculate it. color, and Sasuke hasn't grown up yet."

Li Zhenwu looked at Uchiha Itachi: "Then, let me try your Uchiha family genius first."

Li Zhenwu has already said so, Asma Sarutobi, who knew his strength and record, immediately pulled Yuhika aside, just waiting for Li Zhenwu to take the shot first.

Hong Yuhi was also obedient, and let Asma Sarutobi pull himself away.

joke!The famous Konoha monster is here, where is their share of the shot!

"You shoot first. Use whatever tricks you can. Otherwise, if I shoot, you may not have the chance to shoot again." Li Zhenwu said lightly, letting Uchiha Itachi take the lead. He just responded passively. Just to see the terrible ninjutsu of Uchiha Itachi.

"Itachi, be careful." Seeing Li Zhenwu say this, the dry persimmon ghost was a little worried, and he couldn't help persuading Uchiha Itachi.

And Uchiha Itachi was originally a very calm person. Under normal circumstances, he would probably turn around and retreat when he saw Li Zhenwu.

But... the fact made him want to fight Li Zhenwu.

Because Uchiha Itachi just opened the wheel at the age of eight, Li Zhenwu began to emerge, and then he became famous in the whole village, and then caused a sensation in the entire ninja world.

Before that, Uchiha Itachi was still a genius who was praised and sought after by the clan or Murakami, but with the birth of Li Zhenwu, Uchiha Itachi's ears kept hearing this name.

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