"It doesn't matter." Li Zhenwu smiled: "Even if the three masters brought people back, I am afraid they are all ordinary people."

"And ordinary people have almost no power to fight back in front of ninjas." Li Zhenwu looked at Fenghua Xiaoxue and said with a smile: "Don't you see our strength?"

"Our strength can push the entire Snow Country!"

…they do what they say and act quickly.

The base camp of Nu Tao is located in the Fenghua City. This Fenghua City was rebuilt after it was burned down.

The purpose of Li Zhenwu and the others was to enter this Nutao base camp and take them down.

Then Fenghua Xiaoxue ascended the throne and became the new queen of the Snow Country.

If everything develops normally, then it's that simple!

However, when they had not yet reached Fenghua City, but just walked to a railway, they found that there was movement.

The snow and ice on the railway is slowly melting, and the railway is trembling slightly.

"Hey, is this a car coming?" They were surprised.

Li Zhenwu sighed that the Snow Country is really an outlier in the Naruto world. There are trains, cars, and even Snow Country scientists who focus on research and development of technology.

But these are also what Li Zhenwu values.

"Let's wait here and watch the train coming in a while." Li Zhenwu said, and several people listened.

Moreover, in Li Zhenwu's impression, the raging waves of the Snow Country in the original book also traveled in a train, and the train was equipped with many weapons of mass destruction.


After a while, there was the humming of the wheels of the train.

Then, the locomotive spraying white steam entered their sight.

On the locomotive, stood a burly man with a somewhat ugly appearance.

"Nu Tao!" Fenghua Xiaoxue called out in shock, and had already recognized that this person was the usurper who had left his home in ruins and left him out of the country, Fenghua Nutao.

"Hahahaha!" Fenghua laughed wildly: "It turned out to be our little Snow Princess! With a helper, would you dare to appear directly in the Snow Country?"

While asking, Fenghua Nutao carefully looked at Fenghua Xiaoxue, wanting to see if she was wearing the hexagonal crystal that she dreamed of.


The train made a noise and then stopped, while Li Zhenwu and the others were on the side of the train.

The carriage of a section of the train suddenly turned over, and then a dense black hole was exposed. With better eyesight, one could see inside these holes, a handful of kunai were ready to go.

"If you are a little more sensible, give me the hexagonal crystal, and then leave the Snow Country obediently. I can still let you live, otherwise!"

Fenghua Nutao threatened that he had learned the strength of Bai and the others from several of his subordinates, so he still did not want to ask Li Zhenwu and others to confront him!

"Stop talking, just start fighting!" Li Zhenwu couldn't stand his nonsense, not to mention that it had been delayed for several days before, he immediately waved his hand: "Bai, Lan Wan, Jun Ma Lu, come on, solve him !"

Chapter [-] Fenghua Nutao (first)

Li Zhenwu didn't listen to Fenghua Nutao's nonsense at all, but waved his hand directly: "Bai, Junmalu, Lanwan, go and solve him."

As Li Zhenwu's voice fell, Bai and the other three suddenly ran forward.

As for Li Zhenwu, he stayed by Fenghua Xiaoxue's side at this time, watching Fenghua Xiaoxue who was a little nervous and worried, and still had time to joke and comfort her.

"You don't have to worry, the mere raging waves are nothing more than an avalanche. In front of our body and ninja village, he can't turn the wind and waves."

In Li Zhenwu's words, there was a strong and powerful self-confidence, as if infected with Fenghua Xiaoxue, which calmed her down.

At this moment, white.Orchid pill.Junma Lu was about to rush forward.

And it was at this moment that Fenghua Nutao reflected, seeing that his words were ignored, and shouted angrily: "Fire!"


On the side of the carriage of that train, there were holes, which were like gun muzzles, and began to shoot out dense black kunai that seemed to cover the sky. The firing speed was as fast and dense as a machine gun.

The rush of Kunai not only blocked the way of Bai and the other three, but Li Zhenwu and Fenghua Xiaoxue were also within this range.

"Ah!" Fenghua Xiaoxue was an ordinary person after all. Facing such an attack, she couldn't help but let out a low voice.

"Don't worry." Li Zhenwu said something to comfort her. He was very confident in the three of them, so he didn't worry about them.

And Li Zhenwu himself did not leave with Fenghua Xiaoxue, but the chakra in his body has been quietly extracted and released.

This chakra formed a faint golden sphere visible to the naked eye directly on his body, and it was still spinning, wrapping him and Fenghua Xiaoxue in it.

If someone from the Hyuga clan, or someone familiar with the Hyuga clan, is here, and sees this move by Li Zhenwu, they will definitely exclaim...

Because Li Zhenwu's move is similar to the stunt of the Hyuga clan, and this move is called Huitian!

Huitian is among the Hyuga clan. It is known as the strongest defensive move. Through its high-speed rotation, it releases chakra from every acupoint in the body to form protection on the body surface, and then it can rebound most of the moves with almost no flaws.

The reason why this move is a move that can only be possessed by the Hyuga clan is mainly because in the ninja world, except for the Hyuga clan who have white eyes, the ninjas next to them can hardly freely release their own check from any part of the body. carat, and can only be released from the hands or feet.

However, for Li Zhenwu, his huge chakra, coupled with his own talent, has also achieved the effect of being able to freely release chakra from all over the body.

Therefore, he was able to perform this trick perfectly.

And it is different from the Huitian of the Hyuga clan, because the huge amount of chakra accumulated in the body over the years, so that Li Zhenwu can release Huitian without telling himself to rotate, but just using chakra can make Huitian this The trick is perfect!

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