At present, Li Zhenwu still focuses on accumulating his own strength and waiting to face Frieza in the future.

However, at the end of the day's exercise, when he came out of the gravity room, he found that there were two people waiting at his door.

King Vegeta!and Vegeta!

"King Vegeta, are you here now?" Li Zhenwu looked at the two of them, wondering if Vegeta had never beaten him so he went to his parents?

King Vegeta was a little helpless, and looked at the son beside him. He came here on purpose at his son's request.

King Vegeta thought for a while, and then said to Li Zhenwu: "Mr. son Vegeta, I hope I can take you as my teacher, and I hope you can hone him and increase his strength."


Li Zhenwu was really stunned this time, he didn't expect that the current King Vegeta made this request.

In a blink of an eye, Vegeta, who was beside King Vegeta, looked like a ruthless brother, but there was a faint expectation and desire for strength in his eyes!

There is such a 283 unfolding... Li Zhenwu slowly exhaled, thought carefully at this moment, and then came to a conclusion, he responded slowly:

"I'm afraid I will reject you..."

Li Zhenwu said, without waiting for Vegeta and his son to say anything, he has continued to add: "The strength of the Saiyans is not taught by this kind of master and apprentice, but more of constant fighting, And a powerful enemy! Therefore, even if Prince Vegeta is apprentice or not, it is actually useless!"

Hearing Li Zhenwu's words, King Vegeta smiled and said, "Mr. Zhenwu is indeed a powerful Saiyan, and he has the talent of being a Saiyan."

Then, King Vegeta looked at his son. He thought that his son's face would have such emotions of frustration or displeasure, but he found that not only did Vegeta not have these emotions, but instead, it was in his eyes. Has a different look.

"Can I often fight with you?" Vegeta's eyes burst with divine light, staring at Li Zhenwu, waiting for his answer: "Since the Saiyans' strength comes from fighting, then I hope to be able to fight with you. Fight more!"

Hearing Vegeta's unyielding words, Li Zhenwu sighed.

Chapter [-] The Birth of Kakarot

Li Zhenwu sighed and said to Vegeta, who was full of belligerence: "You can't fight me, because the gap between us is too big, so even if you fight me, it's hard for you to improve. ."

Li Zhenwu thought for a while and said, "Well, I'll give you some pointers when I'm free. After you become strong enough, you can fight with me."

At this moment, Li Zhenwu is perfunctory Vegeta.

Because he knew in his heart that if no one stopped what happened a year later, the Saiyans on Planet Vegeta would even be wiped out, and Vegeta himself was taken over by Frieza.

"Anyway, there's only one year left, just fool around." Li Zhenwu thought to himself.

In this way, Prince Vegeta became Li Zhenwu's little follower.

When Li Zhenwu was exercising in the gravity room, Vegeta often came to him.

And Li Zhenwu was not stingy, and taught Vegeta some experience.

Time is like an arrow, the sun and the moon are like a shuttle.

Time passed by in an instant.

Today, a piece of news that Li Zhenwu was closely following appeared.

The second son of Bardock, a lower-level warrior among the Saiyans, was born!

If Bardock may not be known, but his youngest son is a legend in the future.

The Saiyan's name is Kakarot, and the Earth's name is Sun Wukong.

And Bardock himself, on Star Vegeta, is also a well-known Saiyan.

Bardock, who is just a low-level warrior, has become stronger bit by bit with his own efforts, reaching the strength of an elite warrior, and is quite respected, because his behavior is somewhat different from the evil style of other Saiyans. .

Moreover, Li Zhenwu also knew that Bardock had a characteristic.

That is the ability to vaguely predict the future.

It was him who saw that the Saiyan planet would be destroyed by Frieza, but also saw that his son Kakarot would kill Frieza in the future.

On the eve of Kakarot's birth, Li Zhenwu went to see Bardock.

Bardock and the future Sun Wukong look exactly the same, the difference is that there is a scar on one of Bardock's cheeks, and his face is also full of the elite aura of a battle-hardened warrior.

When Li Zhenwu saw Bardock, Bardock's face was filled with joy for the birth of a son.

Also, there are many Saiyans congratulating Bardock.

Li Zhenwu also took this opportunity to step forward: "Congratulations, Badak, your son will become a great warrior just like you in the future."

Li Zhenwu stepped forward to congratulate him, but Bardock couldn't help but be surprised.

Because during this period of time, the Saiyans of Planet Vegeta knew that there was an extremely powerful wild Saiyan on their planet, with a high status, and King Vegeta treated him very politely.

So in the face of Li Zhenwu's congratulations, Bardock quickly responded: "Thank you, Lord Zhenwu."

Li Zhenwu smiled, then looked at Bardock's newborn son.

"Sun Wukong..." Li Zhenwu said silently in his heart, now Sun Wukong is not called Sun Wukong, but Kakarot.

The small body, black hair, and swaying tail made Li Zhenwu sigh with emotion.

In the face of Sun Wukong, Li Zhenwu has a strange feeling, because the Saiyan blood in his body actually comes from the same source as Sun Wukong, and the potential of the two is the same.

When Badak saw Li Zhenwu watching his son, he hurried to introduce: "This is my son, Kakarot."

"It's a good Saiyan." Li Zhenwu nodded and said, and then he slapped the palm of his hand, and a longevity lock appeared.

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