Saying that, King Vegeta said with some pleading on his face: "As of now, there is one more thing I want to ask Mr. Zhenwu."

"What's the matter?" Li Zhenwu asked.

King Vegeta gritted his teeth and said, "Sir, please tell us the secrets about Super Saiyans!"

King Vegeta made a request to Li Zhenwu about the secret of the Super Saiyan.

Beside his father, Vegeta also looked eager, hoping to learn more about Super Saiyans.

Although he is only five years old now, Vegeta's strong heart is melted into his bones.

After King Vegeta made such a request, he also deliberately understood it with emotion and reasoned, and told about the current Saiyan family, although they are beautiful on the surface, but in fact, they have an embarrassing position in the universe.

Therefore, Li Zhenwu is required to be able to tell them the secrets of the Super Saiyans, and also to allow the Saiyans on their planet to have hope and opportunities for other Super Saiyans to appear, for the benefit of the entire Saiyan family.

Li Zhenwu smiled after listening to King Vegeta's request.

However, Li Zhenwu is not laughing at King Vegeta's careful thinking.

But the laughing thing is... King Vegeta's a little bit of self-control!

So, Li Zhenwu said calmly after laughing: "What do you think Super Saiyan is? What will appear?"

Hearing Li Zhenwu's question, King Vegeta looked bewildered. After all, if he knew, he wouldn't have to ask Li Zhenwu.

"Could it be... is it a special bloodline talent?" King Vegeta thought for a while, but still made a guess.

Among the Saiyans, there are also talents and bloodlines. For example, his own royal bloodline has natural strength and genetics stronger than ordinary Saiyans, and his transformation is also different from ordinary Saiyans.

Plus, Li Zhenwu's 'Wild Saiyan' seems to be different from their Vegeta Saiyan.

So, King Vegeta made such a guess.

"Blood talent?" Li Zhenwu shook his head: "The so-called Super Saiyan conditions are not that complicated!"

Li Zhenwu said slowly: "Super Saiyan, is the blood of Saiyan flowing in the body, the potential that all descendants of Saiyan can have!"

"How is that possible?" King Vegeta couldn't believe it.

"That's it." Li Zhenwu said, "Whether it is a so-called lower-level Saiyan with an initial combat power of 2, or a powerful elite with a combat power of hundreds or even a royal Saiyan at birth, there is a certain chance that he will become a Saiyan of the royal family. Super Saiyan."

"Transforming from a Saiyan to a Super Saiyan is not as fancy and as difficult as people think." Li Zhenwu said slowly: "If you want to become a Super Saiyan, all you have to do is become stronger! Become stronger! Then keep a pure heart, and when you meet a certain opportunity, you can transform!"

Li Zhenwu said the conditions for transforming into a Super Saiyan are extremely simple, but also extremely harsh.

"Is it that simple?" King Vegeta murmured in disbelief.

The secret of the Super Saiyan that keeps circulating among the Saiyans, will it be so simple?

Chapter [-] Cosmic Drifting

After Li Zhenwu told King Vegeta the secret of transforming into a Super Saiyan, which was extremely simple but also infinitely difficult, whether King Vegeta believed it or not, he was not going to explain any more.

Although theoretically, any Saiyan has the possibility of being able to transform into a Super Saiyan.

But this transformation is also related to the Saiyans themselves.

Several Saiyan characters such as Dragon Ball are undoubtedly not positive. They have a sincere heart, focus on one emotion, and finally become successful.

Even the later Vegeta got the opportunity to transform into a Super Saiyan after doing countless evils and returning to the right.

And most of the Saiyans in Planet Vegeta are very evil.

Moreover, the fighting power of these Saiyans cannot be improved at all.

After all, even King Vegeta, who is the king of Saiyans, has only tens of thousands of combat power.

So aside from the opportunity to transform, they are far from being able to transform into a Super Saiyan in terms of strength alone~.

Li Zhenwu sent King Vegeta away like this, and after a stop with Frieza, the current King Vegeta dared not say a word of disobedience to Li Zhenwu. the meaning of.

And Li Zhenwu also instructed people not to disturb him, and then he got a temporary real tranquility!

After Vegeta and his son left, Li Zhenwu closed his eyes slightly and continued to check his harvest this time!

This time, in a short but fierce battle with Frieza, Li Zhenwu got an unprecedented battle point from the system!

"I once became a nouveau riche." Li Zhenwu couldn't help but sigh.

The previous Li Zhenwu did not lack battle points, and the daily fairy beans were enough to consume.

But this time, after the battle with Frieza, the battle points he accumulated can be exchanged for almost anything in the system.

Including the system's most advanced exchange item - Dragon Ball!

However, Li Zhenwu touched his chin, thought for a while, and then realized that he didn't need Dragon Ball.

Because Li Zhenwu now has no urgent desires or regrets that he wants to make up for.

Li Zhenwu touched his chin, thinking: "Now that Frieza has been beaten to death, the Dragon Ball plot should be in chaos, right? Will the powerful Monkey King appear in the future?"

Li Zhenwu can't figure it out, because in later generations, Frieza can be said to be a turning point in Sun Wukong's life, and even a turning point in the earth.

It was from here that Sun Wukong started his own way to become a Super Saiyan.

And now Frieza was directly killed by Li Zhenwu, and I don't know what the future Monkey King will do to transform into a Super Saiyan!

Moreover, Li Zhenwu also has to consider his next whereabouts.

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