"I just hope that Wukong's uncle will be kind when he comes to Earth." Finally, the Turtle Immortal thought to himself.

In the end, Li Zhenwu was accepted by everyone because of his similar appearance to Wukong.

Even, because of Li Zhenwu's 'alien' status, both Kelin and Yamucha were very curious to pull Li Zhenwu and ask questions.

For a time, Li Zhenwu slowly made some friendship with these Z warriors in the future!

It was the second day after meeting with Goku and the others.

The World's No. [-] Martial Arts Club has opened!

There are more than [-] martial artists and warriors from all over the world.

But don't think that this number is small. In fact, these are soldiers from all over the world, and almost every one of them has the fighting power to easily kill ordinary people.

In addition to these fighters, there are many spectators who have filled the stands to their fullest.

I have to say that in this world, people are strong in martial arts, and every audience member is not afraid of death.

Don't you see that in the original book, those who watched the martial arts meeting died piles after piles, all in groups.

That's the case, every martial arts meeting has audiences like forests!The atmosphere is frenetic!

Under these circumstances, the primaries for the No. [-] Martial Arts Club in the world have begun!

All kinds of quirky players came on stage one by one, and they were screened for battle!The goal is to select the top sixteen, then the top eight, the top four, then the champion and runner-up.

Li Zhenwu, Turtle Immortal and Wukong came to the scene of the martial arts meeting together, and then saw Turtle Immortal's eyes moving, staring in one direction.

There, a thin old man with black sunglasses and the word 'Crane' on his clothes.

Beside the old man, there was a strong bald man with a third eye on his forehead, and a kid sitting on the bald shoulder.

These three people, all dressed the same, all had the word crane in front of them.

"Teacher Wu Tian, ​​who is that?" Seeing the abnormality of Immortal Turtle, Ya Mucha couldn't help asking.

"My junior brother, Immortal He." Immortal Turtle said slowly: "I didn't expect that he would come to this martial arts conference, and it seems that those two are his disciples."

"Mr. Wu Tian's junior brother?" Ke Lin was surprised, and then carefully looked at Immortal Crane!

At this time, the Turtle Immortal was disguised as a 'Cheng, Dragon'.

It is because the Turtle Immortal's true appearance is too famous in the world, so he participated in the martial arts meeting and deliberately changed his vest to add a layer of camouflage.

At this time, it seems that they sensed the gazes of Guixianliu, and Hexian and his two disciples also turned to look here.

"Guixian Liu disciple..." He Xianren sneered and saw the Guixian Liu clothes on Klin Wukong and the others.

"Tianjin Rice, Dumplings, see clearly, those disciples of Guixianliu are your biggest opponents this time! If you encounter them on the field, don't let them go!" Hexianren said to his disciples .

"Understood." Tianjin Fan nodded, then looked at Wukong, Ke Lin and the others. The third eye on his forehead was very conspicuous.

However, on this earth, it seems that there are many monsters and beasts, so people on earth also have a high degree of acceptance of strange people.

At the scene, there were staff scheduling and arranging the competition sequence of the players, and the air was filled with the calmness of the upcoming battle.

Among the many players, there is also a doctor dressed as Naruto World Ninja, and Li Zhenwu's shadow clone is among them...

Chapter [-] Martial arts club top eight!

The dance conference started amidst the hustle and bustle.

A total of seventy or eighty players were evenly separated by two and then confronted.

Of course, people like Turtle Immortal and Wukong have some privileges.

Because they were all strong players in the previous session, the host also made some small arrangements to ensure that these players with a certain popularity can enter the finals.

As a result, Wukong Kelin and the others entered the top sixteen without encountering any strong opponents.

On the other side, the disciples of Hexianren, Tianjin Fan and Dumpling, also intended to push evenly, defeated many opponents again and again, and entered the top sixteen.

Many spectators were watching the fight and were hooked.

And in the battle, there is another person who is very interesting. Many viewers can't help exclaiming when they see his battle.

"Oh my god!"


"what is that!"

"so amazing!"

Such voices sounded one after another.

So much so that Wukong and the others couldn't help but be drawn to the past.

Then they saw... Li Zhenwu's shadow avatar!

Li Zhenwu was very interested in the world's No. [-] martial arts club, so he had created a shadow clone before, and at this time it was his shadow clone, using ninjutsu to fight his opponent.

"Fire Escape - Impatiens Technique!"

The shadow clone opened its mouth and mouth, and spewed out a high-temperature flame, which immediately caused the opponent in front of him to jump away in panic, but suddenly jumped out of the stage.

"Li Locke wins!" the host on the side shouted.

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