"What did Lord Zhenwu teach? Could it be that Uncle Zhenwu can also do Jiewang Fist?" Wukong was slightly surprised, and then replied, "I didn't learn Jiewang Fist from Uncle Zhenwu."

"How is it possible!" Vegeta didn't believe it at all, and these emotions were already expressed on his face.

"Could it be that Uncle Zhenwu really knows Kaiwang Fist?" Seeing Vegeta's attitude, Wukong felt a little strange.

Because this world king boxing, according to the world king, is a kung fu he created by himself, and no one has ever learned it.

But now, Vegeta said that Li Zhenwu would do the same thing?

Shaking his head, Wukong ran these things aside: "No matter what, just based on what you did on Earth, I must defeat you today!"

Having said that, Wukong has already rushed forward, not daring to delay.

Because as long as you use the World King Fist, every moment and every second is a burden on your body, you can't delay time for no reason!

Vegeta's face was black, but he still couldn't care less. He already thought that Wukong's Kaiwang Fist was taught by Li Zhenwu!

"Humph! I want to see how powerful you can be even if you have learned the world of King Boxing!"

Vegeta's heart is full of anger, and she also has the belief that she will not admit defeat.

In fact, Vegeta doesn't know the power of Kaiwang Fist, but he guesses it has something to do with Super Saiyan.

Because back then, Li Zhenwu suddenly transformed into a Super Saiyan after using the Kaiwang Fist!Directly defeated the evil cosmic emperor Frieza!


Goku, who used twice the King's Fist, his combat power soared to more than [-], and his speed was also very fast, but he came to Vegeta's side in an instant, and then started a fierce attack!

And Vegeta has been paying attention to the combat power detection glasses, and he is relieved when he finds that Goku's combat power has not continued to soar!In the face of Wukong's attack, there is not so much pressure.

"Kakarot, you're just more than [-] combat power, but you're not my opponent!"

Vegeta punched a punch, and already forced back the menacing Goku!

And in the next moment, Vegeta began to release his momentum!

The wild qi was used outside the body, almost forming a coat.

The earth is shaking under the momentum of Vegeta, and even the ground that is almost thousands of miles around is shaking!

"It's so powerful..." Kelin and Sun Wufan were on the side, and they were already oppressed by the momentum and could not move, and Kelin couldn't help but be amazed!

The one Napa just now had already killed Piccolo, Tianjin Fan, Dumpling, and even nearly killed Ke Lin.

But now Vegeta's aura is vastly different from Napa's!More powerful and more evil!

Feeling the change in Vegeta's momentum, Goku frowned slightly.

Because according to the current strength of Vegeta, his double world king fist seems to be a bit tough, and he may not be able to defeat the opponent!

"It really doesn't work, just use the Triple World King Fist, but it must be done quickly!"

Goku thought, and rushed to Vegeta's side again.

"Crack!" Wukong was knocked out.

"It seems that your Kaiwang Fist is nothing more than that." Vegeta is like a demon, exuding an evil and powerful aura, despising Sun Wukong.

Because he has discovered that even if he uses the 'Kai Wangquan', he is not his opponent!

"It seems that the King's Fist doesn't have much power in your hands." Vegeta said, but he was full of dissatisfaction, thinking that if he knew this move, he would definitely be stronger than Sun Wukong. !

Unconsciously, I always thought that Sun Wukong's King Fist was Vegeta taught by hi Li Zhenwu, and there was some resentment towards Li Zhenwu.

"Damn, I must use the Triple World King Fist immediately!" Wukong thought to himself, without hesitation, he jumped to the side and started to charge!

"Three Times King Fist!"

Wukong's muscles began to grow under the energy of Qi in his body!At the same time, he is full of momentum!

At this moment, Vegeta's combat power detection glasses kept screaming.

"What? The combat power is still improving?" Moreover, Vegeta was shocked.

"As expected of Wukong, he was able to use the Triple World King Fist so quickly." Li Zhenwu, who was hiding and watching, couldn't help nodding his head in praise.

Chapter [-] The Golden Gorilla

When Wukong used the triple world king fist, his muscles were bulging, and IE's skin was already faintly red.

At this time, his body was congested with blood, which was a great burden on his body all the time.

However, the combat power has improved a few considerable!

Sun Wukong, who originally had a combat power of only a few thousand and less than ten thousand, has soared rapidly at this moment!In a blink of an eye, it has broken through the [-] mark!And it's still improving.

"How is that possible!" Vegeta was surprised, because he felt that Goku's combat power had surpassed him.

Combat power detection glasses have a limit, that is, when they reach [-], they will go online.

So after Goku's Triple Kaiquan Fist was used, Vegeta's fighting glasses kept beeping and almost exploded, so he ripped it off.

But that's it, he couldn't measure Sun Wukong's real combat power.

"Is King Fist a move that can double your combat effectiveness?"

Looking at Sun Wukong Del's performance, Vegeta couldn't help but think that what he guessed was very close to trying!

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