It didn't take much effort, and the entire decadent Huaguo Mountain was almost completely new on the surface.

However, Huaguo Mountain was originally the ancestral vein of the Ten Continents and the Dragon from the Three Islands, which gathered many spiritual veins of heaven and earth, but it was also tragically destroyed before.

At this moment, although Li Zhenwu has recovered all the flowers and fruits, he doesn't quite understand the spiritual veins inside.

"It looks like I'm going to the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea. There will be a way to compare." Li Zhenwu thought to himself.

Although Li Zhenwu did not restore the spiritual energy of Huaguo Mountain, the changes on the surface alone made the monkeys stunned, and then the pillows were filled with mad joy.

What's more, the monkeys burst into tears, plucked the fruit from the fruit tree and bit it fiercely, still worrying about whether all this was illusory.

After confirming that it was not a dream, more monkeys came over and bowed to Li Zhenwu, thanking him again and again.

The attitude of the monkeys made Li Zhenwu feel that everything was done in vain, but Li Zhenwu didn't immerse himself for too long, so he chose a monkey: "Take me to the Shuilian Cave and see, I will also take that The Water Curtain Cave has been restored to its original state!"

Chapter [-] Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals!

In Huaguo Mountain, there is a waterfall, and there is actually a cave in the curtain of water falling from the waterfall.

I don't know who built this hole, but there is a book in it that says: "Huaguoshan Blessed Land, Shuiliandongdongtian", so this hole is called Shuiliandong.

The monkeys held all kinds of fruits in their hands, and happily jumped and took Li Zhenwu to Shuilian Cave.

It didn't take long for Li Zhenwu to come to the water curtain cave, but it was too different from the water curtain cave he imagined.

It is obviously called the Water Curtain Cave, but now there is no water, you can see a slightly charred and bare hole outside.

"Grandpa Zhenwu, the water veins here have also been destroyed, so the water curtain is dry." An old monkey came to explain to Li Zhenwu.

"So it is." Li Zhenwu couldn't accept the ugly water curtain cave without immortality in front of him, so he flew up and flew up along the original river.

After that, Li Zhenwu just opened his mouth and performed a ninjutsu: "The technique of the waterfall!"


A strong sound of water flow suddenly sounded.

Li Zhenwu spat lightly, and immediately the turbulent water flowed out as if there was a whole waterfall, and it directly filled the dry river chuang.

Moreover, the original waterfall was also restored to life, and the water curtain fell again, and the dry place on the mountain was once again nourished.

However, this is temporary after all for now, because this is rootless water and has no source.

What really needs to be solved is the recovery of the broken water vein.

The original Huaguo Mountain flowed directly to the sea, and above the waterfall, there was a river, and now both are broken.

But to Li Zhenwu, it was nothing but a little effort.

"Tu Dun!" Li Zhenwu's mind moved, and the use of chakra in his body suddenly changed the earth, and the originally broken water vein was reconnected.

And the water curtain in the water curtain cave was officially restored.

"Oh! Great!" The monkeys kept jumping happily.

Li Zhenwu also showed a faint smile, but his work was not finished yet.

"You guys sort out and restore the things in the Water Curtain Cave," Li Zhenwu said.

All the monkeys obediently did as he said, and re-arranged the originally messy and dilapidated Shuilian Cave.

It didn't take long for the entire Huaguo Mountain to go up and down, and everything suddenly changed.

Except for some spiritual veins that have not recovered, it can be said that it is more beautiful than ever!

After everything was done, Li Zhenwu came to the Water Curtain Cave, and there were thousands of monkeys here, so it didn't seem crowded.

Among the monkeys, there were a few old monkeys who were well-informed. Li Zhenwu asked them to come to his side and asked, "Do you know the whereabouts of the monkeys who were taken away? I will also go to take them away. Come back together!"

Since Sun Wukong was crushed under the Wuxing Mountain in Huaguo Mountain, the monkeys and monkeys on the mountain were more than half burned to death by a fire, and the remaining monkeys were mostly killed by hunters. As well as being caught and sold to the circus at a high price, they are suffering.

Hearing Li Zhenwu's question, Lao Hou'er burst into tears immediately, thinking of those who were taken away.

There are also monkeys who thought about it seriously and said, "Those hunters sold all their captured companions to the circus at a high price, because our monkeys in Huaguoshan are more intelligent, so they also have a great reputation in the outside world, many of them. The circus masters will directly create the name of the Huaguo Mountain Monkey to perform, so if you want to return to the captured companions, you can go directly outside to find them!"

"So it is. 0" Li Zhenwu nodded, feeling such a nemesis.

"If I had known, I wouldn't have killed all those hunters. I should have kept one or two of them, and it would have been much more convenient for them to take them with them." Li Zhenwu thought about it, and felt that it would be useless to think about it at this time.

Li Zhenwu thought about it and thought that although the hunters were dead, the village of these hunters was there, and if they followed the path, they should be able to find the whereabouts of the captured monkeys...

Li Zhenwu quickly decided to rescue all the monkeys who were left outside in Huaguo Mountain.

However, when Li Zhenwu was about to leave, there was a commotion outside the Water Curtain Cave.

"It's not good! It's not good! The big thing is bad!!!" A monkey ran in with a flustered face, shouting loudly, and came to Li Zhenwu.

"Grandpa Zhenwu! The big thing is bad!" The monkey was so panicked that Li Zhenwu was a little confused.

"Calm down, say something slowly." Li Zhenwu was not in a hurry: "Could it be that another hunter has come to Huaguo Mountain?"

The monkey gasped for breath, "Heaven, heaven, there are many heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals!"

"Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals?" Li Zhenwu was really surprised: "What's going on?"

"There are many heavenly soldiers and generals in the sky, and they are surrounding Huaguo Mountain!"

Li Zhenwu stood up directly and strode out: "I'll go take a look!"

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