You must know that the Wu clan's body is unparalleled, and there are few people who can match it. The demon clan's competition with them also relies on the divine passage method to be able to draw a tie.


Kunpeng Demon Master roared, because the opponent's punch was hitting his face, clearly wanting to humiliate him.

call out!

His wings vibrated and he swayed up to [-] miles. As soon as Kunpeng flew into the sky, he immediately avoided him.

However, the tens of thousands of demon clans behind the demon master were not so lucky. They were immediately swept away by the fist wind, and the thunder and lightning surged, drowning everyone.

Suddenly, [-] demon soldiers, with countless casualties, fell from the dark clouds in the sky.

"Gaga, the mere little demon, dare to come to show prestige?" The giant laughed, grabbed it with the palm of his hand, and grabbed the fallen demon soldier into his mouth, and Gaba swallowed it.

This picture is so bloody!

It frightens all demons, makes all sentient beings feel cold in their hearts, and dare not fight with them.

"Wizard? Are they here to save us?"

The human beings have all lost their minds, and the Wuzhuangguan is closed and invisible.

Unexpectedly, the witch clan that has ravaged the flood for countless years will appear at this moment, repelling the Kunpeng demon master.

However, before they had time to be happy, the great witch turned his head, stared coldly at the human beings, and opened the bloody mouth.

"The lich robs the world of luck, and your human race can only be reduced to a chess piece."

In the sound of rumbling, it stepped forward, the wind and thunder flashed, and the world changed color.

Seeing this scene, the human beings have no more thoughts, their hearts are ashes, and they point to the sky and curse.

However, the wind and thunder drowned, and more than [-] people were killed or injured in the blink of an eye.

The demon clan was frightened and angry, and the anger in their hearts rose, thinking that the fate of the human clan was about to be captured by the witch clan, and they were full of fear.

Before Heavenly Court, the second emperor of the demon clan smiled sternly, and the Eastern Emperor Bell shook gently, preparing to strike a thunderous blow.


Suddenly, a sigh came from the ancient Taoist temple, causing the vision of heaven and earth to disappear in an instant.

Chapter [-] Falling Five Village Views (Second)

Sighing contains compassion and intolerance, and is also full of helplessness.

Lich struggles for hegemony, and life in the wilderness is ruined, not manpower can save it.

After all, both were born from heaven and earth, and Pangu was transformed, and they were born with great luck.

With a sigh coming from the Taoist temple, within a million miles, the whole world~, all quieted down.

"Today, the old immortal has a feeling of Heaven's Dao. When you make a move to let the people keep it, - keep the fire alive."

Simple Taoist temple, the door opened, a sleeve robe flew out from it, and the wind _ skyrocketed.

In an instant, the sleeve robes turned into ten thousand meters, covering the sky and the sun, covering all the living beings of the more than [-] people who survived.

Zhenyuanzi's supernatural powers, the art of heaven and earth in his sleeve!

"Elder Zhenyuan, do you dare to ruin this emperor's good deeds?"

Di Jun's eyes became more and more dazzling, golden light shone, and his whole body exuded a mighty heavenly power, and the whole person jumped down from the heavenly court.


The body of the demon emperor rose against the storm, turned into a dazzling sun, descended from the sky, and fell towards Wuzhuangguan.

"The way of heaven has mercy, why bother the little people?"

The sky-high sleeved robe was infinitely enlarged, and in an instant, it absorbed all the shrouded human beings.


The sleeve robe swayed, and with a sudden retraction, it suddenly shrank sharply, and rolled back toward the gate of the Taoist temple.

This sudden scene surprised everyone.

Unexpectedly, Zhen Yuanzi, who has always been known as a good man in the wild land, would make a move at such a juncture, which is really baffling.

"Haha, Dijun child, this is the place where we are led by the Wu clan, and it's not your turn to be arrogant!"

At the end of the sky, the thunder was shining, and I saw Qiangliang, one of the twelve ancestor witches, rushing forward.

Qiangliang's tiger-headed body, [-] meters high, stands in the sky, holding two yellow snakes in both hands, and his body is full of electric lights, which is very terrifying.

"How dare you dare to dominate the world? I am the emperor of heaven, and I shall rule the world."

Di Jun did not show weakness, turned into a three-legged golden crow, faced the storm, and endless flames fell from him, and the vast mountains below the burning were instantly burned.

The flames were raging, and in the sea of ​​​​fire, he was extremely powerful, swooped down, and launched the attack first.


The three-legged fiery claws, flowing with the color of red gold, burned everything in the world, and caught Chao Qiangliang.

The claws are a kilometer in size, comparable to a hill, and can easily smash the weapon of the gods.

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