It's better than not talking about the corpse. As soon as he spoke, Da Wu Jiufeng cried even more sadly.

When the others saw this, they all glared at the corpse, this kid doesn't know how to speak.

Xuan Ming, dressed in black, sighed from the bottom of his heart, hugged Jiufeng, and comforted him softly: "Teacher, Qiangliang just passed out, not his vitality. If there is a natural treasure, maybe he can wake up."

"Yes, the vitality is still there, and it proves that there is still hope. I will think of a way and see if there is any way." Di Jiang's figure is blurred, and his tone is hazy.

After all, Qiangliang is also one of the ancestor witches. Now that he has ended up like this, Jiufeng, who is the younger sister, is naturally confused.

"Then what are the treasures of heaven and earth that can restore the strength of the body of the ancestral witch?"

"I heard that Laozi sage focuses on alchemy, maybe we can get one."

"Are you familiar with the saint?"



In the end, the discussions were fruitless.

After all, the Wu clan is naturally powerful, it is already a tyrant in the prehistoric world, and it is hot by nature, how can there be friends?

The main hall, quiet again, only Jiufeng's sad sobbing, which made everyone feel embarrassed.

Just when everyone was at a loss, Hou Tu suddenly stood up and left.

"Sister Houtu, where do you want to go?"

Seeing the corpse, she asked immediately.

"I'm going to find a teacher!"

Hou Tu's footsteps paused for a while, and then he stepped out of the hall again, with an extremely firm pace.

Hearing this, everyone froze in place.

You must know that when the saints heard the sermon in the Zixiao Palace, because of the lack of the primordial spirit of the Wu clan, they could not cultivate the Taoist magical powers, nor could they understand the Dao clearly.

At the beginning, Houtu was unwilling, and had heard it in Zixiao Palace. Although she could not understand, she and Hongjun also had the name of master and apprentice.


In the depths of the chaotic void, simple Taoism.

Hou Tu looked at Zixiao Palace with a firm expression, and after a moment of hesitation, he stepped forward.

"Senior Sister Houtu, are you looking for a teacher?"

Haotian and Yaochi, who were guarding both sides of the stone steps, were originally listless, but when they saw the person coming, they immediately asked excitedly.

You must know that as Hongjun's Daotong, the two have never seen an outsider for almost ten thousand years.

Seeing Houtu at the moment, he immediately greeted him enthusiastically.


Hou Tu answered absentmindedly.

"It's a coincidence that the teacher has not manifested a saint for a long time. It seems that it is not the right time for Senior Sister Houtu to come." Yaochi said.

However, her voice just fell.

When I saw the Taoist gate of Zixiao Palace, I opened the gate by myself, and the inside was chaotic.

"Uh, it seems that the teacher already knows the intention of Senior Sister, so please come in!"

Haotian muttered, and then greeted Houtu in.

In the quaint Taoist temple, on the futon on the high platform, a Taoist sat cross-legged, and his figure was blurred, making it impossible to see through his true face.

"Disciple meets teacher!"

As soon as he entered the Taoist temple, Hou Tu respectfully saluted, his eyes drooping, and he did not dare to face the Taoist in front of him.

"I know your intentions!"

A faint voice resounded through the room, illusory to the extreme, as if it came from the nine heavens.

"I beg the teacher to be perfect!"

Hearing what Hongjun said, Houtu was full of sadness, and immediately knelt down, his expression contained great sadness.

Chapter [-] Is this also a blessing from heaven?

The inside of Zixiao Palace is very quiet, chaotic and fuzzy, and there are inexplicable Dao rhymes circulating everywhere.

After an unknown time, a faint sigh sounded.

"Oh, why are you so troubled?"

Daoist Hongjun's figure was blurred, and he couldn't see his true face, but his sigh contained a sense of loneliness.

Although he is the way of heaven, but after all, he is transformed by a living being and naturally understands the determination of the hindu.

However, the calamity of the two lich clans has already been decided, and it cannot be undone by manpower.

"The disciple is stupid, and cannot comprehend the mysteries of the Dao, but he also knows that three thousand roads lead directly to the Dao. If the future of the Wu clan can be preserved, even if the body is dead, the Dao will disappear."

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