While speaking, Li Zhenwu took out a fairy bean from the system backpack, put it directly on the table, and said lightly.

Zhen Yuanzi had already heard about the magical effect of fairy beans, but seeing it now, he found that the appearance was just an ordinary bean, and he couldn't help but feel extremely puzzled.

"It's feasible. If fairy beans are used as the main medicine, ginseng fruit is used as an auxiliary medicine, and several kinds of heaven and earth spirit fruits are supplemented, a truly magical elixir can be refined." He smiled lightly.

"This matter will trouble fellow Daoists. I still have some important things to do, so I will say goodbye first." Seeing the opportunity arrived, Li Zhenwu didn't waste time, and even stood up.

Seeing this, Zhen Yuanzi waved his hand very wisely, picked five or six fruits from the ginseng fruit tree, and handed them over.

"This thing will be given to fellow Daoists. Even though it's not precious, it can be passed on as that food." Zhen Yuanzi said.

"Thank you buddy."

Li Zhenwu was not hypocritical, just walked over, then turned and left.

In Wuzhuang Temple, under the ginseng fruit tree.

Looking at Li Zhenwu's disappearing back, Zhen Yuanzi was sluggish, unable to wake up for a long time.

"It's really wild and alien, this child cares about it."

Zhen Yuanzi muttered to himself, and then he summoned Qingfeng Mingyue two Taoist boys, and after a few words, he left the Taoist temple and walked straight to a nearby witch temple.

Although he doesn't know the detailed cause and effect, since Li Zhenwu promised to have a great chance, even if he fights, he will find a way to get it.

After a few days, a huge Wushen Temple was located in front of him, with a magnificent momentum, surrounded by Wuzu tribes of different sizes.

Zhen Yuanzi's body flickered, transformed into a hunchbacked old man who collected medicine, and walked straight towards the largest tribe.

"Who is coming? This is the Kuafu tribe, and you are not allowed to enter without authorization."

In front of the tribe's gate, a group of wizard guards blocked Zhen Yuanzi's way, and his eyes showed a vigilant light.

Chapter [-] The great witch praises his father! (Second more)

The hegemony between the two Lich clans has not yet fully begun, but the people of the two clans can already vaguely feel the atmosphere of depression.

Even if the people of the Wu clan don't understand the secrets of heaven, the invisible sense of oppression makes everyone know that the catastrophe is not far away.

This time, a person from the mountains suddenly appeared. For these Wu clan, the alarm bell sounded in their hearts, and they were all ready to fight.

You know, this place is surrounded by [-] mountains, high mountains and old forests.

Ordinary people can't come here at all, so Zhen Yuanzi's illusion doesn't look like a normal person no matter what.

In the eyes of these witch guards, I am afraid it is not necessarily the spies of the demon clan.

"Cough cough..."

Seeing this scene, Zhen Yuanzi's old face was slightly red, and his heart was extremely embarrassed. He could only cough a few times to hide his guilty conscience.

"Excuse me, why did you come to the old man's house?" One of the guard leaders took a step and asked without being humble or silent.

You know, the people of Daze in the deep mountains, seeing Zhen Yuanzi's dress at this moment, they don't need to guess, they know that the background is not small, so their attitude is not tough.

Zhen Yuanzi pondered for a moment, raised his head and glanced at a few people, a strange color flashed in his turbid eyes, and he spoke slowly.

"I'm here to save people."

This sentence was said by Li Zhenwu. At the beginning, Zhen Yuanzi still slandered for a while, and he always felt very mysterious.

After all, the so-called chance, he is a black eye, only knows a general cause and effect relationship, that is, alchemy to save people.

There is no clear way of how to do it.


When they heard Zhen Yuanzi's words, these witch guards suddenly became strange, and they looked at each other immediately, and they could see the surprise in the other party's heart.

Seeing this, Zhen Yuanzi frowned, thinking that Zhenwu is really a Meng Lang, if the other party doesn't eat this set, won't it make me lose face?

However, the leader of the guards woke up and immediately clasped his fists, "Wait a minute, old man, I'll go and tell you."

Immediately afterwards, he turned around and entered the tribe, and walked towards the Kuafu Palace as if flying.

In the Kuafu Palace, there were two men sitting, one of them was a young man who was very heroic, but there was a cloud of sadness between his eyebrows.

"Brother, don't do that kind of gesture. Brother and sister, Heng'e, have already passed the order. There are many people with great powers in the wild, and there will always be a way."

The middle-aged man sitting on the head, eight feet tall, strong and powerful, raised his hands and feet, all contained a feeling of strength.

"Brother Kuafu don't want to laugh at Hou Yi. After all, Heng'e is a mortal. If you want to treat him, I'm afraid it will be too difficult."

Hou Yi smiled bitterly, remembering what the teacher said, under a saint, it is difficult to defy the sky.

If he was desperate, he would not leave the village, but alone, bringing Heng'e to the Wu tribe.

I thought that there were differences between the witches and the people who came with Heng'e, so they would be somewhat despised by the clansmen.

Unexpectedly, when the Wu people saw this, not only did they not take it lightly, on the contrary, they took it seriously and took it seriously.

"Don't worry, our Wu clan was born with luck in the world, and there are countless great powers in the clan. If there is no way for my brother here, then I will send a message to the Zuwu tribe. Lord Wushen is capable of heaven and earth, and there will always be a way."

Kuafu is very calm. In his heart, Zu Wu is so powerful that it can destroy the world.

It should be easy to treat mortal women in the area.

Of course, there are other reasons why he is so concerned about Hou Yi's wife.

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