Hearing this, Taishang Laojun jumped his feet, three figures, swooped over, invisible fluctuations, intertwined, and turned into a peerless formation.

Tai Chi array!

Yin and Yang, two avatars sit in the town, and the deity is located in the center, balancing the formation.

Immediately, chaos grew, and the earth, wind, fire, and water spewed out, turning into worlds and exploding around the Tai Chi array.


The power of the explosion was unparalleled, and the entire Jiuyou realm was shaken.

Countless True Martial clones shattered before they even approached the formation, turned into energy of heaven and earth, and disappeared.

"The formation is good, but compared to Taoist Tongtian's formation, it is still slightly worse." Seeing this, Li Zhenwu said lightly.

The next moment, his body swayed, his arrogance skyrocketed, his long hair was as bright as blood, and the ups and downs were like waves, very coquettish.

Super Saiyan God, infinite evolution!

The normal combat power of the quasi-sage peak has suddenly risen to an incredible level, and it has been infinitely close to the saint.

Seeing this scene, Taishang Laojun's face throbbed, and his heart suddenly burst. From Li Zhenwu's body, he really felt the threat.

"Dragon Fist!"

A loud shout came, Li Zhenwu was imposing like a rainbow, his right fist was golden and dazzling, a divine beast opened the sky, and a golden dragon wrapped around his arm, exuding majestic power.

"Shuzi dares." Taishang Laojun was shocked and angry, and he waved his Chaos crutch to block in front of the Taiji formation.


The fist sticks collided, and unparalleled strength erupted from between the two.


Invisible fluctuations spread, all matter in the world turned into nothingness, and the Taiji formation was also shattered at this moment.

"I see how you stop!"

Li Zhenwu screamed in the sky, and his body was like electricity. He led countless clones and charged in the past.

This scene is so spectacular.

Chapter [-] Group Fighting Saints!

Countless clones, together with the deity, were extremely powerful and dived away at extreme speed.

Their arrogance skyrocketed, hovering together, neatly arranged, and the scene was magnificent and shocking.

The momentum is intertwined, shaking the sky and the earth, making the saints feel a powerful threat.

At first, only the clone shot, Taishang Laojun may not care, after all, his realm is there, the head of the saints can easily be crushed by a thought.

But now it's different. Li Zhenwu's main body shot himself, and the aura as huge as a mountain is not comparable to those clones.

Being infinitely close to a saint in realm is not something to talk about.

And the power is strong, I am afraid that the saints are not as good as the Saiyans.


When Li Zhenwu himself approached one of the Taishang Laojun, he did not hesitate at all, clenched his fists, and the dazzling golden dragon swooped out from his arms, bursting with mighty power.


Countless clones, the same is true, when the dragon fist comes out, the world will be pale.

For a time, the emptiness of the entire Jiuyou world was dazzling, golden light, covering the sky and the sun, like a vast ocean, drowning everything in the past.

"Get out of here!"

Taishang Laojun's expression was difficult to see the extreme, and he waved out the chaotic crutches, and a chaotic river came out of the sky, blocking Li Zhenwu from himself.

The chaotic river, boundless, roared and slapped countless Li Zhenwu clones into powder.

Those golden dragons, unable to withstand the pressure of the chaotic river, also whimpered a few times, then collapsed and disappeared between heaven and earth.

The sage's shot, the world can't bear it.

However, when the clone shattered and the dragon fist that he cast could not withstand the pressure of the saint, a dazzling light pierced the chaotic river and smashed on Taishang Laojun.


A loud noise erupted, the place rioted, and a dragon roared, exuding supreme power.

The golden light flowed like a ye body, swaying, and shattered, revealing the embarrassed figure of Taishang Laojun.

"Li Zhenwu, I want you to die!"

An angry roar resounded through the sky, almost shocking the world.

Even the people in the Immortal Execution Sword Formation couldn't help feeling chills all over their body, thinking, what the hell is this kind of child doing?

"Many people want my life, but no one has ever done it." Li Zhenwu stretched out his hands and clenched his five fingers tightly, his aura was not weak at all.

He was very powerful, and he punched just now, breaking through the barrier of Chaos Crutches, and directly bombarded the deity of Taishang Laojun. JingYan was so incomparable that the other party couldn't react.


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