The cloud ninja turned their heads and looked at Li Zhenwu’s low drink and the arsenal of that episode, and then they saw Li Zhenwu clearly, and then couldn’t help but exclaim: “Konoha monster! ”

Their voices were mixed with panic and faint fear.

In these days, Li Zhenwu’s name has completely resounded in the Yunyin Ninja Village.

Now there is not a single cloud ninja in the entire ninja village who does not know Li Zhenwu’s achievements!

Once defeated and captured the two-tailed man Zhuli and Yugi, who can completely tail the beast, and another directly injured Daisei Daisei, who has a strong reputation in the village, the only successor of Black Thunder, and also owns Arashi.

Then he broke into the Yunyin Ninja Village station alone, and under the eyes of many ninjas, he was hanged by Yugito!

Such a record made many Yunyin Ninja Villages feel ashamed at the same time, but also felt cold and frightened for Li Zhenwu’s strength.

Therefore, these Yun Ren just saw the very iconic Li Zhenwu, and while recognizing it for the first time, they couldn’t help but feel frightened in their hearts.

“That’s right, it’s me!”

Li Zhenwu acquiesced to their name ‘Konoha monster’, and while answering in a cold voice, he walked up to several Konoha ninjas.

“Lord Zhenwu!” At this moment, several wooden ninjas couldn’t help but excitedly shout Li Zhenwu.

Seeing that they were about to fall into death, Li Zhenwu saved them from the sky, how could he not deserve their respect as ‘adult’!

Konoha’s side was excited, and Yun Shinobu’s side was dumbfounded!

Because with Li Zhenwu came, there was also an unknown fire genma, and another Zhongnin.

Several Yunyin Ninja Village Zhongnin glanced at each other, and they all found the kind of ‘run or not’ in each other’s eyes? ”Run! ‘ means.

At this moment, their eyes are the windows of their hearts, paying attention to expressing their new life.

These ninjas retreated, but the other only on-site ninja Murakami Shinobu behaved differently.

“Wood, leaf, monster, thing, lee, truth, martial arts!”

This Shangnin looks in his twenties, looking quite handsome, but at the moment, he is gritting his teeth and reciting Li Zhenwu’s name with hatred.

Li Zhenwu frowned, feeling that this Shangnin’s hatred for himself was a little abnormal, “You know me?” ”

“Haha, of course I know you!” This Shangnin is full of hatred.

“It doesn’t matter, I’ll wait for you anyway,” Li Zhenwu responded lightly.

“You underestimate me so much!” The Yunyin ninja Murakami Shinobu was angry and said to Take, “Have you forgotten that last year, the one named Shimo-Shinobu you killed in front of Hinata’s house?” ”

“It’s called Yunshui’s Shinobi?” Li Zhenwu thought for a while, and then suddenly said: “That time, I did hit a subordinate who wanted to mistreat me, and as for his name, I don’t care about this.” ”

“Aaaaah!” This Kami-ninja roared up to the sky, with anger and resentment: “That ninja, it’s called Yunshui!” It’s my brother! ”

“Oh, that’s not bad, congratulations.” Li Zhenwu said calmly.

“Congratulations on what?” The upper ninja of this brother who called himself Yunshui is unknown.

“Congratulations on being able to go and reunite with him today.”

Li Zhenwu had already gently stretched out his hand, and took out the bitterness that had been kunai, while saying: “Your brother must already be lonely over there alone, now you go and accompany him.” ”

As soon as the words fell, the Ku Wu in Li Zhenwu’s hands had already thrown it fiercely!

Immediately behind Ku Wu, there was Li Zhenwu’s figure running like thunder!

“Withdraw!” At this moment, several other Yunyin Ninja Village Naka Shinobi glanced at each other, and they all saw what the other party meant, and then the next moment, they scattered in all directions.

“I want to run!” I don’t know that Huo Genma is not eating dry food, he has already raised his hand to seal the seal, and the intention in his mouth.

“Senbon Rain!”

Then from the thousand books in his mouth, it quickly diverged, like a pouring rain, and went towards a few escaped Yunnin!

And on Li Zhenwu’s side, as Ku Wu crossed like a shooting star, Li Zhenwu’s voice was tight and sneaky after Ku Wu, not inferior at all!


Yunyin ninja Murakami Shinobu pulled out the sword he was carrying, a silver light flashed, Ku Wu had been cut down by him, and in the face of Li Zhenwu, he did not show weakness at all, and he cut down with a sword at the head!

“Ding!” Another sound of gold and iron! , but it was Li Zhenwu who had already casually taken out another kunai, blocking the sword of Shangnin.

“The Konoha monster really lives up to its name!” This Yunshui brother couldn’t help but sneer, and then raised his hand to land another sword on Li Zhenwu.

“Konoha Whirlwind!”

Then, at this speed of Shangnin, before the sword in his hand fell, Li Zhenwu had already attacked!

A Konoha whirlwind was already used by Li Zhenwu with a slight jump! Directly kicked this shinobi bear mouth!


The upper ninja of the Yunyin Ninja Village flew up, and the person had already vomited several mouthfuls of blood in the air, feeling like he had been kicked by an elephant.

He flew up weakly, and before he fell, Li Zhenwu had already rushed forward again, reflexively twisted his waist, and another side kick of Konoha whirlwind went out, and it was ‘Bang! ‘.

After this blow, Li Zhenwu did not continue to pursue, but stopped, because of the blow just now, he blocked and kicked the opponent’s waist, and under the powerful force, the lumbar vertebrae in the opponent’s body had been broken!

“Shhh!” Ignorant Xuanma, who had just solved two or three middle patience, gasped and was shocked by Li Zhenwu’s strength.

“Two moves! It turned out that it only took two moves to defeat a Shangnin! It’s so fast! The power is too strong! “Every time I see Li Zhenwu fighting, for the unknown Huo Xuanma, the shock is so strong!

I don’t know that Huo Xuanma fantasized about it, if he changed places, he could barely hold on to Li Zhenwu’s few moves, but the result made him unwilling to think about it anymore…

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